I noticed increased, yellowish discharge last week and made a doctor's appointment, as I suspected bacterial vaginosis. When I tested my vaginal pH with a Vagisil screening kit, it indicated my pH was very high (over 7). I thought for sure I had BV and went to the doctor this afternoon.
She didn't find ANYTHING, even though I requested that she look for BV, trick, and send off samples for chlamydia and gonorrhea, too. She said she didn't think ANYTHING would come back positive, and that I should just wait til I take the ring out on Friday, have a period, and observe the discharge after that.
Suddenly I'm now realizing, as I search through the NuvaRing prescriber information online, that I inserted the Ring two days late last time. My boyfriend never ejaculates into me, and we don't often have sex, but I'm absolutely terrified I'm pregnant and that I WON'T get a period.
Please help!!! Am I overreacting?
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