My metal eyeglass frame has broken at the nose piece (separating the glasses into two halves). The break occurred riight where the curved nose piece attaches to the main frame just next to the lens.
A previous soldered repair "sealed" the screw such that I cannot take the lens out, so that soldering is out. I did "try" some super glue, but it didn't hold. However, it was not a "brand name" and may not have been the best choice. Is there a glue/cement/epoxy that I can use to attach (perhaps just 1-2 mm of contact is avaialable) the two parts of the metal frame to get a "good enough" repair? I am not certain of the material but it is light, and possibly aluminum or a light alloy.
I wear contacts, so these are backups and I don't wanrt to spend $$$ for a new set since I rarely use them.
QAlso, any recommnedqations on how to improve the bond to give it the best strength would also be helpful.
Thanks in advance
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