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Politics & Government - 23 October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Politics & Government

Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

why cant the greens seem to find a spokesman who speaks from the heart.
in an age of bland characterless politicians with nothing much to choose between them, isnt it ethical integrity that people are crying out for?
isnt it time we had representitives who were concerned about the welfare of all living beings and had a global outlook instead of always looking at narrow economic advantage?
wouldnt it be good to follow a party or leader who made us feel good about being human, instead of feeling our leaders were colluding with bankers and industrialists to desecrate the planet on our behalf?

2006-10-23 01:46:14 · 6 answers · asked by catweazle 5 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-10-23 01:44:54 · 10 answers · asked by coonjim 1 in Law & Ethics

1 attack in London, 2 more attempted. We have every right to point the spot light at their little society.
We were not attacked by a diverse group of people but by MUSLIM males from Britain. We were attacked by an enemy who shares a common heritage. what's wrong with a fight back?

2006-10-23 01:40:07 · 33 answers · asked by Smiler 1 in Immigration

lets see, he gave millions to the Bush campaign even back when he was Governor, he will spend no more than 9 months of the 20 plus years he deserves, is that justice?

2006-10-23 01:37:13 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

If another crosses the line and does use electronic devices to enter into your home and collect information about any thing at all it is illegal. If they use it to contact the people that you contact is that a crime. If they feel there is a need such as worst case scenario is it still a crime. If they do take and it is proven is it not home invasion with circumstances of robbery..Then to have the very people stalk you for only disruption and confuse issues about there invasion and or the need to cover a crime worst case murder. What if they gather information that there is a reward for the capture or the info leading to a solved crime is it right that they will collect or try to and if they did is that not grand larceny. The minimum amount on a federal is 10. 000 if that is correct then would not the people involved in this act be nothing but criminals. If the need is to paperstein you to prision no matter what l;aws they break or if they try to get a peice of paper a heart beat .

2006-10-23 01:35:51 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

i have to research it for a workshop but cant find anything, and was wondering if any Yahoo users knew of any good ones (English law please)

2006-10-23 01:34:54 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Seems that moderates and independents will be voting for democrats, on account of the war in Iraq. WIll we see some time lines laid out in the next couple of weeks? Will the democratic party win without having to build their party? Did the republicans miss their opportunity to garner these votes from the third parties? What will the republicans have to do to keep the presidency?

2006-10-23 01:33:59 · 13 answers · asked by hichefheidi 6 in Politics

im currently 17 and plan on enlisiting in the military when im 18, but instead of going right away i plan on doing PLC and ROTC in college. i keep telling my parents there is no way the military will be able to take me out of college if i sign up for one of those things, or both in my case...but my parents still wont listen...i try to get them to talk to the recruiter and they say im not intrested and they dont want to here about it....

any ideas on how to get them to at least talk to the recruiter and understand that i will be getting a college education?

2006-10-23 01:33:51 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I have read reports of a massive military buildup around Iran by American and European powers. One can only ask: why?

2006-10-23 01:33:10 · 8 answers · asked by In Honor of Moja 4 in Other - Politics & Government

or is it something more snister.

2006-10-23 01:33:00 · 21 answers · asked by joseph m 4 in Military

They have resumed whaling, and done so against the wishes the rest of the civilised world. Should all EU member countries and individual citizens show their displeasure at this move by stopping all trade and all travel to these rogue states?
I for one, choose to boycott ANYTHING from either of these two countries.
I am not a veggie or animal rights person.. But the line has to be drawn somewhere. This is NOT on,,,,send the message.

Register your protest at these e mail addresses
emb.london@mfa.no (Norwegian Embassy)
icemb.london@utn.stjr.is (Iceland Embassy)

2006-10-23 01:32:40 · 2 answers · asked by mike_dromara 4 in Politics


2006-10-23 01:32:10 · 5 answers · asked by Shiraz!! 1 in Politics

In australia if you are low income you get free health including hospital, radiology, medicine, doctors and dental...I cant imagine life without this......

2006-10-23 01:31:11 · 20 answers · asked by sass_blue 2 in Other - Politics & Government

do u think that the jews had the right to take a land that it was not their land and announce there country(israel)...can i go with my friends to ur house and stay in it and say that it is my house now and not urs, then kill u and ur family , what will u do? u should fight me , right? so why do we call the palestinian terrorist . we should call them freedom fighters

2006-10-23 01:30:01 · 10 answers · asked by Nemo 3 in Politics

They have resumed whaling, and done so against the wishes the rest of the civilised world. Should all EU member countries and individual citizens show their displeasure at this move by stopping all trade and all travel to these rogue states?
I for one, choose to boycott ANYTHING from either of these two countries.
I am not a veggie or animal rights person.. But the line has to be drawn somewhere. This is NOT on,,,,send the message.

Register your protest at these e mail addresses
emb.london@mfa.no (Norwegian Embassy)
icemb.london@utn.stjr.is (Iceland Embassy)

2006-10-23 01:28:35 · 4 answers · asked by mike_dromara 4 in Politics

With the Democrats and Republicans continuing this fighting, back biting, slandering, playing one-up-manship, vengence it seems like a bitter national divorce fighting over custody of the general public: Two parties forgetting their responsibility toward us, forcing us to take sides against each other.

It is a lose, lose situation. If the Dems win we have to accept whatever they force on us and the same holds true for the Republicans.

They have pitted us against each other for their own advantage and we have blindly allowed it to happen. No matter what happens 50% of the population will be punished and coddled again right before the elections.

If this is not changed at the grass roots we will fail at all our endeavors.

Alas, we have driven all the true statesmans away.

Kinda like Humpty Dumpty.

2006-10-23 01:28:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

In your opinion please;
A man has been repeatedly beating and abusing his wife of 15 years, whilst drunk and out of control, one day he pushes his wife too far, she flips, grabs a kitchen knife and stabs her husband 4 times out of rage, he dies almost instantly! What should be her punishment in a court of law? Thankyou! EC XX

2006-10-23 01:25:42 · 53 answers · asked by Emma 4 in Law & Ethics

In the Ohio governor's race, Ken Blackwell (R) is facing Strickland (D). Blackwell is the current Ohio Secretary of State and trailing Strickland by 20 points in the polls. Facing this possible defeat, Blackwell has found a technicality to have Strickland's name thrown off the ballot, which would leave Blackwell running unopposed. It would be up the the Ohio Secretary of State's office to make the final decision as to whether or not Strickland's name remains on the ballot. Blackwell claims there is no conflict of interest. Right!
Repulicans don't steal elections. Or do they?

2006-10-23 01:21:43 · 13 answers · asked by Overt Operative 6 in Politics

2006-10-23 01:20:39 · 4 answers · asked by justin s 1 in Politics

If so, why not? What has influenced your thinking?

Also like to hear from those that believe the 6 landings occurred.

Please also include your political leanings.

2006-10-23 01:18:22 · 14 answers · asked by Brendan G 4 in Other - Politics & Government

My case has been going on since 1998 .It is a small estate. I have been just paying lawyers and sometimes it sits in their office for a year or so with no action .I really could use some advise on this one. Dont say change lawyers Im on my 4 th.

2006-10-23 01:12:49 · 6 answers · asked by sjjdka 1 in Law & Ethics

i hit a guard rail that was sticking out while entering an aaccess road onto private property

2006-10-23 01:12:45 · 5 answers · asked by paduka25 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

for Medicare benefits

2006-10-23 01:11:18 · 4 answers · asked by lewis 1 in Government

With the crowding of prisons coming into the public eye do you think we should give murderers and paedophiles an easy life in prison or should we have the death penalty for SERIOUS crimes that have been committed

2006-10-23 01:09:32 · 56 answers · asked by Carolyn R 2 in Law & Ethics

The US is always saying how it wants to spread democracy to other parts of the world, especially when speaking about Iraq, North Korea, etc.. But does the US have a truly democractic system? After all, what it has now is a two party system which doesn't really represent every citizen's views. How can the US truly be the model for democracy that the founding fathers envisioned?

2006-10-23 01:06:01 · 20 answers · asked by zucchero81 2 in Government

i want to get a full name change but i'm not sure where to go about doing it. i live in maryland in case that's helpful. no i'm not trying to hide from creditors or anything, more personal reasons. thanks =)

2006-10-23 00:54:35 · 63 answers · asked by Kismet 7 in Law & Ethics

Don't you think if 300,000 men went into Iraq in the beginning, as Gen Shinseki recommended, it would be stable by now?

2006-10-23 00:53:52 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

for crimes such as The Green River killings in the US.

Which invention besides this one, do you think has changed the world for the better?

2006-10-23 00:52:42 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

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