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Current Events - January 2007

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2007-01-13 16:07:47 · 11 answers · asked by TBone 6

He was wrong about the weapons of mass destruction.
He was wrong about U.S. troops being greeted as liberators.
He was wrong about Iraqis taking control of their own security.
He was wrong about the intensity of sectarian strife.

As President Bush pleaded with Americans for another chance in Iraq Wednesday night, he was speaking to a nation that has largely given up on his wartime judgment, has lost faith in his ability to succeed and is likely to have grave reservations about his assertion that the quickest way to end the conflict is to escalate it.

As the war approaches the end of its fourth bloody year, Bush is choosing to ignore the recommendations of both his military commanders in the field and the advice of the bipartisan Iraq Study Group. So where did he get his hare-brained idea that more troops will solve the countless problems in Iraq that the US helped create?

2007-01-13 16:00:25 · 12 answers · asked by taowhore 4

2007-01-13 15:45:20 · 20 answers · asked by satyaprakash y 1

Africa is the cradle of all humanity, and yet it is still one of the worst places in the world to be. From disease to political upheavals to genecide across the continent, strife abounds. I think healing the injustices in Africa would be a good first step to healing humanity. What can we do to improve the situation?

2007-01-13 13:58:03 · 7 answers · asked by tjcsonofallnations 3

he is such an awful president

2007-01-13 13:56:57 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm sick of him being there personally...every move he seems to make just puts this country in more of a whole with something...
the day he was confronted by a reporter..

reporter: how do you feel the war in iraq is going president?
bush: bad.
reporter: do you think you could be more descriptive on that?
bush: the war in iraq is very bad.

I thought I was going to lose my mind that day. Some days I want to put him in camo give him a gun and throw him in Baghdad. I'm not sure why people vote for him to stay in government.

2007-01-13 13:37:19 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Now that Saddam's chapter is over, and more troops are going to Iraq, in the name of peace and stability, and with there being increased tension between the US & Israel over Iran nuclear program, is this a front to war over Iran in the not to distant future?

2007-01-13 13:26:54 · 24 answers · asked by OSWIN J 1

murder,thieft,attempted murder,vandilism,(etc.)

2007-01-13 13:24:29 · 22 answers · asked by hamm 1

.Salam. I am an american female thru and thru who will be converting to Muslim. I'm engaged to a beautiful ,sweet,honest man from Pakistan. To those of you that think the Muslim women should not wear the veil.To those of that think it is just to get attention please read this. Qur'an says:
" O Prophet! Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers that they let down upon them their over-garments; this will be more proper, that they may be known and thus they will not be given trouble; and Allah is Forgiving, Merciful."(33:59)
Clothing is one point, which distinguishes between mankind and animals. It helps people become more familiar with cultural characteristics of an ethnic group, or with those belonging to a region. Variety of clothing has three considerations to cover the body, to embellish the appearance, and to represent an idea.
Islamic hijab being covering for women protects them from harassment.It isn't a sign of weakness it protects our rights as women.

2007-01-13 13:16:41 · 10 answers · asked by celticwolf68 1

2007-01-13 13:13:42 · 8 answers · asked by RED WHITE AND BLUE 4

why isnt anything being done about the genocide going on in Southern Sudan? i mean persanally i dont think the US troops should get involed but i think the UN should do something or someone??

2007-01-13 12:57:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

using the KKK to root out a few criminals in Harlem? (maybe not a perfect analogy but you get the point)

2007-01-13 12:14:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

U.S. is attacking Shiite Militia and Sadr now that Saddam is dead. What will happen?.Is Bush focusing on personalities he doesn't like?They say it is in general against all the insurgents but the Kurdish Peshmergas in Baghdad will definitely have no problem attacking the Shiites.Anybody who has been there please answer.

2007-01-13 12:13:34 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Should we pull out, seperate iraq into shiite, sunni, and kurd, or increase our troops there?

2007-01-13 11:34:49 · 8 answers · asked by krazykrazny 2

2007-01-13 11:13:19 · 12 answers · asked by ? 6

Betcha something else will come out about this? Media has been quiet but you know they will be digging dirt?

2007-01-13 10:51:43 · 20 answers · asked by richard c 4

2007-01-13 10:26:38 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Looks like i was correct when i have said over and over our government is setting us all up to die! Send the troops to their death and let the enemy attack from the south "Texas" and the north"minnosota"! this is why the government is preparing I-35 so the enemy can come rite on in! wake up America!!!!!!

2007-01-13 09:51:11 · 10 answers · asked by jason 2

....country etc? Don't you think that's a bit racist?

2007-01-13 09:20:24 · 31 answers · asked by Georgina 3

2007-01-13 09:20:16 · 22 answers · asked by futurecatcher 3

2007-01-13 09:06:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Allegedly quite a few did. Which ones?

2007-01-13 09:01:06 · 12 answers · asked by count_bongula666 3

one kid was "abducted" for 4 years and didn't say a thing and easily could've escaped. Now I'm just a normal kid as well. And after seeing his pic now, I could easily see him as just a pissed off kid not wanting to return to his family.

and the other "abducted" kid...Im literally not making this up...the official story is that the one single major thing the other kid returning back to his family did.... he immediately ran up to his room to turn on the computer to play some video games

This whole thing reeks. It should be very interesting what develops.
Are people that stupid that they think this was an out and out kidnapping?

2007-01-13 08:57:06 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Did this school get shut down because some people go in it and say they never see any children there and the lights are out

2007-01-13 08:57:01 · 1 answers · asked by Rose 3

2007-01-13 08:20:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is kind of in repsonse to the ill-conceived Sheehan question, but really Bush has done 100X the Damage that Sheehan could dream of.

Bush has Tortured.
Bush lied us into a war.
Bush neglected Osama and Afghanistan.
Bush created record deficits.
Bush has SEVERLY neglected American domestic policy.
3000+ soldiers have died as a direct result of his incompetence.

This isn't Bashing or fantasy. This is the plain and simple truth.

Why isn't he held to account?

I believe if we had an honest media, his approval rating would be 10%.

We impeached Clinton for a BJ, yet this grossly incompetent man gets a free pass from people who DARE to call themselves patriots?


2007-01-13 08:10:06 · 12 answers · asked by Jimbo 2

2007-01-13 08:05:14 · 4 answers · asked by danaisagurlsname11 1


CHICAGO (AFP) - The world is inching closer to nuclear Armageddon, a group of prominent scientists and security experts said.


The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has kept a Doomsday clock since 1947 as a reminder of the dangers of nuclear proliferation.

The clock will be moved forward Wednesday at simultaneous events in Washington and London whose speakers will include physicist Stephen Hawking, the Chicago-based periodical said in a statement.

The Bulletin warned that the world had entered a "Second Nuclear Age marked by grave threats."

It cited the nuclear ambitions of Iran and North Korea; escalating terrorism; unsecured nuclear materials in Russia and elsewhere, the continuing "launch-ready" status of 2,000 of the 25,000 nuclear weapons held by the United States and Russia, and "new pressure from climate change for expanded civilian nuclear power that could increase proliferation risks."

First set at seven minutes to midnight -- a phrase that has become part of pop culture -- the clock has been moved 17 times in response to global events.

The most recent shift was in 2002 when it moved two minutes forward because the United States withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and terrorists were known to be seeking nuclear and biological weapons.

It currently stands once again at seven minutes to midnight, the closest to danger since the end of the Cold War.

Founded in 1945 by scientists who had helped develop the atomic bomb and were deeply concerned about the use of nuclear weapons, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists counts 17 Nobel laureates among its boards of directors and sponsors.

Here are the dates and reasons for previous changes:

- 2002: Seven minutes to midnight

The United States rejects a series of arms control treaties and announces it will withdraw from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. Terrorists seek to acquire and use nuclear and biological weapons.

- 1998: Nine minutes to midnight

India and Pakistan "go public" with nuclear tests. The United States and Russia cannot agree on further deep reductions in their nuclear stockpiles.

- 1995: Fourteen minutes to midnight

Further arms reductions stall while global military spending continues at Cold War levels. Risks of nuclear "leakage" from poorly guarded former Soviet facilities increase.

- 1991: Seventeen minutes to midnight

The United States and the Soviet Union sign the long-stalled Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) and announce further unilateral cuts in tactical and strategic nuclear weapons.

- 1990: Ten minutes to midnight

The Cold War ends as the Iron Curtain falls.

- 1988: Six minutes to midnight

The United States and the Soviet Union sign a treaty to eliminate intermediate-range nuclear forces; superpower relations improve; more nations actively oppose nuclear weapons.

- 1984: Three minutes to midnight

The arms race accelerates.

- 1981: Four minutes to midnight

Both superpowers develop more weapons for fighting a nuclear war. Terrorist actions, repression of human rights, and conflicts in Afghanistan, Poland and South Africa add to world tension.

- 1980: Seven minutes to midnight

The deadlock in US-Soviet arms talks continues; nationalistic wars and terrorist actions increase; the gulf between rich and poor nations grows wider.

- 1974: Nine minutes to midnight

SALT talks reach an impasse; India develops a nuclear weapon.

- 1972: Twelve minutes to midnight

The United States and the Soviet Union sign the first Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.

- 1969: Ten minutes to midnight

The US Senate ratifies the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

- 1968: Seven minutes to midnight

France and China acquire nuclear weapons; wars rage in the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, and Vietnam; world military spending increases while development funds shrink.

- 1963: Twelve minutes to midnight

The US and Soviet signing of the Partial Test Ban Treaty "provides the first tangible confirmation of what has been the Bulletin's conviction in recent years -- that a new cohesive force has entered the interplay of forces shaping the fate of mankind."

- 1960: Seven minutes to midnight

Growing public understanding that nuclear weapons made war between the major powers irrational amid greater international scientific cooperation and efforts to aid poor nations.

- 1953: Two minutes to midnight

The United States and the Soviet Union test thermonuclear devices within nine months of one another.

- 1949: Three minutes to midnight

The Soviet Union explodes its first atomic bomb.

- 1947: Seven minutes to midnight

2007-01-13 08:01:16 · 6 answers · asked by triplet 2

I'm not sure if I'm right, but from seeing the news, it seemed like he was just keeping them in his apartment. One was missing 4 years ago and the other one just 4 days ago. What did he do to the boy who was abducted 4 years ago? If he had wanted to kill him, he would have done so already? But what was his use for them?

2007-01-13 07:27:26 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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