Ok, so now the police are expected to apologise for the arrest of two brothers one of whom was shot. Well, NO.....no apology should be given. It's ok for people to preach hatred and threats to kill on the streets of England and Great Britain and nobody feels the need to make an apology. However, when police act, in our interests I might add, they are scorned and accused of God knows what. These people who cry out about the police would soon demand to be protected if something was going on at the top of their road and then the police would be the best thing since sliced bread. Apologise....NO. What are we, going to roll over everytime somebody is upset, I don't think so. Men fought for this country, men died for this country and men and women are still dying for this country. Don't start calling me a racist, if you do you've completely missed the point of what I am saying. I'm proud to be English, I'm proud to be white and I'm proud to be part of our great nation.
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