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Current Events - January 2007

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One of the best bits of advice that you can give is "If you are deep in a hole, stop digging." The US is so deep in the hole of Iraq because of its ill-advised and amoral military intervention that clambering out with as much dignity as they can muster and then getting the hell away as quickly as possible is the only option. But not to President Dubya. Oh no! He thinks that the best thing to do is to send in more troops and try and bash the hell out of the wicked folk who are still making trouble.
Whose side is Dubya on? Is he going to join the Shiites to fight the Sunnis, or the Sunnis against the Shiites? Maybe he's going to fight both (does he know the difference?).

So 20,000 young Americans are going to be at risk because of the President’s vanity and stupidity. Is he now clinically and certifiably insane. What do you think?

2007-01-10 20:32:40 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have just read in this morning's papers that the CEO of chrysler has accused the Europeans of being scare mongerers in respect to global warming and he has played down the effects his type of product is having on the environment, yet with reports of New Yorkers sunbathing in the middle of winter in central park, and Britain's night time temps in Jan being higher than July's how can he say this......ARE ALL AMERICAN SO PIG IGNORANT?

2007-01-10 20:02:55 · 19 answers · asked by michael s 4

I support the decision. Because, taking into account strategies. I know exactly what it is on the ground and what would happen in a withdraw....

A withdrawl now, would be the equivalent of our withdrawl during WWII, when we prevented Patton from confronting the Russians......or preventing the Russians from getting the nuclear bomb....

except this time, the consequences would be much war....namely, this time, we would most likely engage in nuclear war.

Let me explain. If you let down the troop levels...or 'cut the line' so to say...you make the people in Iraq anxious...and their support to radicals increases for security.

In such a scenario...what would end up happening is Iraq falling under the influence of Iran, and becoming another terrorist haven...

once this happens, harbouring terroists gives them more influence to excert demands. Such as putting the price up...and even to the extent of unleashing a new era of terror on the US...which I call the nuclear ransom

2007-01-10 19:31:19 · 6 answers · asked by zack u 1

Here's why
•Went to war AGAINST international advice.
•Did not have the backing of the UN.
•No WMD (which we were told they had).
•Virtual civil war (although they will not say as much).
•He got pounded in the mid terms over Iraq his reply to the defeat “I thought I was doing alright, shows how much I know” !!!!
•3000 + killed. Not to mention hundreds maimed & mentally scarred for the rest of their lives.
•A key focus group on Iraq says (In so many words) “Is a mess, need to get out.”
•Politicians (all sides) say – “Need to get out.”
•American people say – “Need to get out.”
•His own Generals are saying – “Need to get out.”

Bush’s response ???????? Sending MORE troops in !!!!!!!

What do you think. I would especially like to here from US users.

2007-01-10 19:13:35 · 16 answers · asked by David 5

2007-01-10 18:41:11 · 8 answers · asked by garnessilva 1

is there ANY CHANCE of the Shiites and Sunnis getting along with each other and co existing peacefully?

2007-01-10 18:16:20 · 5 answers · asked by keig 2

I am just a little confused about SOONIES AND SHEAS...(not sure about the spelling.).......I thought the Sheas are insurgents from Iran trying to increase chaos so Iran can eventually take over most or all of Iraq......Is that correct.?? and who are the Soonies then.?

2007-01-10 17:58:06 · 5 answers · asked by keig 2

It seems that our President is going against the nations vote last November, and willing to take the responsibility for it. I sense that revenge is his true motive right now, and that his blind responsibility to the people in place for his greatness, and for our redemption from our voting actions last November. Growing up evangelistic, this is what they do, and think. What do you think?

2007-01-10 17:53:12 · 5 answers · asked by ruggedwarrior_love 2

In his speech tonight, Did Bush indicate that Iran has helped the insurgents that oppose American forces in Iraq? If that is the case, then we are dealing with a country that has effectively attacked U.S. forces, aren't we?

This is also a country that is on the 'Axis Of Evil', and is allegedly try to develop nuclear weapons.

So will the U.S. move against Iran? If so, how? Air strikes? Ground invasion? Or will the U.S. simply help Israel do the job? And if such a war does happe, what will be the ramifications for the region and for the world?

2007-01-10 17:39:38 · 4 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1

What are they fighting for?

2007-01-10 17:35:26 · 14 answers · asked by havillah k 2

Well, that is what Bush keeps on telling everyone. What I would like to know is how the hell they are going to get here? On plane? boat? swim?

Seriously how are all these terrorists going to come here and start fighting in America? The airline hijackings were a problem with airline security and could happen anywhere.

American's are freeking duped into thinking fight them there or they will come here. They have to damn way to get here!

2007-01-10 16:35:29 · 11 answers · asked by aorton27 3

2007-01-10 16:28:59 · 5 answers · asked by don_steele54 6

you are a cruel man even to your own people in return for body bags you send more troops out of usa ?????? are you islamic bush?

2007-01-10 16:24:05 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


25 million ton asteroid will be the first in human history to pass close enough to be seen with the naked eye in 2029 (it will pass closer than many of our satellites).

The trouble comes in if the asteroid passes through the "keyhole", an area of our orbit that would cause the asteroid to certainly hit the Earth in 2036. There is a 45,000 to 1 chance of this happening. Once it goes through the keyhole, we do not have the technology to move it the 5,000 miles off its course it would take for it to miss earth.

The tough question comes in that we have the technology to cause it to miss the keyhole, but it would take around 12 years to plan such a mission and would be incredibly expensive. We won't know for sure if it will hit the keyhole until 2021, too late to stop it at our current technological level.

So do we blow the energy and money to divert it now, or risk it?

2007-01-10 16:23:41 · 11 answers · asked by red_necksuck 4

2007-01-10 16:10:43 · 11 answers · asked by cece 4

bush already kind of told the world usa stretched to its limits as far as troops go ,????????

2007-01-10 16:05:04 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

What would you say are the positive effects from the war in Iraq?
Specifically how has if benefited America? How have the soldiers saved Iraq? What good has come from us being there? How is Iraq's government, ecenomy, etc. changed since the war started?

*please don't comment if you are aqainst the war, I really don't want to hear that*

Thanx so much everyone for your answers!

2007-01-10 15:56:52 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Even if our new strategy works exactly as planned, deadly acts of violence will continue, and we must expect more Iraqi and American casualties," he said. "The question is whether our new strategy will bring us closer to success. I believe that it will." -Bush

2007-01-10 15:38:58 · 6 answers · asked by diniba69 2

What are the years of age to be considered of" gen X"? Why is a huge "Gen next"priorty to be rich and famous?

2007-01-10 15:34:53 · 5 answers · asked by shesaid 2


2007-01-10 15:08:29 · 10 answers · asked by Robertus911 3

He's already deployed troops as of Monday, the surge didn't need a vote. Sorry people, you've been duped. He's using the same hood that Saddam refused, he's using to put over all americans heads so that they "see no evil".

2007-01-10 14:34:51 · 13 answers · asked by whispergently0204 3

I watched the presidents speach tonight and I am wondering is there a conspiracy to bankrupt our nation? When did we vote to make Iraq a democracy. Aren't these things supposed to be, well, against the law? It all seems a little treasonous, to destabalize another nation, throw it into civil war, spend all of our money and use up all of our credit to do it and then have the audacity to try to call the resulting government which was forced on the people a democracy. When did the Iraqis ever ask for our help? How can they be dependant on us if we forced this on them? Thats like saying the prisoners are dependant on the guards for their incarceration.

2007-01-10 14:24:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm talking about January 10 address

2007-01-10 14:11:44 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I watched the presidents speach tonight and I am wondering are we forcing our way of life on others? Actually, Come to think of it I don't remember us having a vote on invading Iraq. It kind of seems like it was dictated to us that we were going to spend all of our budget surplus plus all of the nations credit on war.

2007-01-10 14:10:07 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

President George Bush tonight ( 1-10 07) actually admitted that he did something wrong ! In regards to his failure to order a military buildup after it was obvious he should have, Bush said: "Where mistakes have been made, the responsibility rests with me ." That blew my mind ! Did it blow your mind too, that Bush would actually admit that he screwed up ?

2007-01-10 13:57:10 · 5 answers · asked by Count Acumen 5

i didn't get a chance to see it. wut happened?

2007-01-10 13:56:52 · 2 answers · asked by idkidcsoyea 2

Bush just threatened Iran in his big speech on Iraq and admitted what I've been telling you all for months...there are naval deployments directed specifically at Iran in the Persian Gulf right now.

Israel denied that it has plans to nuke Iran last weekend.

Bush is sending in troops to take out Iran's private army in Iraq.

2007-01-10 13:55:53 · 21 answers · asked by Perry L 5

I've been researching the Fatah-Hamas conflict that's been going on in the Middle East (Palestine; Jerusalem; Gaza). I was wondering, can anyone help me out with thinking of events or incidents or conflicts in world history that it is similar to?

2007-01-10 13:52:05 · 5 answers · asked by twistedangel 3

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