Ok.. basically im looking at joining the Air National Guard as an MP.... theres a question on the medical exam part that asks if you have "ever attended counseling"...
my problem is that when i was about 16... (im 19 now)... my dad made me go to an anger management session... i only talked to the shrink for about 10 minutes, and he told me he cant legally make me stay. that was it, i left the place and never went back... didnt have to, didnt need to (long story, parents thought i was on crack and stuff, but ive never done a drug in my life, etc...)
so anyways, does that count as counseling? like i said, at the very most i was in there for 10 minutes and the whole thing was frivilous, so do i tell the recruiter, or just shrug it off as nothing? I honestly dont think that counts as "attended counseling"... but sometimes the military thinks otherwise.
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