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News & Events - August 2007

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Current Events · Media & Journalism · Other - News & Events


And why isn't the first on the any other news site?

2007-08-29 07:09:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Media & Journalism

Dog got that much $ while her grandkid got none. What do you think?

2007-08-29 06:47:46 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Media & Journalism

Personally, I think this cements her status as the Queen of Mean. What a hateful person.

2007-08-29 06:45:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

With school starting, the April 16 attack at Virginia Tech that left 32 dead is still on many people’s minds. Some are looking for guarantees that such an attack won’t happen again.

2007-08-29 06:41:33 · 9 answers · asked by Angelbaby7 6 in Current Events

there is something needs to be done about it like a bill which threatens parents or anyone leaves the kids in the car on a hot or any other day there will be a cost to pay to do it?

2007-08-29 06:08:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

Given the extensive scientific evidence that New Orleans is quite possibly the worst possible place in the United States to form a metropolis, and considering the fact that the tax payers are the ones that pay to rebuild the area, should we pour more money into a disaster prone, below sea level city that could very easily be toppled once again?

2007-08-29 05:28:24 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

Or just what you need ?

2007-08-29 05:17:41 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

do you think will ever see nudity on tv, like a women exposing her breasts or w/e. like on nbc, abc, cbs, or fox. those channels that people get for free.

2007-08-29 05:17:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Media & Journalism

2007-08-29 05:08:01 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

2007-08-29 04:49:58 · 6 answers · asked by Steel Rain 7 in Current Events

The news says she left 12 million to her dog.

2007-08-29 04:29:03 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Media & Journalism

NEW YORK - Leona Helmsley's dog will continue to live an opulent life, and then be buried alongside her in a mausoleum. But two of Helmsley's grandchildren got nothing from the late luxury hotelier and real estate billionaire's estate.


2007-08-29 04:24:14 · 16 answers · asked by Belzetot 5 in Current Events

We, like everyone else, await the results of the forensics from the recent searches. We do not know who has taken Madeleine or why. Sometimes people do things for reasons that even they cannot understand. An act of madness, an accident or sudden impulse can lead to consequences that people may never have imagined or intended. Faced with such a situation we believe any human soul will ultimately suffer torment and feelings of guilt and fear.

2007-08-29 03:59:21 · 27 answers · asked by justmebackagain 2 in Current Events

A natural disaster happens, people go crying for the government to help them. Why aren't Americans able to pull themselves up by the bootstraps and move on? Why do they expect the government to coddle and fend for them? Why aren't they fending for themselves?

2007-08-29 03:42:18 · 10 answers · asked by socmum16 ♪ 5 in Current Events

Now no one will miss her, not ever her dog. Thoughts?

2007-08-29 03:40:43 · 11 answers · asked by douglas l 5 in Other - News & Events

I'll give you a hint


I have pictures of New Orleans that I took in
October 2005
February of 2006
Last week

They all look the same.

2007-08-29 03:16:55 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

OF COURSE NOT..I hear the ignorant decry. But then I ask them to read this article from a man who gave 50 years of his life to Nasa, now talks about a meeting with Dr. Wernher von Braun, the Geman scientist & chief architect of the Saturn V launch vehicle, the superbooster that propelled the United States to the Moon.
He would have NO REASON whatsoever to 'make up stories' nor would the honourable man recalling this story 50 years later..


I wont be checking any responses to this post, I just want people to realise these things DID happen and from so many credible people saying the same thing, dont buy the official Airforce lie (which has changed several times, by the way!)

2007-08-29 03:01:48 · 3 answers · asked by █ORal-K 2 in Media & Journalism

was in the papers today that gerry mc cann ripped off his mike and walked out of an interview when he was asked about the blood splatters found in their apartment, what do you think about this?

2007-08-29 02:49:03 · 21 answers · asked by SUE G online 6 in Current Events

2007-08-29 02:27:20 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

Allegations of guards setting up gladiator fights between juvenile inmates (zahid mubarek) http://www.zahidmubarekinquiry.org.uk/

Does that sound like a 5* hotel to you?

2007-08-29 01:14:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

I seem to remember it took a long time for the Governor of Louisiana to ask for help, and the Mayor of New Orleans did not tell people to leave until the very last minute. And why aren't individual states and municipalities (especially those prone to flooding and huricanes!!) responsible for preparing for these disasters, and for the inevitable clean up afterward.
I'm sorry for the people who lost their homes and/or family members, but after 2 years and millions of our nation's tax dollars, something's gotta give.

2007-08-29 00:43:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

This time for storming out of an interview. wow! big deal! Who cares.

Just find that little girl!

god bless to the Jones' Family.

2007-08-29 00:13:15 · 19 answers · asked by *T*I*N*K*E*R*B*E*L*L* 3 in Current Events

First, please let me start this by saying that I know they were wrong for leaving their children so you don't need to tell me that in your answer. That's been covered and YES they were wrong, stupid, neglectful and whatever else

What I would like to know and I do believe in honesty.

Do you want the McCanns to be found quilty or connected to their daughter going missing? As I said, apart from the fact that they left the children, do you want to see the McCanns accused of possibly murdering or covering up an accident that involved their little girl?

I said I believed in honesty. I don't believe that they had anything to do with it. The questions that have been asked on here have accused them of some horrible things.

Forget the fund, forget the posters & wristbands or travelling around meeting people. Just a yes or no would do (that's asking a lot I know). I'm not saying you can't have an opinion but please don't go over the facts already covered.

Many thanks

2007-08-28 23:53:38 · 43 answers · asked by Tabbyfur aka patchy puss 5 in Current Events

This is only to do with the neglect issue, not any other issues that may or may not be proved later.

I think a suspended sentence would be appropriate along with community service. I think its important a criminal record is placed on them so they learn their lesson as they clearly havent since at worst they were 'naive'.

2007-08-28 22:49:25 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

For weeks now, we've been busy posting regarding little missing Madeleine McCann.
Just thought i'd clear up one thing for myself.
Most of us do not condone children being left unattended.
It was a terrible decision by the McCanns & they know it now.

That said, can someone please tell me why on earth would the public who are not privy to details of the investigation
continue to hurl stupid, cruel accusations or murder/ hiding evidence against Madeleine's parents?
The media has a lot to answer for, with regard to the rumours being spread but surely the general public should
use their brains & see stupid journalism for what it is and refrain from joining in the witch-hunt?

I'm appalled at the complete lack of compassion & empathy, displayed by people who don't even know the McCanns personally
enough to get involved in the search for their Madeleine but brash enough to make wild insinuations about them.
Accuastions about them murdering her & hiding evidence (without any proof whatsoever)
Accusations about them living a celeb life off the fund (which is now refuted)
Insinuations about Gerry McCann's "guilt" with references to his personal blog.
Inferences that Kate doesn't look "sad or sorrowful" enough.

Have Gerry & Kate McCann been dealt with justly?

Don't confuse the 2 issues now...
i do not speak of leaving their babies unattended (leave that to the law);
i speak of the accusations that the McCanns murdered their own Madeleine & hid evidence.

2007-08-28 22:37:14 · 8 answers · asked by Faith 6 in Current Events

Not wishing to sound nasty but it is a bit like seeing a bus out of control, and you know its going to crash, and crash bad ....... you just don't know when.

2007-08-28 22:19:10 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events


2007-08-28 21:15:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events