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[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions STDs

I don't know when to take a pregnancy test because my periods are irregular.

2007-12-18 04:33:06 · 7 answers · asked by LetLoveIn 2

is there any way we can be safe from the emotional impact of having sex?could someone please tell me what safe sex is? i know about using condoms but will following the rules make you safe ? what does safe mean anyway?

2007-12-17 23:11:57 · 3 answers · asked by benyam a 1

OK im 16 and sexually active. i noticed that there was a lump next to my testicals, i couldnt reallt see if it had a different color... then it dissapiered then i noticed a purple like lump on on the other side it doesnt hurt but it looks like a tumor or something... is it possible that i can be infected with HIV? im preying that its just a big pimple or somethin, but any info would help

2007-12-17 16:53:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi!! Me and my boyfriend had oral sex without a condom because people say they don't work and break a lot but now I hear I could have diseases?!? I don't want diseases!!! Anyone know if that's true?!?

2007-12-17 14:37:44 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've had discharge in my undies everyday for as long as I can remember. (well since I've been sexually active) My son is 18months and I just recently got checked back in July for Chlamydia, AIDS, Gonnorreahea, Herpes, Syphilis, and HPV. They all came back negative. The discharge doesn't smell and it's mostly white....what's wrong w/ me??! Everyday my undies are soiled w/ the secretions. Lot's of it! NO smell, just wet panties...lol. Is there a prob?

2007-12-17 12:58:56 · 6 answers · asked by *♥Lovable♥* 1

i am curious?? what is it?

2007-12-17 10:44:52 · 2 answers · asked by Afsoun_Nicole_32907 2

I am 14 and my mom recently told me that long before she met my father, her husband of 20 years, she had a one night stand that resulted in her contracting herpes. I was thinking about it recently and I was wondering if I have herpes too. I asked her and she laughed and said no, but I still wonder. I am too embarrassed to go to a doctor, so please share what you think! Thanks!

2007-12-17 09:00:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

my girlfriend has both a yeast and a bacterial infection She started getting treated for it on friday When should it be safe to have sex again?

2007-12-17 04:43:23 · 12 answers · asked by wdpbball4life 1

i feel bad i dont wana give them to no one wat should i do !! i dont even wana have sex !!!!!!!!! i just wana de !!! iam scared that theres going to be a guy in my life and then he would want to have sex and find out and he is going to tell everyone help plz

2007-12-16 20:10:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

im not sure if i have a std or not. is there a way i can go to the doctor and get checked out for free? maybe a clinic or sumthing? my penis is itchy around the tip and it burns a little when i urinate. it also feels itchy on the inside. i dont have alot of money and the last time i went to a urologist it cost me like $145 just to see him. is ther a way i can just pay for some antibiotics. are there any o-t-c medicines i can take that are safe for penis. i heard maybe cortisone.

2007-12-16 20:08:26 · 6 answers · asked by unknownperson124 1

im just asking if theres a chance i can still be sick because I heard something about some sti's will not show any signs or something for years. i just want to be sure.

2007-12-16 19:10:39 · 8 answers · asked by boredguy12345 1

2007-12-16 14:39:57 · 2 answers · asked by darth1977malak 1

2007-12-16 11:27:44 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

my boyfriend doesnt know what oral sex means i dont know how tpo tell him if u have any idea;s help me out thnx jasmine

2007-12-16 10:48:06 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

can you get HIV by giving oral sex to an HIV possitive person?

2007-12-15 21:18:39 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok well lately when my boyfriend and i have been having sex my vagina burns really bad ive checked to see if it burns when i pee but it doesnt burn so iono whats going on!!!!! please help
p.s. please no smartasses

2007-12-15 21:18:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

not that I have to worry about it or anything, because I don't do that, but I'm just wondering. I read that there's a small chance you can get herpes, is that true? Name more if there are.

2007-12-15 16:58:16 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm not sure if anyone can answer this and I don't want to ask him since it's obviously a touchy subject. But how could he not have known he was hix poitive before he was diagnosed with aids? I don't get it. he started loosing a lot of weight like a year ago. He's 29 years old now and I wonder how long he has had this. do you think maybe he knew and just wasn't telling anyone?

2007-12-15 12:41:37 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My sister just found out she has genital warts. I was really worried and shocked and her reaction was that yeah she felt bad for not being more careful but that it is pretty common, especially among teens. Is this true?

2007-12-15 06:59:34 · 19 answers · asked by cat 1

I wonder if the US governement doesn't tell these things because they don't want to cause a panic. If yellow fever, bubonic plague and West Nile virus can all be transmitted, why not HIV. Also other infectious diseases and viruses have become air borne, why not HIV?

2007-12-15 06:11:23 · 6 answers · asked by Pure Wisdom 2

when do you start feeeling these symptoms after sex

2007-12-14 16:23:55 · 11 answers · asked by beutifulx2 1

why do people presume the word std is related with sleeping around being a skank as I was called when asking a delicate question on chlamydia.
Some people are so ignorant it is easy to only have 2 partners in the whole 10 years of being sexually active and trusting one another to have unprotected sex! and both being clueless of having anything or please tell me is this unacceptable should people be slated?

2007-12-14 13:57:19 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I take Microbiology class and studied STD's....i turned the page from my book and then there's this weird picture....IT WAS GENITAL WART ON A VAGI..

it soo bad, and it flashes in my mind every thirty seconds since yesterday.

What do I do?

2007-12-14 10:35:25 · 12 answers · asked by A. Roman 4

please give me one complete paragraph
Thank you
You can go to STD.com if you need more infoemation about that disease

2007-12-14 08:00:59 · 20 answers · asked by Mohamed H 1

Let's say the boyfriend has a cold and his girlfriend made him wear a mask to contain the germs while they were having sex! They didn't kiss at all! He didn't even cough or sneeze. Basically, they had an unprotected quickie and she left his house as soon as they were finished! Can the common cold be transmitted this way?

2007-12-14 05:53:33 · 3 answers · asked by Oh, it's like that? 7

What are the risks involved with a Chef (who is HIV+) working with food, is this appropriate / safe? Considering how easy it is for anyone using knives to cut themselves.

2007-12-13 20:06:56 · 7 answers · asked by cooky 3

I'm curious what people think about HIV. It's funny how the US seems to want to make it look like HIV is spreading throughout the US and across the nation. There are books written by doctors stating that HIV is a HOAX. When the doctors believe that someone is HIV positive they automatically want to prescribe meds to them. Do you think this is because they want a commission from the prescriptions they write? I have known several people where the doctors say "YOU HAVE HIV" but they have refused to take meds and there fine. So why would this be? So what do you think? Do you think it's a crock?

2007-12-13 05:28:26 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

It seems logical to me that infections would travel more easily from guys to girls when girls give guys oral sex, but I can't find anything about this on the Internet.

2007-12-13 04:07:08 · 29 answers · asked by Bonobo 2