Things I've TRIED:
warm baths (w/differnt herbs & salts), hot showers, cookies & milk, great husband-given back massages, sound therapy (rain, waves, night crickets sounds), relaxing music..favorite so far is the'jelly fish music from the Monteray Bay Aquarium jellyfish exibit,; soothing- talk medatative sleep CD's; Tylenol PM (that's works..but is not a 'natural sleep). Melatonin (works but not as fast or as strong...same w/Kava Kava teas & supplements...Valerin and chamomille teas; writing lists down before bed; reading; Valium (again does work but not natural nor long lasting sleep, tried staying up until couldn't function (lasted 3 days ...became a functioning -zombie & then only slept for a few hours.
It does seem I can sleep very well the 15 to 20 mins right BEFORE my alarm goes of on my 4 early shift work days. Temp is good in the room..nice & dark..would like a new bed, but it's not bad or too old.
If there's any you've tried, that I HAVEN't, please help an Insomniac!
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