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2007-09-30 13:14:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Current Events

8 answers

i heard we actually dont know why anymore. i think we might just be there to help out with their gov. but other than that, thats all.

2007-09-30 13:18:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

There are many reasons, going back to when Saddam of Iraq invaded Kuwait, because he owed them a lot of money that he had borrowed to finance his war on Iran, and instead of paying off the bank loan, he decided to rob the bank.

The rest of the world ganged up on him ... this was not acceptable behavior. He was defeated but not surrendered. There was then an uneasy peace during which we were involved over there enforceing various UN mandates, to try to stop him from doing any more genocide against his own people, which was rather unsuccessful.

For example, the USA led the people of Iraq to believe that if they rose up and overthrew the dictator, that the US would help them. Instead, the US stood by while the democracy movement was butchered.

Saddam was making all kinds of threats atainst the US, and not cooperating with UN inspectors, and we expected a whole lot more from our military intelligence than we were getting.

So there was this notion that
* Saddam is a bad bad guy and we can beta him, but we cannot beat other bad guys in the world
* The UN and Congress has given the President authorization to do what it takes to clean up the mess over there
* Saddam has WMD he going to use against us

There is that notion now with respect to Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela, so guess where we will invade next, once Iraq is settled?

After 911, there were conspiracy theorists in charge in the White House, who thought Saddam was helping bin Laden. Our Vice President still believes it, even though there have been many contrary conclusions from high level investigations.

Now there is this mess that is much worse than Vietnam ever was. The war in Vietnam was also based on conspiracy theorists in the White House and the Pentagon, but the reality there was that after we retreated from Vietnam, there would be no wider war.

If and when we exit Iraq, unless we are very careful in how we do it, the result will be the enemy getting a recruiting campaign for more attacks against us that will make 9/11 seem like a picmic.

Although Saddam's involvement with bin Laden was as trivial as most every nation on the planet, now that we are there, it has fueled a huge opposition to us that will grow astronomically if we exit this mess.

2007-09-30 20:30:01 · answer #2 · answered by Al Mac Wheel 7 · 0 0

Because Bush convinced congress that Iraq was hiding weapons of mass destruction.

2007-09-30 20:19:05 · answer #3 · answered by Marge Simpson 6 · 0 0


We went into Iraq because congress, the united nations, hillary clinton , bill clinton, nancy pelosi, howard dean, madeline albright, joe biden, harry reid, john edwards, evan bayh, and many other countries insisted we go in.

This war is not President Bushes war.


2007-09-30 20:52:02 · answer #4 · answered by mary 6 · 0 0

It's a great place to kill Al Qaeda terrorists. Iraq is the Al Qaeda magnet.

2007-10-01 17:44:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To kill all the innocents. With Bush running the show that will be the only thing accomplished.

2007-09-30 20:28:11 · answer #6 · answered by Williamstown 5 · 0 0

who's we hun? are you referring to anyone specifically or do you mean is the war a waste of time? please clarify. thanks

(but to be honest I thought it was about oil)

2007-09-30 20:18:15 · answer #7 · answered by Mossy Jan 6 · 1 0

What planet do you come from pal. I did not realize other planets were now involved

2007-09-30 20:18:31 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3