Is there anyone that is so biased in their oppinion, so illiogical, that hates President Bush so much, that they would actually believe that he co-ordinated the attacks on 9/11, and so ignorant to believe that his administration bombed the levys in New Orleans, and attacked Iraq for fuel? I know that there are alott of people out there that do believe this. who here does?
If you do, HOW can you call yourself an American, and at the same time call ,Bush the President of America, a hitler monster, and a murderer? YOu may talk horse crap all the time about such a bad president that he has been, but do you have the balls enough to be the president? For ignorant ill-informed people to be constantly on your back, calling you an idiot?!
HAve you forgotten 9/11? If it were not for Bushes plan to protect America, there would have been dozens more of 9/11's.
And even if you don't aggree with him or his pollocy or his party,at least give him respect,insted of darn if u do darn if u don't.
27 answers
asked by
Mr. Agappae