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Politics & Government - 26 November 2006

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Do The Stamps Make It Legal To Possess? Serious Answers Only Please:)

2006-11-26 10:12:40 · 5 answers · asked by Lexy 3 in Law & Ethics


2006-11-26 10:12:33 · 8 answers · asked by 43 3 in Politics

right behind Reagan?

2006-11-26 10:11:48 · 10 answers · asked by Short Haired Sexy-Person 1 in Politics

Why is it any of our business what they(Gays) do, it doesn't affect our lifestyle or progress either way?

2006-11-26 10:11:46 · 15 answers · asked by JS 3 in Politics

iam doing a paper on why arabics chose not to vote this election year (2006 nov.7)

2006-11-26 10:09:31 · 2 answers · asked by denise.hairexpress 1 in Elections

The person I hit said he was ok and we exchanged insurance information. Now I get a letter from that sheriffs dept saying there is a warrant for my arrest and it's been almost five years. I called the other persons insurance comapny and they said that case was closed and my insurance company at the time paid the claim for that accident. I wanted to know the statue of limitation for Washington State in regards to charging somebody with hit and run? How could they bring these charges against me anyway if the person I hit and I agreed we would let our insurance companies handle it? Thank you, B from Iowa

2006-11-26 10:07:14 · 7 answers · asked by Bernadette H 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

people,dem,s ,,republicans,,,,lol ITS OVER,,,,so to help the civilians what should be done now,,,,

2006-11-26 10:04:57 · 7 answers · asked by CIVILIAN 4 in Politics

so many well known politicians have done the same trick by claimimg thier health is suffering so they can't be tired in court. general pinnochet of chile was a good example ,he commited mass murders of his own ppl supported by the u.s and it's allies, he even had a free heart operation in the u.k a few years back. but he wasn't tried cos he was claiming ill health, now the ex italian is trying it ,he is aobut to be tired and done an oscar act live on t.v , so sohuld people like these be tired irrespective of thier health?

2006-11-26 10:04:25 · 7 answers · asked by mr.truth 2 in Government

my husband is confident that because he just got disabled by Social Security and receives payments per mo. of $1742 for himself and he can earn $850 per mo. in addition and still keep his benefits, that he doesn't have to pay child support at all. I receive $612 for both kids only from Social Security.

2006-11-26 10:03:46 · 9 answers · asked by sharon 1 in Law & Ethics

What are the benefits/reasons that US citizens would want to keep illegal immigrants here? Are they all just bleeding heart liberals who don't look at the situation logically? I just don't understand...

2006-11-26 10:01:18 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

then they must also oppose in-vitro fertlization to maintain a consistiant moral stance? It doesn't involve killing anything, it is only making use of something that is going to be thrown out anyway.

2006-11-26 10:00:39 · 17 answers · asked by JS 3 in Politics

we the public are being victims of shop lifters, and car thief's and people doing break and enters and even home invasions. But if that person is under the age of 18 we the public are not allow to know who is targeting us,and the worse part of this is those committing the crimes know this and their identity is safe and secure. The laws of this country are here to protect the Innocent not those committing the crimes. I would ask is it not time to get rid of the young offenders act. or at least reduce it to the age of 12?

2006-11-26 10:00:25 · 3 answers · asked by dougjm55 1 in Law & Ethics

2006-11-26 09:59:46 · 12 answers · asked by Walker Texas 1 in Immigration

2006-11-26 09:57:48 · 24 answers · asked by sheila 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

It is a universal truth, that Reagan was the best president ever. Why are the conservative actors the only good politicians? look at reagan and schwarzenagger

2006-11-26 09:52:08 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Does anyone know how many people were killed during the saddam regime and whether that number is higher than the total number killed so far in the war?

2006-11-26 09:50:46 · 5 answers · asked by thesunshineking 2 in Military

I am an anthropologist, and a U.S. soldier (National Guards). The show would be about myself and another travelong across the world, and visiting and experiencing many things. I am also going to do crazy stuff such as skydiving, ect, ect. We will travel to archeological sites, so it will be educational, but like I said, there's going to be much more involved. I am going to do a little bit of research in each visited country and ask a few questions, and compare them to see how the different people of the world would respond. I plan on later publishing the results, but believe me, it will be a fun show. The thing is, I am in the National Guards, so here comes the main question that I need to know.

If I (Still) come back to America, to serve my one weekend a month and 2 weeks a year, and also go to serve my country if and when I am called up, will I be allowed to be out of the country doing this? I mean would the army tolerate it?

I hope so, this is a really great opportunity.

2006-11-26 09:49:09 · 7 answers · asked by dizzy_19832002 1 in Military

News stories are fakes they say. Any information about illegal aliens is declared untrue. Illegal aliens do not use fake social security cards. Illegal aliens are the hardest working people of what must be the entire world. Illegal aliens do not drink or sell dope.Illegal aliens do not collect welfare, when it's listed in the news and newspapers every day. There are no illegal aliens in jail or prison all this is a myth.Illegal aliens do not lie. Illegal aliens do not steal. Illegal aliens do not abuse a system made for the America people. That's what I see from all you pro legal. That all illegal aliens are really all saints just ask the Pope

2006-11-26 09:48:09 · 20 answers · asked by Walker Texas 1 in Immigration

I understand FDR's court packing plan didn't work but I thought that sometime before that we had a supreme court with more than 9 justices.

Am I wrong.

2006-11-26 09:47:56 · 2 answers · asked by conklinmichael 1 in Law & Ethics

As result they practice their own cheap brand of censorship by flaging the report abuse button to every comment they disagree with. Could this be because they realize that they have no real argument to debate?

2006-11-26 09:46:14 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

I know the phone number can be changed but don't want to go that route.

2006-11-26 09:45:45 · 8 answers · asked by imjustpeachytoo 2 in Law & Ethics

Please I am really wondering about their motivation. Please no because we rule or they are jealious or name calling or racism.

They must be pretty motivated to be willing to die. So I want to know why? Or is this a question nobody knows.

2006-11-26 09:43:53 · 16 answers · asked by cosmiccastaway 3 in Military

Im just curious. Before you joined the Military, why did you want to become a part of it? What made you say this is what you wanted to do?

2006-11-26 09:38:24 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Is PETA after me for letting my cat outside or is the environmentalists after me? Probably a combination of the two

she has also killed...
-2 other cats
-3 moles
-9 birds
-3 rabbits

and I don't know how many others she has killed.

2006-11-26 09:37:57 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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