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Home & Garden - 25 March 2007

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Cleaning & Laundry · Decorating & Remodeling · Do It Yourself (DIY) · Garden & Landscape · Maintenance & Repairs · Other - Home & Garden

My upstairs toliet is sweating so much its leaking through the floor down into my laundry room on my dryer.What can I do to prevent this?

2007-03-25 08:48:52 · 6 answers · asked by candi 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

they used to be really dark wooden cabinets, and it made the kitchen seem really dark, and small, BUT THAT'S THE WAY MY DAD LIKES IT! and i hate it! we painted them white, and when the sun shines in, it's so bright and cheerful..my dad said "look at other people's kitchen and see what color they paint THEIR cabinets!" so i need opinions please!!!

2007-03-25 08:48:13 · 10 answers · asked by yolanda 1 in Decorating & Remodeling

Light switch in bathroom controls overhead fan and fluorescent lights. They begain flickering after many years of bright non-flickering use. I followed suggestions found on internet. Replaced bulbs and, when that did not solve problem, replaced the ballast. Problem continues with flickering and low level of illumination. No problem with fan.

2007-03-25 08:43:54 · 10 answers · asked by ferrarispkr 1 in Maintenance & Repairs


If I'm getting up and getting dressed,etc. do I have to wear shoes all day? I'd rather wear my slippers.

2007-03-25 08:41:53 · 5 answers · asked by Sher 1 in Cleaning & Laundry

2007-03-25 08:40:39 · 4 answers · asked by slickblackice2002 1 in Decorating & Remodeling

i need to know if flea beetles are edible because i ate some cooked ones.Yuck!

2007-03-25 08:39:38 · 3 answers · asked by richard14110 2 in Garden & Landscape

i need to know if flea beetles are edible because i ate some cooked ones.Yuck!

2007-03-25 08:39:02 · 1 answers · asked by richard14110 2 in Garden & Landscape

2007-03-25 08:38:45 · 3 answers · asked by mercswerve 2 in Other - Home & Garden

they used to be really dark wooden cabinets, and it made the kitchen seem really dark, and small, BUT THAT'S THE WAY MY DAD LIKES IT! and i hate it! we painted them white, and when the sun shines in, it's so bright and cheerful..my dad said "look at other people's kitchen and see what color they paint THEIR cabinets!" so i need opinions please!!!

2007-03-25 08:38:37 · 4 answers · asked by yolanda 1 in Decorating & Remodeling

Any electricians want to explain why this is? Is it a safety feature?

2007-03-25 08:34:11 · 3 answers · asked by Meridianhawk42 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

I work at a school and the kids and I are off for Spring Break this week. I am trying to manage my time the best that I can but really need some help! I need to do my spring cleaning, but I also want to do things with the kids while we're off. I also am highly addicted to Yahoo Answers! so I really need some advice on how to stretch my time out further... :) Anyone else trying to do this too?!

2007-03-25 08:33:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cleaning & Laundry

I recently purchased a new dishwasher and washed a pan with leftover spaghetti sauce in it, now the white walls and door of the dishwasher are stained orange. I have tried Tang and ran that through an empty dish cycle twice, and it has not lessened the stains. What else does anyone recommend trying?

2007-03-25 08:30:37 · 5 answers · asked by Brainsofop 1 in Other - Home & Garden

"roll up" on the bottom......You know after you wash them the hem on the bottom won't stay flat. Is there a way to fix this and why does it happen?

2007-03-25 08:27:26 · 8 answers · asked by Lynn T 3 in Cleaning & Laundry

2007-03-25 08:26:29 · 9 answers · asked by james m 66 1 in Cleaning & Laundry

well me and my dad just decide to make gardens last year well last year they didnt get any flowers in them b/c of fininalcial probs so what type should we put in we have most ly sun light and half shade

2007-03-25 08:15:13 · 4 answers · asked by katiebug 2 in Garden & Landscape

I mean, not weird stuff, but vegetables. I saw something like beets growing in the small compost heap in the corner of the yard, and I was wondering if that happens often, and is it safe to eat?

2007-03-25 08:12:52 · 5 answers · asked by Amber F 2 in Other - Home & Garden

i've just bought lavender seeds to grow, and it says to sow them indoors 6-10 weeks before the last spring frost, but it's already spring here, should i still grow them indoors for that period of time, or do i just plant the seeds outside in a place with a lot of sunlight?

2007-03-25 08:12:41 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Home & Garden

I have been using Murphy's Oil Soap and it cleans great, but I would like something that would put a shine on them. Any suggestions?

2007-03-25 08:11:54 · 2 answers · asked by weldonp2002 1 in Cleaning & Laundry

We have 5 ceiling-mounted, hard-wired, dual-tube flourescent lights in our garage, switched from the wall. The ballasts are black rectangular boxes.

When I turn them on, two of them don't usually light. If I flip the switch 15-20 times, these lights will come on - sometimes one bulb, sometimes both bulbs, & sometimes one or both will just flicker.

If I continue flipping the switch until they both illuminate fully, and leave them on for an hour or more (approximately), then they will light with no problem when I turn them off and back on again.

Are fluorescent ballasts heat sensitive, so even if failing, they will work okay if heated up? Or does it sound like it could be just the bulbs?

I'd just change the bulbs, but it's an 18 foot ceiling, and I'd rather at least have a clue before I climb up there and start messing around.

Also, even the ballasts for these fixtures are a bit pricey, so I'd like to know before I invest the money in ballasts I may not need.


2007-03-25 08:09:22 · 6 answers · asked by Don P 5 in Maintenance & Repairs

It just stopped working yesterday, i didn't notice to begin with but it started to get cold, when i checked the central heating wasn't on. I looked at the boiler and the pilot light ws out. I reignighted the pilot light and it sounded like it was working, but then it started making a clonking sound and cut out. I have tried this several times, but it keeps doing the same thing. What could it be and how could it be fixed. I will call a gas engineer out tommorrow, think it could be costly........

2007-03-25 08:06:06 · 5 answers · asked by shaz 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

2007-03-25 08:05:03 · 5 answers · asked by alexhotpenis 3 in Cleaning & Laundry

My uncle has a 1979 Montgomery Ward riding mower that he has kept in great shape, but is having trouble finding replacement blades for it. Looks like MTD is the manufacturer. I've searched a number of parts sources online without success. Any suggestions on where to try next?

Mower = Montgomry Ward (mfg MTD)
model tmo-33814xb or tmo33814xb

blade details
part mtd-3604-045 or 3604-45
18 1/4 inch long
1 1/4 inch center hole
11/32 bolt hole on each side of the large center hole

2007-03-25 07:54:08 · 3 answers · asked by Joe D 6 in Maintenance & Repairs

It's a jacket that can't be machine washed. Wool inside and a fake fur collar on the hood.

2007-03-25 07:52:43 · 3 answers · asked by Jen M 1 in Cleaning & Laundry

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