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Politics & Government - 28 August 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Or, do some liberals think they actually have a point?

2006-08-28 08:38:03 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

apparently this gentleman has never been in a combat situation...


1st, God loves war. Read the Old testament.

2nd, I do not believe that the Japs have a deep seated hatred for everything American, and either do the Itallians, or the Austrians. or the Brittish. War can cause hatred, and can also forge new alliancees.

3rd, pacificism is evil for two reasons.....all that is necessary for evil to win is for good men to do nothing, and pacifism by deliberatly taking away from one nation's war effort helps the enemies of the home nation. Desertion is more honorable than pacifism.

2006-08-28 08:37:51 · 5 answers · asked by hardartsystems 3 in Politics

I sold U$20k worth of cuban car flags to this individual, he paid me 50% and I ordered the factory to manufacture them. The flags arrive(on time) and when I try to cash the 50% advance, he chargeback the check and now claims that he had called to cancel the order and that he won't take the flags. I have a his check signed with a memo on the check that says "car flags".

Do you think I can win this in court?

2006-08-28 08:36:40 · 5 answers · asked by wb 2 in Law & Ethics

Who would you say is winning in this debate?

2006-08-28 08:36:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2006-08-28 08:33:51 · 8 answers · asked by lethallolita 3 in Law & Ethics

Why do liberals love the traitor, John Kerry?

2006-08-28 08:33:20 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

If you treat us nice we will be kind to you after we have won the vote and let you prove to us you entered this country legally. Keep in mind, just because you were borne here doesn't count. We need proof your ancestors came here with proper documentation.

2006-08-28 08:32:26 · 20 answers · asked by Bubba 2 in Immigration

Because many don't understand the basic economic impact of Illegal’s residing in our country destroying everything we have strove to achieve, I ask this question. When our ancestors came here this (our economic machine and its balancing mechanisms) did not entirely exist.

For those who are for Amnisty I would say take a basic Economics class then come back and answer the question. For their edification, we have loaned Mexico and a number of third world countries Billions upon Billions of dollars (each) only to cancel the debts over and over again. This is an effort to create a one world nation or rather a one world bank (refer to the Economics class). This has only served to reduce our worth (see; GNP) to nothing both physically and in terms of real world impact (The fact that I struggle to pay for MY three children) AND pay for free Welfare, pre-natal services, Medical, Medicare, WIC, food stamps, Housing, free schooling, free bussing (While I pay $330 per child in CA!) and more -

2006-08-28 08:31:35 · 13 answers · asked by V Remember Me 2 in Immigration

2006-08-28 08:31:26 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Does the undercover cop have to tell them the truth?

2006-08-28 08:27:55 · 38 answers · asked by ernie_casarez 4 in Law Enforcement & Police

He's been stuttering more than usual!

2006-08-28 08:27:34 · 17 answers · asked by Debra B 2 in Other - Politics & Government

so yup. i saw the news yesterday. n they r allowing the over the counter selling of the morning after pill. im just curious as to wat yall think. i wont judge, i promise. (17 yr old african american femalew) peace

2006-08-28 08:26:53 · 21 answers · asked by kalkidan62003 3 in Law & Ethics

Lookit lookit,this is the BEST the Bush-supporters can do at this point.

The very best.

From:John Skerry
Q:Do you think the liberal movement create the neo-Nazis?

Try tellin' THAT crap to a bunch of white-ring natioanlist nuttiest in Idaho!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
get a life hahahahahahahahhaha

2006-08-28 08:25:46 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

And if it were, how would it affect your views of the issues being discussed ?

Consider that we have at least one poster ("erudite": http://answers.yahoo.com/my/profile;_ylt=Ah5G7cTCsm96TkpI8RYgVFQezKIX?show=6931a8d973e2a0c7f37954ef3a68a4c7aa) who PRESENTS HIMSELF AS A VETERAN OF THE US MILITARY, and yet posts at least 5 - 10 messages per day trumpeting ignominious defeat for the US in Iraq, expressing admiration for Hezbollah, often while using flagrantly made-up news stories about "crying Marines".

Further consider that he posts those messages at hours more consistent with the Middle East than the American mid-west, and in a writing style that was never cultivated in a US public school, using slang ("eating shame" ??) more appropriate to Shakespeare than the Army.

If it were proved that person were a paid agent, would it make a difference to how you view the war ?

If there were an organized campaign to use open forums to broadcast propaganda, should it be stopped? If so, how?

2006-08-28 08:25:31 · 21 answers · asked by AmericanDreamer 3 in Military

40,000 US troops have deserted in the Iraq War; dozens killed in Iraq, including 8 US troops; Read all about it in http://www.truthout.org

2006-08-28 08:25:25 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

1. You won't blame Osama for anything. You'll invent some theory about Bush doing it.
2. You want to be a Human Shield for the Butcher of Baghdad.
3. You desert your post for Saddam before the first bomb is dropped.
4. You claim you're smart but won't dare site Democrat demographics according to education.
5. You believe you're a victim at all times.
6. You feel you deserve someone else's money
7. You feel it is your duty to protect and defend NAMBLA members
8. You believe feeling is all you need.
9. You thrive on the motto: "If it feels good, do it."
10. "Bush", "Blood for Oil", "Rove" has to be every other word out of your mouth.
11. Only 3-4 years ago you were quoting Michael Moore with "There is no terror threat."
12. Only 3-4 years ago you were quoting Michael MOore with "Osama is only the president of a men's club"
13. Today, you post continuously, "Where's Osama".
14. You believe Bush gave up on Osama by not invading Pakistan.

2006-08-28 08:23:18 · 15 answers · asked by W E J 4 in Politics

That's what it seems like to some.

It's amazing that they think it is an insult to be patriotic and a flag-waver.

2006-08-28 08:23:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

What is in the black box of an airline these days?

2006-08-28 08:22:56 · 11 answers · asked by baddog 4 in Military

Saddam is gone!!!!! Who do you want to see rule Iraq next?

Ralph Nader, give the guy a chance at office finally, or Boy George, why not?

2006-08-28 08:21:56 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

keep it real and factual

2006-08-28 08:21:00 · 5 answers · asked by tough as hell 3 in Politics

1. You won't blame Osama for anything. You'll invent some theory about Bush doing it.
2. You want to be a Human Shield for the Butcher of Baghdad.
3. You desert your post for Saddam before the first bomb is dropped.
4. You claim you're smart but won't dare site Democrat demographics according to education.
5. You believe you're a victim at all times.
6. You feel you deserve someone else's money
7. You feel it is your duty to protect and defend NAMBLA members
8. You believe feeling is all you need.
9. You thrive on the motto: "If it feels good, do it."
10. "Bush", "Blood for Oil", "Rove" has to be every other word out of your mouth.
11. Only 3-4 years ago you were quoting Michael Moore with "There is no terror threat."
12. Only 3-4 years ago you were quoting Michael MOore with "Osama is only the president of a men's club"
13. Today, you post continuously, "Where's Osama".
14. You believe Bush gave up on Osama by not invading Pakistan.

2006-08-28 08:20:49 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Did anyone know that amnesty has been granted before, and said they were going to enforce our immigration laws, and tighten up our border, and it didnt work?

Now there is more illegals here again, wanting amnesty, and people are promising they will enforce our immigration laws..all over again, this is starting to become a pattern.

Illegals come..amnesty..more illegals come amnesty..nothing gets accomplished..

If it didn't work the first time, how is it going to work the second?

We are doomed to repeat our past, if we don't do anything about this issue..

2006-08-28 08:20:15 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

She made it through basic and endured stress factures to the leg, an ankle injury, and terrible hip pain. She refused to let her injuries stop her from completing basic. She was 1 out of only two people who made high marks in shooting. She seemed okay. When she got to VA for AIT everything seemed to fall apart for her. She couldn't seem to adapt. She was still in terrible pain and finally starting taking pain pills. She became highly depressed and tried to seek help from different people. She said that she couldn't cope and wanted a discharge. When she didn't get help she tried to commit suicide and was put on suicide watch. She is only 19 years old and is afraid to turn herself in because she said that she cannot cope with going back to VA. She has been AWOL for 25 days and I am afraid that if she doesn't turn herself in that she will go to a federal prison. She is not emotionaly strong enough to endure prison. How can I help her? We do not have the money for a lawyer.

2006-08-28 08:20:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Remember, I voted for the $87 billion before I voted against it!

Are liberal democrats totally spineless?

2006-08-28 08:19:30 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

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