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Men's Health - October 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Men's Health

2007-10-30 13:40:31 · 5 answers · asked by ana h 1

2007-10-30 12:14:16 · 7 answers · asked by yeah123 1

2007-10-30 11:47:59 · 2 answers · asked by magdalynscott 1

I was masturbating and i precummed and i am scared. will my doctor see that in my urinal test within the next 1-2 months?

i am only 12 years old

2007-10-30 11:42:32 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

my boyfriend is 6 foot, about 160.. and his penis is about 5 and a half inches regularly then about 6 and a half to 7 inches erect.. and he is only 13.. is this normal?

2007-10-30 11:41:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I am in class I keep getting erections. I usually ask if I can go to the bathroom to walk it off, and it only happens in math class. I don't know why though. I try to think about something else but it doesn';t work.

But these erections comne so randomly, I can just be doing a math problem and then out of no where I get a huge erection. I am 14 and I want to stoip getting these erections that come out of no where. And I masurbate evry day so don't tell me its that! But how do I get these erections to stop coming so randomly in math class?

2007-10-30 10:59:05 · 42 answers · asked by Labeless 2

2007-10-30 10:55:16 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Previous question: so my husband doesn't really know much about nutrition and working out. He just recently started eating veggies and fruit.. like within the last few weeks. Anyways... he has gained a little fat since we have been married and is very self conscious about it. He wants to lose weight but he is obsessed with being stronger. So for the last few weeks he has been lifting weights but very little cardio. And he still has the same gut but his arms a little tighter. He is wanting to lose his gut but "be stronger". I suggested doing more cardio until he gets his fat off while still doing strength training with less weights and more reps to tone up. Does anyone have any suggestions for me... that i can give to my hubby. He is about 230 pounds and 6'1.

^^^^^ previous question just to give you background...

My husband is wanting to introduce a protein shake to his meals... Does anyone have any suggestions or experience with using the protein and which ones are best etc....

2007-10-30 10:05:04 · 9 answers · asked by Anna J 5

Ok... For a while, I wasn't able to get hard around my girlfriend. Last night - I was ready to go (although, she was too tired). I thought I needed Viagra, therapy, surgery. I thought my diet might've been off. Maybe my blood pressure was high. I started running again. I figured maybe it's anxiety...but I was still a mess.

Anyway...I went from masturbating 3X a day...to maybe once every 3 days. I feel amazing. My hard-on's are very intense and when I climax, everything shoots out like 5 feet. I'm much more easily aroused. I know there's not suppose to be a connection...but damn. How could this be happening?

2007-10-30 09:23:46 · 18 answers · asked by The Rainmaker 1

comes to having liver cancer, how long does eighter sex live with that before they're gone to heaven?

2007-10-30 09:11:41 · 5 answers · asked by kay kay 7

a)what happens to people with 6 pack abs when they get punched in the gut while their not flexing.
b)This ever happen to anybody here who does have a 6 pack. c)does it hurt them more than somebody who has fat?
can anyone answer all these questions

2007-10-30 09:02:44 · 15 answers · asked by Allyssa125 1

2007-10-30 06:32:45 · 2 answers · asked by Caitlyn 1

my husband has fluid in his magnum forememn, this what the test results say, any one know what this is. we do not meet with the doctor until the 19th of this month. i am curious?

2007-10-30 06:01:14 · 1 answers · asked by swtchrissy_24 1

im only 5ft5 at moment and i want 2 be 6ft in 2 years

2007-10-30 05:10:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Last night we went to bed, then around 2 AM I feel our entire bed shaking. This isn't the first time I have awakened to this. I would say the 3rd? He isn't snoring and I feel like he is somewhat awake? It's weird. He gets up afterwards and cleans up.

I have confronted him before because although we have -masturbated together / watch porn / I have no problem with him masturbating during the day - but this night thing weirds me out?!

Is this normal?

2007-10-30 04:46:08 · 27 answers · asked by Blond&Tall 4

I know i'm part of the problem b/c I answer them, but why so many questions? it seems obvious that a google search would give you the answer to "am i normal" or "how big should it be", etc.

so, if you want to just tell us how big you are, please just post your size in this answer!

2007-10-30 04:45:59 · 14 answers · asked by Janet R 1

has anyone had any trouble with their penis and testicles? i started noticing trouble about 2-3 months ago when i was working as a forklift driver. i used to work nights for 8 hrs and i couldnt drive for 5 minutes without itching my balls. i put it down to bouncing on the seat all night and ended up leaving. then about a month ago my penis started swelling especially the foreskin. i went to my local gum clinic and they tested me for sti's which all came back clear. i even went back to see another doctor because i was still in pain and swollen and they kept saying nothing was wrong. in the end after 2 weeks of waiting for results i went to my gp who said ive got infected tubes from the testicles. he gave me some ofloxcalin and then i went back last week but couldnt see the same doctor. this doctor told me my foreskin is swelling cos its shrunk so this time they have given me some steroid cream. the swelling has gone down on my foreskin but i feel hes still not himself.??

2007-10-30 04:41:05 · 0 answers · asked by paul m 2

I know that motion and skill matters a whole lot, but let's assume that the skill level is equal. Which matters more for female pleasure: the girth or the length of the penis?

2007-10-30 04:38:53 · 27 answers · asked by ............ 2

i think that there not right because my boyfriend is and he only thinks about his self.

2007-10-30 03:45:07 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I want details....I am writing a book...

2007-10-30 02:52:47 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

from which point to which point we can measure the length of penis

2007-10-30 02:15:36 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

the head of my penis, the helmet, has cracks in the surface of the skin, like little tears, (they dont hurt). its just vanity reasons im concerned. im still sensitive and can ejaculate. but im wondering what the cracks and tears in the skin mean and what can be done about them?
its like looking at the surface of leather that is cracked, not ripped, but cracks in the leather.
this is ' the head' of my penis im talking about.

2007-10-30 01:45:47 · 13 answers · asked by gary 1

When to use Viagra?

2007-10-30 01:15:24 · 27 answers · asked by Tica 2

my bf said it makes the sex better but does it really? and if you say shaved then why and if you say not shaved then why again just curious coz im thinking of shaving

2007-10-29 23:10:20 · 20 answers · asked by Elena D 2

2007-10-29 19:28:56 · 7 answers · asked by xinsatiabledickx 1

2007-10-29 18:59:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-10-29 18:10:46 · 10 answers · asked by I Speak the Truth 5

when he kisses me. I turn away sometimes and actually cannot hide my repulsion. The car stinks, his hair stinks, my house stinks. EVEN the dining room RIGHT after a meal. I mean I am not even done eating yet. It makes me want to get up and go to the bedroom and sometimes I have. WTF? I nag and seem like one. I yell and we BOTH feel bad. I insult and demean and it cannot be stopped. Is this a part of life I have to put up with? Aside from this revolting habit he is a perfect partner for me but this is so gross and it is killing him. I tell him, "What like you are the one out of 345,000 that is not going to get cancer from smoking?" He got a clear cancer report from the doc and went right back to smoking. WTF? Has anyone tried that new drug the one that the band member from Edie Brikell and the bohemians mixed with alcohol and supposedly died from? Paxil? There are good and terrible reports like hallucinations - that makes ME want to take it. Anyone have any experience in this?

2007-10-29 17:38:08 · 13 answers · asked by shallytally 4

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