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Current Events - September 2007

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There are many terrible things happening in the world, but this one is quite simple to understand. The people want democracy and the military are trying to supress their demonstations with batons, bullets and a media blackout. Will you stand up for Burma?


2007-09-30 23:17:25 · 3 answers · asked by Skidoo 7

You all know where I stand on the matter (I truely believe it was the parents), Im just throwing out other possibilities for you........

Have you ever thought that Maddie could have woken up in a daze and LEFT the room to look for her parents (the door was unlocked after all)
She could have wondered into a road, got hit by a car and her body disposed of by the frightened driver?

2007-09-30 23:10:15 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Guilty or innocent of murder.I'm not talking neglect now,just murder.
One word answers please.Thanks all.

2007-09-30 23:09:02 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

The reason it's so windy in this country is cos of those big windfarms all over the countryside. Total waste of electricity if you ask me...

2007-09-30 22:56:01 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous


After his 3rd suicide bid, he asks

'Why wont you just let me die?'

Does he not realise that this is the easy way out for him, and they wont let him die because justice must be served for those two little girls and he HAS to be punished for what he did. Someone said 'oh, just let him die, good riddence'. I dont think thats right.

Your thoughts please...
Do you think he should just be allowed to take his own life or do you think he should suffer for the rest of his life?

2007-09-30 22:35:33 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

Any theories you'd like to share? and yes I know this question or similar has already been asked but it's still permitted to ask again

2007-09-30 22:10:43 · 21 answers · asked by big pup in a small bath 4

If the McCanns talk to the press they are accused of chasing celebrity.
If they don't talk to the press they are accused of being secretive.

If they don't cry they are accused of being cold.
If they do cry they are accused of being manipulative.

If they don't spend the fund money they are accused of keeping it for themselves.
If they do spend the money they are accused of spending it on the wrong things.

If they don't hold hands in public rumours of impending divorce circulate.
If they do hold hands in public they are accused of putting on a show.

I could go on, but I have a job to do.

2007-09-30 22:04:01 · 22 answers · asked by Skidoo 7

There was a goodMadeleine special on Spanish tv last night called "Madeleine, El final del Silencio" on Antenna 3. They made some interesting points. There were interviews with the waiters,Robert Murats lawyer and people who live in PdL also with a forensic expert who has seen transcripts of the police interviews. He claims that in total, Kate spoke for just under 20 mins in her last 13 hour interview, the rest of the time she remained silent. They phoned Sky news but didn't call the police.That was left to Mark Warner staff to do 40 mins later. Kate actually lied and told a woman who offered to call the police that they had done it already. The residents who waited every day to applaud G and K and give them flowers finally stopped because they couldn't understand Kate laughing and joking with her sister then putting on a sad face to hold G's hand and walk to the beach with all photographers in tow.They had a babysitter booked but cancelled it a 5pm.

2007-09-30 22:02:38 · 25 answers · asked by trancebabe 4

It was mentioned on another forum that it appears odd that Kate doesn't appear in any photo's alone with Madeleine, not any holidays snaps or pictures of them together at home, especially, you would think with Kate being prime suspect in this case, pictures of her and Madeleine would be plastered all over the papers now. Madeleine a much wanted IVF child, Kate's firstborn, yet not a single picture of them together.
I've seen pics of Gerry with Madeleine and/or the twins, but none of Kate.

2007-09-30 22:01:54 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

of being the direct cause of Global Warming???????

2007-09-30 21:41:14 · 7 answers · asked by Faith 6

I have yet to hear a logical explanation that the McCanns murdered their daughter.I know 80% of the time it is the parents but,I believe the McCanns are the other 20%.They took a huge risk leaving their children...Now they are paying for it.Dont forget,most of the group were leaving their kids too.
Some parents take risks and are lucky nothing goes wrong.The McCanns were not and they are paying for it in the worst possible way.The PJ trying to convince us of the McCanns guilt has made me more convinced of their innocence.Let's not forget,right from the start,it was the McCanns who said not enough was being done.That speaks volumes alone.At the end of the day,Madeleine is/has suffered and so are the parents.They get my full support every step of the way.
That is my opinion,you dont have to agree,I'm just telling you anyway.

2007-09-30 21:37:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or could it have been a friend, family or one of their great followers who are certain they are innocent?

2007-09-30 21:31:22 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

how can i add a clip of news/or pics to my questions? llike if i read something on the net and want to put it on hear so ppl can click on the link and see it , how?

2007-09-30 19:46:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

how many days till 3/25/08(march 25th 2008)

2007-09-30 17:40:40 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i need three reasons.
i have one.
-we went in war before 9/11, so we were obviously trying to control something over there.

PLEASE HELP ME. tell me anything you know about this topic....miltary imperialism or war in iraq...

i'd appreciate it ALOT.

thank you.

2007-09-30 15:29:34 · 12 answers · asked by christinaCHAMBERLAIN__777 2

If you knew someone had left their children alone..

Report them? Or Turn a blind eye?

If you turned a blind eye would you feel responsible if something terrible happened as a consequence?

Devils advocates need not answer........

2007-09-30 14:54:16 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

They are saying lethal injection is inhumane I have a good ? for ya why should we give any mercy for the felons that rape and kill brutally kill women and and children they suffered horrible deaths and for you bible thumpers its an eye for an eye isnt it Im sickened to find out yall give more consideration to the killers than the victoms and tired of hearing its inhumane and by the way the electric chair is more inhumane than lethal injection i think felons that rape and kill should have the same punishment that they gave there victoms only 100 times worse

2007-09-30 13:42:58 · 4 answers · asked by drew d 3

jesus i'm afraid my jaw my fracture from the large yawn i get building up inside each time i read a keyboard kojak rant on about some idea they might have about this poor missing girl.
can we not just wait for the cops to build a case and take it to court were evidence will be heard instead of all this wild salanderous gossip that going down

2007-09-30 13:26:53 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-30 13:19:31 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-30 13:14:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

i know they are remodeling it right now but when will they open it?? i cant wait. i heard it will be the best Natural History Museum in the world. when will they open???

2007-09-30 12:54:42 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-09-30 12:52:47 · 4 answers · asked by t_a_m_i_l 6

Doesn't he realize that US goes to war because another Country attacks US first. Or is planning to attack US?

Then also what about http//www.iranfocus.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=5183 where they sentenced to death a women who defended herself when a group of guys who tried to gang rape her & she accidently killed one. Then they would have sentenced her to death if she didn't try to defend herself also. Damn if she does & damn is she doesn't.

Why are they so self righteous. When Jesus Christ did just the oposite regarding the women who was caught in the act of adultery? Because Iran is an oppressive nation.

2007-09-30 12:11:51 · 8 answers · asked by t_a_m_i_l 6

and their is evidence that he wired 10,000 to the lead hijacker. this has been raised by many independent investigators but not in the mainstream media. is this not a big red flag that something shady is going on.




2007-09-30 11:53:29 · 6 answers · asked by Lee Edward 1

I know that you can answer more question with more points but thats all. I fail to see the sence of it all. Or am I wrong

2007-09-30 11:48:07 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

What the heck! In Arizona, Texas and hmm, I can't remember the other state. It was on Fox news.

This was "fresh" water like in lakes and streams.

2007-09-30 11:23:20 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

has smelly feet.

and gets 10 points in sympathy. (1 for each stinky toe)

2007-09-30 11:18:25 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

Or anything else along those lines that you can think of that are RELIABLE sources. No Wikipedia or anything like that. :)

2007-09-30 11:14:00 · 3 answers · asked by That Girl 2

In the news, you constantly hear that Iran is sponsoring terrorist group(s). What group(s) is/are that and is there any proof?

2007-09-30 10:55:22 · 9 answers · asked by Tom Hagen 3