i am 45years,get pankratitt the first time in 91,the second 92.i stop drink buth i have a lot of damage in body,broken ribbs,fore say it simple,my body have a lot of broken things,i have a brain damage afther accident wit maskin.i get no treatment only a lot of mediction.i have hepatitt A;C.+entrecollitt and cronic.pankratitt and gigkt.(leddgigkt)my english is not god buth i hope somone anderstand me and tray to tell me "how seek i realy are".!?!this days i only"eat painkillers(dolcontin 100mg.)i also take valium fore my nervs.i have heard that dolcontin is a tablett ho only cancel seek peaple get.?wen my buk is svelling up,the pankratitt is activ,i take cortison to get that pain away.my legs kramp`up if a tray to run more then 50meter.if i walk slowly i get pain buth if i can hold my tempo i dont have to stop to get the pain so low that i manage walk.i anderstand this is heavy but i just get more painkillers and dr.say its fine.!!?i been to hospital severel times,they say talk`dr.?sos
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