It seems that Liberals like to find a way to blame George W Bush for just about every problem in the world...since when did the answer to all of our problems become, "It's George's fault!"
My girlfriend is pregnant, it's George's fault!!! You, you want to know why? huh? well, its because, umm, he has all this money he has gained while working in the White house and he is associated with the Oil Cartel and he's evil!
I feel bad for George, because with everything he's dealt with during his two terms thus far, and how well he's handled it, everyone that disagree's with his political views (sometimes) is attacking him for stuff that isn't even related to politics!
But to comment on my question...I KNOW that some jackass is going to find a way to blame George W Bush for the conflict between Israel and Lebanon, even though this has been going on for decades upon decades upon decades...
I mean, Liberals DID find a way to blame Georgey for 9/11~why not this?
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