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My last shot ran out the begining of january. we are in february and i just got my period back..or at least i think i did. i have had very dark brown, prety much black, blood for almost a week now. my question is this: with this black not red blood and not that much of it but its everyday that i get it ( for 4 days now) am i fertile again? its not real blood so i wonder if im not ovulating. does it have to be real blood (red) to be ovulating? please any experience with this ladies or know someone who has had this issue? thanks for your help!!

2007-02-10 04:07:17 · 2 answers · asked by A Proud Marine's Daughter 3 in Health Women's Health

2 answers

It is dark because it is very old blood. Remember, you didn't have a period, but that didn't stop your uterus from lining itself with blood and tissue in the event of conception. Honestly it is a bad idea to try to get pregnant right away. And sometimes it takes several months for the shot to completely ease out of your system. Count the first day of your period as day one. Then on day 9-11 get an ovulation test and see. But I know miscarriages and difficulty getting pregnant is higher for the first few months off birth control, especially if you were on it quite awhile.

2007-02-10 04:13:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That blood is OLD blood that has been lining your uterus for some time. That is why it's oxidized and brown. I just got off of depo last year and me and my husband wanted to try to get pregnant. My last shot was over a year ago and I JUST started ovulating last month (jan). I didn't get a regular period cycle going until about 9 months or so after being off of depo. They were very sporadic and unpredictable. My doctor told me that everyone's body is completely different though when coming off of depo. He knows people who came off of it and got pregnant right away, even people who got pregnant while on it. Really, it depends on your body. But I've also heard that it isn't good to get pregnant for the first year being off of it because there is higher risk of miscarriage or complications during pregnancy. I would consult your doctor to know what's right for you. But as for right now, I really doubt you are ovulating. Get test kits from the store to keep track. I wasted a lot of money on them for months though cause like I said, I didn't start back up for a long time.
Oh! And if you want a girl, we read that you should have sex missionary style because you want him to ejaculate further away from your uterus/fallopian tubes. This is because the male sperm die quicker than the female. If the male sperm are further away from the egg, then they are less likely to survive the long haul getting there, leaving you with more female sperm. If you want a boy, they recommend woman on top or doggie style. Those positions, the penis is further in and help the little "guys" get to the egg faster.

2007-02-10 04:16:59 · answer #2 · answered by Nikki W 3 · 0 0

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