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Other - Health - September 2006

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My 15-year old daughter says her temperature is always 96.6 ...she wasn't feeling well the other day but it was "normal" for her. My temperature is always low too but usually around 97.6. Is this okay?

2006-09-22 12:56:10 · 7 answers · asked by Dellajoy 6

If a student binge drinks at a bar, can't walk and is left stranded on a curb, picked up by the police, taken by ambulance to the ER, seen by an ER physician whose cost is separate and not covered by insurance, what might the student end up owing? If I forgot anything, add it in. This is for a discussion on the reality of binge drinking. Now, if the student graduates and does not pay the hospital bill, what happens to the charges?

2006-09-22 12:53:24 · 2 answers · asked by animalcrackers31 2

milk is a base so shouldn't it able to stop acid refluxs. Then what kind of food can stop it?

2006-09-22 12:53:11 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-22 12:52:11 · 6 answers · asked by Ashley S 1

I ate a roll with butter and didn't realize that the stick of butter was moldy. The part that actually went on my roll wasn't green, but there was green on the reast of the stick of butter. Will it make me sick?

2006-09-22 12:46:47 · 11 answers · asked by lillith6662000 3

My friend Dave died the other day and I've been looking for his obituary ever since then and I can't seem to find it......

2006-09-22 12:46:01 · 10 answers · asked by Ozzy242 2

I'm really short and I am in middle school. I need some timps on how to grow taller. Please help if u know how. I have tried the eat vegetables one and trust me it didn't exactly work........Pleeeeeease help I'm 4ft. and I am in middle school. I'm desparate.

2006-09-22 12:33:23 · 14 answers · asked by San P 2

something happened a couple days ago when my father was getting out bed. I forgot what. But I remember he was not able to bend over or down. did he brake his back?

2006-09-22 12:26:52 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-09-22 12:22:25 · 10 answers · asked by babyD 1

2006-09-22 12:20:19 · 18 answers · asked by hollister[[love<3]] 1

like teenagers i mean. you know (and dont critize its just an opinion), i think that it is like "cool" to be like "emo" "goth" or obsessed with death, and that is why theyre all like "ooh im suicidal". i mean im 14 and i know i have mental issues too, but i would never kill myself no matter what.

2006-09-22 12:09:12 · 17 answers · asked by AngeSurTerre ♥ 3

I had a large fly in my kitchen and when it would land it would be sort of twitching, eventually I nailed it and as I cleaned it up with a paper towel I saw that dozens of tiny worms had burst out from inside of it and were still alive. Flies lay eggs, so WTF were they? Can flies be attacked by parasites? Or did fly eggs hatch on the fly? It was kind of disturbing and I ended up burning the remains with a lighter because smashing them was ineffective. This is not a joke, and I am really curious to know if someone knows about this type of thing, I can't find any websites that mention anything like it.

2006-09-22 11:57:10 · 5 answers · asked by Lord_Ward 1

2006-09-22 11:56:19 · 16 answers · asked by kimberly z 1

I was asked to bring in a 3rd guy 2 get tested when there is NO 3rd guy, in the time i concieved that is, the last time me and 3rd guy was together was thanksgiving and i gav birth in sept 04 , now tell me can a woman really be pregnant for 11 months?

2006-09-22 11:43:35 · 4 answers · asked by AmAnDa 2

i think i just got it today

2006-09-22 11:23:06 · 3 answers · asked by veryberry 3

I am a smoker, but do not smoke around children. Is it harmful for my grandchildren to visit my home? If it is, how do I go about making it safe?

2006-09-22 11:23:00 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

It is really tender when I press on it and I think it may be causing headaches and neck/upper back tension.

2006-09-22 11:21:57 · 3 answers · asked by lili 3

She rarely has solid bowel movement. She has gained only 4 lbs in 7 months. The doctors don't seem worried because she isn't dehydrated and acts healthy. Any suggetstions

2006-09-22 11:16:08 · 7 answers · asked by gemini.52469 2

go to the bathroom a lot. i do

2006-09-22 11:15:57 · 11 answers · asked by Swift Angel 2

2006-09-22 11:11:14 · 10 answers · asked by verdie h 1

Is during pregnancy. Is this true? Can anyone give me a sound answer and the basis for it? Please keep in mind, I am not talking about reducing fat or losing weight, but the release of actual fat cells.

2006-09-22 10:59:24 · 4 answers · asked by CE S 3

So i have to get a blood test 2morrow and im scarred!!! i was wondering if it hurts?!?! please be honest!

2006-09-22 10:57:22 · 24 answers · asked by Em 1

Visit it for free stuff

2006-09-22 10:50:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Were can I get one?
How do they work?

2006-09-22 10:28:05 · 19 answers · asked by position28 4

What do you do when you are in the car stuck in traffic on the highway and your 4 year old daughter is about to pee her pants?

2006-09-22 10:25:24 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I never broke, sprained, pulled or fractured anything in my life. Any creative ways to do it?

2006-09-22 10:23:26 · 3 answers · asked by fruit salad 6

Well, not all maybe but I notice that quite often. Do our fingers become thick when we are getting older? Why is that so?

thanks a lot

2006-09-22 10:14:11 · 11 answers · asked by Mr. Owl 3

I have a 5 year old daughter who has been experiencing persistent vomitting for 2 days. If she is not better by tomorrow, the doctor says they will try a shot for her to stop the vomitting. If that does not work, they will have to IV fluids. . . has anyone heard of this? If so, what is the medication?

2006-09-22 10:09:45 · 7 answers · asked by Momto2 2

i am a young teenager. i went through a growth spurt and now i am about 5'2. i dont take pills or anything. remember i am young and nothing that parents wouldn't probably approve. i just want to know what i should eat, what i should avoid. o and does basketball and jumping help? i know it probably does, but i want more opinions. please help! everyone is taller! i feel like i'm shrinking!

2006-09-22 10:06:57 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

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