Hi I am 38years old and have been on high blood pressure tablets for nearly 3 months but as yet they have failed to lower my blood pressure. i am only on 25mg a day. Something happend tonight that really worried me. I started to get a pain in my upper stomach area, into my chest and the pain moved up into the bottom of my neck, in my throat. this eased up after less than a minute, then after another 15 to 20 minutes it happened again, but the pain moved into my back as well. which lasted for about 1 minute, then went, then about another 20 minutes later, it happend again but the pain didnt go up my chest or throat but just upper stomach into my back. the pain wasnt as severe as the 2nd time,and lasted half a minute, not im worried it is something to do with my heart. like angina or something like that, or could it be something like trapped wind?or colic of some kind? touch wood i havent had it for about an hour now. this happend about 2 hours after dinner,and all i had was bland food.
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