Because they are hypocrites.
1) Religious conservatives use Levitical Law in the Bible as a reason (homosexuality is an "abomination"), but Levitical Law also states that adultery is punishable by death, shellfish is unclean, and women should be locked away during their periods. For every demonstration against Gay marriage there should be a demonstration seeking to execute Bill Clinton, the CEO of Playtex, or the head of Red Lobster.
2) Social conservatives say that this is a radical change to traditional marriage, often linked to the ability to reproduce. Sorry - it's a change to a very recent definition of marriage. The traditional marriage is that a man buys a woman from another man; she then does her "duty" for him until she produces an heir. Only very recently did the courts change the definition of marriage to consider that it is possible to rape one's spouse. That was radical! But again, for every demonstration against Gay marriage, we do not see a demonstration in favor of arranged marriage, or for banning marriage between sterile straight people.
It's because they are hypocrites.
2006-11-26 10:33:53
answer #1
answered by Strepsi Barcolet 1
I agree with Holly's answer and with the first part of Ralfcoder's answer. And along with those I'll add that one problem that conservatives have with this issue is HOW gay marriage is being leglalized -- in the courts, rather than in the legislatures. In "The Federal Courts, Politics, and the Rule of Law," by John C. Hughes (published 1995), it says:
"In the contemporary political context, those who fear conformity have tended to describe themselves as liberal and have tended to applaud judicial 'protection' of human rights. Those who fear diversity have tended to call themselves conservatives and have been appalled by judicial 'usurpation' of the majority's discretion to form the kind of community it finds most conducive to its own happiness. The former tends to approve of the expansive theories of constitutional interpretation, while the latter tends to prefer the restrained theories of judicial review. These alignments are neither perfect nor inevitable, but the debate has surely been shrill."
2006-11-26 19:08:15
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The definition of "conservative" is "someone who resists change". Gay marriage is a radical change from the way things have been. But they can get used to it. Conservatives were against civil rights at first, against interracial marriage at one time, and even against marriage between people of different religions or ancestral countries. They can adjust to this, and at some point, they'll say, "I guess it's not so bad after all".
2006-11-26 18:19:09
answer #3
answered by Ralfcoder 7
Because we need standards in society. Have you seen what marriage is like in countries that have gay marriage? Know this and you will understand why conservatives oppose gay marriage.
Also, you can look at the fact that 75-80% of Americans are against it. Or every time people vote on it, it is defeated.
I thought liberals like you are so for democracy.
2006-11-26 19:22:04
answer #4
answered by GOPneedsarealconservative 4
It's a way to use gay people to scare the less intelligent members of society and it works. Cons like to blame gays for every conceivable problem on earth. You name it, it's their fault in the neocon world. They'll stop using them when it stops winning them elections. Sometime shortly after people finally wake up and realize that America has real enemies and real problems that kicking dirt in the face of gays just won't solve. I wish I could say that will be sometime soon but I'd be a liar.
2006-11-26 18:25:10
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I am a conservative who could care less about who gets married to who
But I think the reason is that they believe it may contribute to immorality, which eventually leads to a decline in society. I think if it were proven that gay people have no choice on being gay, then they would not mind as much, but that, has yet to be proven
2006-11-26 18:18:13
answer #6
answered by Short Haired Sexy-Person 1
They think that they have to tell everyone what to do because God has instilled in them a moral compass equal to no other.
Like for example Jim Baker, or that Haggert fellow, both fine upstanding conservative christian men.
They feel like their way of life is best and they have to shove it on everyone.
2006-11-26 18:18:41
answer #7
answered by Perplexed 7
Good question, I think the obsession with gay people cost them their majority in the last election.
2006-11-26 18:17:40
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Who said we are. Marriage is between a man and a woman so by definition there can be no same sex marriage. Now if they want to run around and play house then who cares.
2006-11-26 18:17:04
answer #9
answered by goodtimesgladly 5
They feel like it's their duty to preserve marriage as it is, just as they feel it's their duty to define right and wrong for everyone.
2006-11-26 18:16:19
answer #10
answered by Anonymous