i am 15 years old. i broke up with my ex girlfriend a couple months ago, and we were friends and there for each other ever since then. one night she said she wanted to talk to me, she said she was alone also. she drove over here with 8 guys. all over 17. she introduced me to one, and i shook his hand and was then put in a full nelson and punch in the face many times. they gave me 2 concussions with a bat and had a 9mm gun with them. only one guy has NEVER been in jail before. anyways, i was on the ground and i stumbled into a run and happened to have a small pocket knife with me. (3 and 1 half inch blade, and legal). i stabbed one in the thigh when they cornered me, and the rest backed off. called the cops on my cell phone in my pocket twice because they couldnt know i called. i then called after i got away and confessed. the cops are trying to get me with 1st degree assault (felony), and the others with misdemeanors such as curfew. i have very limited money, tell me your thoughts.
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