"Save the babies!!" They wail and wail.But after they are born,the Republicans who "save" them vote to cut programs to help poor kids.
It is hypocritical.Look at this e-mail from a good pro-life chtistian":
From: screwedbytheleft
Subject: Yes, as a matter of fact "******" is a word it means:
Message: Get the **** out of my paycheck you turdmonkey. I don't want to pay for your abortions, your meds, your hemorroid treatments, your ******* housing, or childcare expenses. The only thing the gov't should be spending taxes on is defending this nation. Whether in Iraq, Iran, our the city of Berkeley.
Dont tell me.Tell the kids.
Turns out they are not pro-life,they are pro-birth.
This finally prooves it.
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