i have a friend who is often cynical& look downs on my opions, or thats how it seems (& i don't think i am wrong). If i have an opinion on a topic that is different from hers, she may confront me about it. She gets louder, faster, harsher in the way she speaks "That's so stupid", & it really hurts me cause i have told her before that this bugs me. often these topics are very personal to me, & i don't like how i feel belittled, like my opinion is retarded & not worth listening to. We talk about things like mental illness, depression, self harm, etc & these are often very personal topics for me, & she knows that. Often, i feel like i can't express myself without criticism or her poking holes in my beliefs (happens alot). I come away from the conversation upset & depressed & mad, & especially with a sick feeling in my gut, cause i feel stupid and like she doesnt really care. This can happen in any conversation, but there are certain ones it happens more often with. Feel stuck in this.
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