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Singles & Dating - 16 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I like a guy who i used to hate. He used to like me, now he doesn't. The only reason i like him now, is because i think it's so sweet that he liked me once. i don't know WHAT exactally he thinks of me now. I wanna ask him to a dance at my school.

2007-05-16 12:43:37 · 10 answers · asked by Tina 2

i did, and was just wondering.

2007-05-16 12:43:18 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-05-16 12:43:00 · 6 answers · asked by ANSWERER. 2

2007-05-16 12:42:26 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok, ladies I have a question for you. there's a girl i've talked to a couple times that i'm really interested in. however i have e-mailed her three or four times just to see how she's doing and i haven't received anything back from her. i don't know if it is just that she hasn't checked her email at all or what. I know there could be numerous reasons for it, however we haven't talked at all in a couple months because we haven't seen each other on campus at all, and the school year is practically over and I'm afraid I won't see her again. anyways, do you think that it is a good idea for me to give her a call and ask her to go out for coffee or something like that even though we haven't talked in a couple months, or do you think that I'm just setting myself up for disappointment? I would really appreciate your input.

2007-05-16 12:41:25 · 6 answers · asked by frankfurter27 1

which activities during the summer are best to be played with shirtless? whats your opinion on being shirtless? whats your choice and thoughts on others when they do it? thanks! i am 23, names max. email with any questions

2007-05-16 12:41:12 · 6 answers · asked by flyboy7683 2

okay so my dad was like you can get your room painted. and i let him pic out the color and everything it was lime green :) and my aunts best friend felicia was like ill paint your room. so i was like yay. she was supposted to paint it this weekend. and so at dinner i was like felicias gonna paint my room on satruday and then my mom was like no shes not. thats very embarrising having someone who works in the week then come over and paint your room. and i was like no not really lots of things in life are embarrising...and my dad was like no you dont even keep your room clean now so your not getting your room painted. and i was like u already said i could! then my mom was like i have been married to him for 20 years and not once has he let me paint any walls. and i was like but he even picked out the color... so im mad! they always change there minds at the last minute! im not talkin to them. thats stupid but they need to relize that i seriously want my room painted. what should i do?

2007-05-16 12:39:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Seriously the worse that could happen is the guy not liking the girl. I been through rejection and I'm sure we all have but it is nothing to fear or at least try out. Remember there are plenty of fish in the sea. I use to be afraid to ask girls out but currently I could ask a girl out and care less if she liked me or not because I know the girl that is made for me is out there. I just think girls and even some guys shouldn't be afraid of this.

2007-05-16 12:39:11 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

theres this guy who i like and he has a girlfrien but hes always staring at me and makin eye contact as much as he can i meen he stares at me hard core
what does this mean?

2007-05-16 12:37:26 · 6 answers · asked by redfairy 2

She had a boyfriend before and she still loves him. I dont know why the heck I love her so much. She wont be looking for a guy like me as I am still at university, she will be looking for someone whose financially settled n all! What should I do how should i approach her? nothing is impossible they say, but please give me serious advice!

2007-05-16 12:34:00 · 4 answers · asked by cheetah 3

I've recently started seeing this one guy, and we're starting to get there in the s-e-x scene... HOW do i make it feel really good for him?... any tricks/advices that ANYONE (men or women) have is appreciative...

thanks you for SATISFYING my question. :-D

2007-05-16 12:33:30 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-16 12:30:42 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do some guys disrespect a girls descision to break up with her and continue to persue her even though he knows she isn't ready, and even after breaking up still trys to push her around, untill she agree's to be his girlfriend again? You know I know someone like this, a "Godfearing man" a man who is so wonderfull to her(my friend) and her family, but to everyone else he is king and he know everything, and will be disrespectfull to anyone who gets close to her, but oh is he good he hides it well! Can you tell I'm a little bit annoyed! She isn't ready, everyone sees that, but she is being a pushover and allowing him to be a jerk(calling it true love even though he was always touching her even after they broke up, to me thats not true love is sickning), hes a jerk to the rest of her friends. We her friends have tried to help her, but it was no use. She doesn't see the true jerk behind the mask. Why do people play these games!! It drives me crazy!!

2007-05-16 12:26:30 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

my ho on the side ????
You will be reprezentin, so you gotta have it goin on !

2007-05-16 12:25:16 · 13 answers · asked by fws204jb 3

sure white guys are pretty hot too but i love bLack guys i have even compared there sex there both good but the black one was a little better. black guys are also atracted to me a lot to so why turn them down i have also always pictured myself married to a black guy.

2007-05-16 12:18:15 · 31 answers · asked by kokolovegirl 1


Well i'm young. Like 13 yrs young. I think i'm in luv...WAIT! now before u judge me here me out. i know ur probably thinking right now "oh how cute, the little 13 yr old thinks she loves a guy just cause she giggles around him!" no. i really love him. i convinced my self 4 a couple months that i was over him, but i wuz just lying to myself. i feel connected 2 him. like i'm meant to be with him. he currently is annoyed with me cuz i went a liitle over bored on the whole "obsessed thing". oops. do think he could really be the guy?

2007-05-16 12:15:10 · 9 answers · asked by emmasmiles111 2

I'm in 7th grade and there's this guy that I like...how do i go about finding if he likes me and if he does how do i ask him out?? finding if i like him doesn't mean going up to him and saying "hey bob do you like me?" or having a friend ask...something else please...and is it the guy's job to ask out the girl or can a girl ask out a guy?

2007-05-16 12:12:35 · 5 answers · asked by Katherine 2

2007-05-16 12:09:04 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My friend lost her virginity at the age of 11!!! I just found out!!!!!! No worries shes 15 now. Her 13 yr old cousin slept wit her!!! Now she won't talk to me because he told me that! WHAT SHOULD I TELL HER????????

2007-05-16 11:53:35 · 14 answers · asked by NeeNee 1


I really like this guy and im scared of telling him because what if he doesnt like me back and then he tells the whole world that i liked him.

What should i do i am so confused?

2007-05-16 11:52:02 · 8 answers · asked by clueless 1

hey ladies, when you get your period, it smells bad right? well how do you take care of the smell? This may sound like a gross question but I hate always wondering if other people can smell me.

2007-05-16 11:51:25 · 22 answers · asked by Eowen 1

O.K. there is this 8th grade girl, and I'm in 7th. I don't think she gives a s*** about and it's probalby why I am cursing. In the hall there was this guy standing next to me, and she yelled his name and he went over there. She saw me I think.. When we first starting talking to each other she seemed so sweet, she would say ah that was nice of you, your a real good friend, and she would send me long messages(she said all this in messages. Now We haven't called each other in almost two months, and when we do talk on the phone she'll sat let me call you back, but onlt did it once.

Today in P.E. I was walking with my friend back into school when, the girl's friend call my friend whom I ws walking with's name and hugged him. And of course I walked right past the girl's face, she said nothing, I said nothing. Now I see her friends looking at me at lunch and shes looking to.

What should I do, when schools almost out?
I stopped talking to her cause i feel she does not care for me.

2007-05-16 11:49:31 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok well my best friend i think is prettier then me and everytime i like a guy she decides she likes him and decides she has to go out with him and i cant even talk to the guy anymore. What should I do???

2007-05-16 11:48:13 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

last week was the most amazing week i ever sent with my BF, no day i particular but he pamper me alota d we spent so much time toegther, ...this week thou i odn't kwo what with him, he's so down, and isn't up to do anything, i'm trying t think of something to BAAAM it back up.. and ideas,,please

2007-05-16 11:46:23 · 1 answers · asked by for the heck of it 1

i have fallen for 2 guys, sam and dell. (i know a weird name) sam is cute and nice and charming and has a lot of charisma, tho he has said some stuff behind my back. dell is the classic boy next door who will do nothing to hurt me, but i really dont think hes interested in being anymore than just friends. sam is the it cute guy ive fallen for all year, and dell is the guy ive known all my life but i dont know who to choose. dell smiles at me and talks with me and always listens, and sam stares at me and calls me all the time. which one likes me? which one should i choose?

2007-05-16 11:46:23 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-16 11:45:35 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a serious problem, My girlfriend destini well she is kinda stuckup, and self centered anyways i was talkin to her on the phone and she sayz that she has to call this guy name Gary and i asked her who is he and she said none of my business. Then i got defensive and asked her again and she still said none of my business. We known each other for atleast a year or so. I need help bad

2007-05-16 11:45:31 · 5 answers · asked by Nick C 1

so two nights agoi call this girl im somewhat seeing. she answers all happy and extatic and says" hey jason, what are you doing?" now this is her ex-boyfirend. i just blew it off until the next day when i tore her apart. i told i can't trust her and she needs to come clean. so i call her later that night and wanna =talk with her and she siad she didn't apprecitate theat. tehn she goes on and tells me her caller id was acting up on cell phone. and she was waiting for a call from him. whihc i'm totally confused by becaus eshe claims he hit her and treated her like crap. now she won't talk to me. Should i have yelled at her? my buddies think so but i need outside help.

2007-05-16 11:44:25 · 19 answers · asked by Anghellic 2

2007-05-16 11:43:48 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

well heres the story....
he used to like me, but was too scared to ask me out at the time. then this other guy asked me out, and since i wasnt dating anyone at the time i said yes. after this was done he seemed to start liking this other girl. but now i REALLYlike him ( and no its not because hes taken!! ) and i need a wayfor him to like me again so that i can go out with him finally!!! i really like him and me and him are just freinds but i want to take it to the next level, or at least to become better friends.!!and if there are any guys reading this.... what do you guys want in a girls personality??
And im young so....please...no sick answers

2007-05-16 11:42:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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