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Singles & Dating - 22 April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

2007-04-22 14:07:07 · 13 answers · asked by Sparklepop 6

I am not affectionate with anyone in my family and they hardly show me affection. So when I get a boyfriend I show him all the affection I can and I want him to be very affectionate with me and I just can't get enough of it. I crave it. I will pretty much date anyone who shows any interest in me even if I know they aren't right for me just because I want affection. Is this really bad? Can I stop going after any guy that pays the slightest bit of attention to me? Please help.

2007-04-22 13:58:29 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

the girls i like are usally not the hottest girls ever (there not ugly ...well atleast i dont think so)and i get to know them and then in stead of likeing them as a girlfriend type way they just become good friends and we hangout alot they keep saying its weird because i fall for some weird girls and i think that there original not weird and they look just fine to me no matter wat so am i werid or wat

2007-04-22 13:55:55 · 20 answers · asked by Dal3y 1

Only for guys, and please be as honest and descriptive as you can. (Serious question)

2007-04-22 13:54:49 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I like this girl and I want her to be my girlfreind, but she has a girlfreind(she likes guys and girls). We are good freinds too, what should I do?

2007-04-22 13:49:00 · 7 answers · asked by Kazuya F 1

I am not confident... especially around guys. I like two of my friends but I don't have the guts to talk to them unless they talk to me first. And i'm not that cute... what do i do?

2007-04-22 13:45:17 · 9 answers · asked by lucky_ducky 2

i just ended things with this kid that i've been talking to and i don't know if i did the right thing...he was always pretty nice to me but started to get weird. He started going through all my stuff in my house and even my mom's things...then he called me a B**** and told people he wsa done with me and then his friends called me up and left me nasty voice mails - he feels awful but he still did all these awful things - did i do the right thing by ending it?

2007-04-22 13:45:13 · 6 answers · asked by prrr 1

so my life just freakin sucks nobody likes me yes i mean boys they always go for the good looking people and my friend i always have to watch how people go out with her and just not pay any attention to me and i just keep on wondering what i did in life to deserve this and people always say that there will be someone who will like me from the inside but i know thats bullshit and i know that you dont give a **** about me is that right

2007-04-22 13:41:46 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

there is this guy who is really mean to me and i am really scared and he always brakes thrue the windows when i dont want him to and i say you have to pay for that and he says no and i say yes and he walks away saying no no no no no no no no because every night he is drunk please just help me!!!

2007-04-22 13:41:28 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

why do girls always lie to thier boyfriends to make them jealous or just to piss them off....what have you lied abt to make him jealous or pissed off

2007-04-22 13:38:18 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am not stalker dude, but sometimes it is hard for me to just go with the flow and have fun. How do I just play casual and fun especially around a girl I really like without losing my romantic side?

2007-04-22 13:36:57 · 1 answers · asked by nihilistic_reality 2

i watch tv for a whole hour and all i saw was booty breast and booty and breast. skanky outfits and women sliding and dancing on poles.

why do they think its cool to give this airplay . girls actually follow this trend and the think its cool . thats why so many of teens are pregnant and sluts.smh

2007-04-22 13:32:25 · 1 answers · asked by yoshi_gurl08 1


2007-04-22 13:31:57 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Here's the story. I'm 17 and I train at the gym, lift weights and stuff. Been doing this for 2 years now. I finally decided to try a creatine (substance that makes you stronger, and more muscular) called Purple-K. Nothing is bad about creatine. It doesn't do water retention like it used too back in the days. My girlfriend is a nazi about creatine. She totally hates this supplement. She gets pissed every ******* day about it. I'm gonna start Monday the 23rd and she says she will be pissed everyday and make me live hell just because SHE doesn't like it. I think she is a person that needs to be in control and freaks out when she's not, like in my case. She litteraly cries on the phone because I'm going to start using creatine. I ask her why she gets so upset about it and she tells me that because I'm gonna get so ripped and muscular, she fears that I'll leave her for another girl. Anyway, like any caring guy I tried to assure her that it won't happen. She just won't believe me :(.

2007-04-22 13:26:03 · 2 answers · asked by Pascal.S 1

I've been asking questions here all weekend. But now I think it's time I faced the truth.....end of the line. I felt strong feelings for this beautiful friend of mine. I was too aggressive and I spooked her away. What really hurts me is the fact that she gave me her phone number, I didn't have to ask. What are the odds that a beautiful woman will give you her phone # w/o having to ask for it. I jumped the gun, I tried to kiss her, and ask her to be my girlfriend two days before going out, I begged her. Now I've come to realize that, that has to be the BIGGEST MISTAKE that I've made in my entire life. I can't forgive myself for making such a foolish mistake. How can I get over this? I am currently going the biggest of low of my life and need enlightenment. It's not just the girl, It's the fact that I screwed up something very good.

2007-04-22 13:22:09 · 17 answers · asked by rrk33 2

i went with dis boy along time ago and ever since we broke I have still liked him he would tell me he likes me to but den he dont but den he says he do and now he has a new girlfriend but i feel there is still a connection

2007-04-22 13:22:08 · 17 answers · asked by 221 1

I am looking for creative answers only and no judgements or advice. How do you ask a man this question tactfully without appearing completely slutty?

2007-04-22 13:20:34 · 1 answers · asked by roadtoolong06 1

2007-04-22 13:18:48 · 13 answers · asked by Lindsey k 1

I talk to her all the time and held her hand a couple of times but i'm just not sure. Help me out if you can, please.

2007-04-22 13:16:46 · 10 answers · asked by justakid131 1

I know this is a stupid question,but I'm just bummed out. I took a drive to get out of the house and all I saw were couples taking walks. It depressed me because I have no girlfriend to share spring with.The sunny day walks,watching sunsets, and the like, aren't going to happen this year.Anyone else feel like all they get is smog? This just sucks! (sorry for venting)

2007-04-22 13:14:30 · 8 answers · asked by rockman 3

what should i do? i think i am in love with my sister's boyfriends daughter and i think she feels the same. Nothing has ever happened i mean we haven't even kissed but there is just soo much between us. I think of her nearly every minute of the day

2007-04-22 13:10:54 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok in the beginning it was nothing but friendship but we were kissing each other.We spend weekends together and we do things all the time together.He is kind of more the layed back kind of guy and i am more the serious type of girl. So do i tell him i care about him alot or do i just leave it alone and let time tell what is going to happen between us?I want to have him in my life but i dont want to overwhelm him so help me please.

2007-04-22 12:58:55 · 1 answers · asked by rblt 1

can they?? like everytime??? there's nooo way they won't kno
even if u dont scream?? and i kno this must sound super niave/awk but pop ur cherry?? so everyone bleeds the 1st time?????

2007-04-22 12:48:34 · 16 answers · asked by alana s 1

recently i've been speaking to a few people online who are a couple of years older than i am. most people my age have not had sex yet, but i really like these people and the only way i could get them to talk to me and be interested in me is if i pretended i have sex all the time, like they do. i've been planning on seeing these people for quite a while, but each time, i'm scared of actually meeting them because i really like them, but am scared they won't like me. also, even if i do have sex with them, which i think i would be willing to do since i like them so much, would they be able to tell that i'm a virgin and was lieing about having had sex before or not? thank you for the help!!

i kno what they look like and have seen them around before in my old school and they're friends w/ some ppl i kno so im not scared of them, its just idk what to dooo

2007-04-22 12:41:38 · 11 answers · asked by alana s 1

Ok - So i've liked my personal trainer for a while - and he asked me to go to a concert with him the other night.
We got into the concert and it was dark and I though that he was going to make his move, but nothing happened.

I really enjoyed the concert and would like to get to know him better. Also throughout our conversation he mentioned money alot - about how much he earns etc... what does this mean?

At the end I mentioned that we should do it again sometime and he said sure.

1. I keep getting mixed signals from the guy - one minute he seems into me and next we're just friends. Why would a guy give mixed signals?
2.Why did he invite me to the concert if he is not interested?
3.The other thing to consider is that I am his client and am 6 years younger than he is (He's 29 i'm 23) - Could this be a turn off for him? How can I let him know that none of that means anything to me?
4. I'm seeing him tomorrow for training - what should I do?

2007-04-22 12:33:29 · 3 answers · asked by Sarah_Silverstone 2


2007-04-22 12:26:08 · 1 answers · asked by coolcat823 1

what signs: like i want to know about the inner workings of a nerd's mind

2007-04-22 12:25:01 · 11 answers · asked by aleandria 1

attractive? scarlett johannson maybe a blond, but she is a chubby blond and people find her sexy, asia arwryai (however it's spelled) she is a bruette from india and considered the most beautfiul women on earth..and miss universe winners, they always seem to be latinas..so why is is that to this day there is still that thing that women that have blond hair, blue eyes are the most attractive? and why is that if you want to feel attractive you can only do it by becoming blond?

2007-04-22 12:18:17 · 15 answers · asked by amanda 1

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