Yesterday evening, I began to get a headache. The back of my neck hurt as well, so I chalked it up to a tension headache. The headache became progressively worse, to the point of throbbing pain. Then suddenly I broke out in a profuse "cold sweat", and became very nauseous -- to the point that I went into the bathroom to be close to the toilet because I thought I was going to throw up (I never actually did). All the while, I continued to sweat even though I wasn't hot. I was drenched. This lasted about an hour, then fortunately subsided. It really freaked me out because I felt so horrible in that time, I thought I may have had to go to the hospital. I get headaches from time to time, but rarely nausea (I haven't thrown up since 1991), and I've never experienced cold drenching sweat, to that degree. I'm fine now. What was that all about???????
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