I sold a car while in CA. I've since moved to PA and I submitted movement forms to the CA DMV as I was supposed to. But, the CA DMV aparently didn't get the "Notice of Release of Liability" from the new owner of the car and thinks that not only do I still own it, but that I am still at my old address. I've gotten the 2nd notice where they are threatening to keep my CA tax refund and all sorts of nastyness unless I send them money. According to their own insturctions, the "new buyer must apply for transfer" using the form. If the new buyer did, aparently the DMV lost the forms. How do I rectify this? I don't have the new buyer's name or address. Please tell me I'm not the first person this has happened to. There must be a way to tell the DMV what happened. I tried calling but only get recorded messages.
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Law Enforcement & Police