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[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions STDs

A unknown girl did oral sex on me and also we kissed. I didn't do oral sex on her. I just kissed kissed her on the lips. After we were done i felt like i caught something a virus or something, because i had sharp pain in my right eye and also tingling feeling around my lips. The tingling feeling went away like in two days. But after i had sore throat with white patches on my tonsils also burning pain in my penis when i pee after i went away in like 10 minutes. After another week i had extreme fatique,sore throat,shoulder aches, lite headaches,eye hurting from the top. Tested for chamldie,gonoree,syplisis,hiv on june 2007 negetive. Again on august 2007 for life insurance i think i was negtive for everything because i got my life insurance.Nov tested for meales, mumps, negetive. Doctor said my throyid is fine,kindney are fine, my cd4 cells are fine only my red blood cells are little high because i had sore throat. It's dec i have sore throat with red spots back of throat,shoulder aches

2007-12-24 14:49:00 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

The other day, i started going to the bathroom more frequently, i'm not sure if its a UTI or if i'm pregnant. my boyfriend and i have been trying to conceive, and yes, it does burn somewhat when i go to the bathroom, and i'm starting to drink cranberry juice. so if its a UTI how long will i have to drink cranberry juice inorder for my UTI to go away.? because i dont want to have to go to the doctor anytime soon;;

2007-12-24 13:58:27 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous



2007-12-24 11:58:46 · 2 answers · asked by dsbreturns 5

using a good condom
what are the chances of me getting infected?

2007-12-24 10:57:55 · 11 answers · asked by Cal 2

I got tested for chalmdie,gonoree,syphlis, and hiv on june 2007
Then again on august 2007 for life insurance. I think i was negetive for everything because i got my life insurance.On Nov i got tested for mealses,mumps and negetive. Doctor said my throyid is fine, my kidneys are fine, My cd4 cells are fine only my red blood cells were little to high because i have a red spots back of throat. Doctor said all over my body is fine. Now its dec i still have red spots or u can say pink spots back of throat. I had these for more than 5 months now, Doctor think it's just throat is dry,but i think its something elso. Because i kissed a unknown girl on May 2007. After a week i had white spots back of throat. Doctor gave me antibotics and it got better. Now it's dec i have the red spots back of throat,lite headache sometimes,shoulder aches, and my heart flutter sometimes. Is anxiety causing all this or do i need to retest just to be sure. Im 19 yrs old. I never in my life had a sore throat befor

2007-12-24 09:58:20 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

hmm.. if a man has hiv, of course the virus would be transmitted from his semen to a woman right? but if a woman has hiv, how she transmit the virus to an un-infected man since i thought the man does not "receive" anything from the woman?

if the woman's vaginal fluid has the virus, is it mean if your penis touch the fluid then you would be infected? (even though if you don't ejaculate inside her vagina). What if a man's finger touch the fluid, then his finger touch his own penis, will the man be infected too?

2007-12-24 09:31:14 · 9 answers · asked by jas 2

2007-12-24 07:59:35 · 3 answers · asked by Dilila 2

2007-12-24 07:22:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think i might have herpes.. I'm not sure. I've been having sex with the same women for 2 years or so. I know shes been faithful to me. I slept with one other person when we were having problems. Once i got back with my girlfriend we had sex for the first time in a while and it was quite rough. Rough to the point of it hurting.. since then i've been having outbreaks or red bumps that dont hurt, their not blisters and i have no other symptoms. I"ve had a yeast infection one time and its more similar to that then anything. Is it possible to have cronic yeast infections... oh yeah.. most important part. my partner has no symptoms other then the occassional yeast infection. So its been 6 months since we've been back together. wouldnt she have gotten herpes ( if thats what it is ) by now with no medication and no medical treatment

2007-12-24 05:56:22 · 3 answers · asked by youdontknowme 1

That I use protection to play safe. I should be more careful while using condoms to have safe sex.

2007-12-24 03:29:27 · 7 answers · asked by Alfie Martin 1

I had unprotected sex with 2 different people.Oneof them was a random guy that i just met and the second was a guy that i met from school.Stds never cross my mind around that time until now.I feel so stupid for putting my life in danger.I am afraid to take an HIV test anyways.I always get paranoid when i get a cold or something.Please help.

2007-12-24 01:50:22 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I heard there is and one days funding in Iraq could nearly wipe it out of Africa. Whats the truth about the whole aids conspiracy thing. Can America stop it in Africa if we REALLY wanted. And is there politics behind it (there probably is).

2007-12-23 21:05:08 · 10 answers · asked by multi-million man 4

I'm just a bit confused, can someone clear this up for me? I have been reading about anal sex online and it says to always wear a condom to make sure your safe from STD's during anal sex. Is it just in-case your partner has an STD, or is it because and STD can develop through anal sex even if nether person has an STD?¿?¿?¿?

2007-12-23 16:05:45 · 4 answers · asked by Amanda70 1

HI there,
I recently met a person who just had sex with a prostitute 15 minutes before. He offered me a beer bottle to drink. He opened the beer bottle for me and his fingers got well in touch with the bottle mouth piece. I couldn't say no for his offer and sipped the beer from the bottle as my lips and inner mouth got in touch with contaminated mouth piece of the beer bottle. I actually had bad broken lips due the extreme cold weather which I realized later. What are my chances of being infected through his fingers, contaminated with his semen fluid and prostitutes blood/vaginal secretions??? Thanks in advance. Looking forward.


2007-12-23 13:31:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a yeast infection. My symptoms are swelling, itching and burning with little to sometimes no discharge. I took Monostat 1 today and was wondering how long it takes to clear up the itching and burning...i really wish this would go away!

2007-12-23 04:21:01 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I researched here in yahoo answers and there where saying that the HIV/AIDS is originated from the monkey of the africa.

If the monkey there have HIV/AIDS they will be also died or is this is natural to them.

2007-12-23 03:06:35 · 3 answers · asked by toffee 1

I was told I had genital warts at the local GUM clinic, they were going to freeze them off but I got scared so decided to opt for the cream instead...

...the cream doesn't seem to be working yet, I'm worried about using it as the warts are tiny, one is right near urethra, I'm worried about the cream damaging the skin around the warts as they are too small to get it just on the warts.

Was I wrong not to get them frozen off?

I'm also getting a lot of conflicting information from people, some people say it can only be passed on if you have warts, the leaflet they gave me at the GUM clinic say that the virus can go away by itself after a few years but other places say you could have it for the rest of your life...

Does that mean whenever you have sex you are going to be passing that virus onto other people?!! (Or does it only pass on if there are actual warts?)
No where says I should abstain from sex for the rest of my life, so surely that can't be true.

2007-12-23 02:00:22 · 9 answers · asked by Bella-bella 3

I've not been sexually active for over a year now and the first time being active again, I started bleeding. Is it normal, what could some causes be?

2007-12-22 17:25:42 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-22 00:08:17 · 6 answers · asked by sonu_vusak_priti(sweety) 2

i didnt have sex with anyone but i masturbate ..today i found a red pimple on my penis can this be syphilis . or it is just a normal pimple that can be cured with gram positive creams ?

2007-12-21 23:10:38 · 10 answers · asked by jo n jo 5

I'm going to the gyno to get tested. I'm nervous.

For those of you who have it, did it change your life a lot?

2007-12-21 16:18:42 · 26 answers · asked by hey278 2

My ex & I dated for 7 years. We broke up 2 years ago and haven't seen each other since. He calls me up out of the blue and says that him & his girlfriend just got genital warts and he thinks they got them from me...I DON'T HAVE GENITAL WARTS! I've been tested for all STD's including AIDS and am totally clean. Is he just grasping at straws to hope his new girlfriend didn't cheat on him or what?

2007-12-21 15:27:21 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-21 12:59:43 · 4 answers · asked by ♥Fancy♥Lala♥ 1

my boyfriend and I get tested every 6-9months.

we have been together for 4 1/2 years and i lost my virginity to him but him not to me. so i like to play it as safe as i can.

2007-12-21 09:53:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was diagnosed with HSV-1 like a month or so ago after I had a outbreak in the genital area, nothing major only two sores that were not even by eachother. They went away about two weeks later after been treated. I just had another one that came out two days ago, only one sore this time. This time my back I noticed is VERY tingiling, and I'm tired. Is this just a coincidece or is there something else going on?

2007-12-21 09:50:41 · 5 answers · asked by Niknik 2