here is my situation,i am at home to care for my husband.he is under going very serious treatment for cancer as well as he has just has 2 stem cell transplants(one with his own,didn't work and now with his sister's)as well i am a mom to a 4 year old,i am doing well with all of this mentally, but i think physically it is taking a little toll on me (we have been going through treatments with my husband ever since our child was born,so about 4 years) what i would like is some suggestions on some vitiamin/healthy suppliments to help me with low energy the pass few months i am finding myself very tired and less active,i am a very out going and upbeat person and i do deal well with what life brings your way,i just think although i have good healthy eating habbits and try my best to be active each day in some way,perhaps the stress is weighing on my physical being and i need to look at some vitamin/healthy suppliments.i know thati should also consult with my doctor, thank you!!!!!!!
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