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Singles & Dating - 23 March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

every times i said something, she laughs, i don't try to be funny, may be it's the way i talk.....

i can't talk to her, how do i stop being funny

2007-03-23 12:19:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

so tell me now
how do i live without you
i want to know
how do i breathe without you
if you ever go
how would i ever, ever survive
how would i
oh how would i live?

what do you think?
any good?

2007-03-23 12:19:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Finally moving on after the entire debacle with my friend A, I was asked out to dinner by a guy I'd known through mutual friends. We had always shared eye contact and smiled at each other, so I was happy when he asked. I had a great time, and even though I sincerely offered, he insisted upon paying. We hugged each other goodbye, and I was hoping to see him again.

Sure enough, he asked me out again to a movie, and afterward, we went for a walk since the weather was so nice that night. Since he hadn't made any moves physically, I wasn't sure if he wanted more than friendship until he said, "I always seem to wind up in the friend-zone with girls I like." I thought he was referring to me misinterpreting his shyness, but then he started to talk about some girl he'd liked for a year who he considered to be his best friend!

Does anyone have any idea why he would do this? Am I just going insane or has dating truly become this unstraightforward?

2007-03-23 12:18:20 · 4 answers · asked by HallamFoe 4

You aren't jealous if your friends have other friends. But if your sex partner (bf/gf/spouse) has sex with someone else, it's called "cheating."

Why is that? What's the difference?

This is a serious question. If you could honestly try to analyze or explain the reason(s) that you feel that way, I would really appreciate it.

2007-03-23 12:17:42 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

I like a boy in my 3rd period named Adam. He has a girlfriend and it's sooo hard! I've NEVER in my whole life liked a boy this much! He is perfect! The boy I've been waiting for. He is nothing like any boy I've ever met. He is taken but we are friends and it makes it harder!! I try to move on and except he has a gf but I can't like any other boy no matter how hard I try! I used to like boys just to like boys, but after meeting Adam I just like him, for him. I need help! How can I move on and except he doesn't like me?! serious!!!

2007-03-23 12:17:30 · 17 answers · asked by *¸¤Jazzy¤¸* 1

Im 16 years old and this girl, who is 13 years old, wants to get into a relationship with me. When I told her that I don't want to do that, she started crying. I wanted her to stop so i told her i'd think about it over the weekend. One side of me tells me that I should and there isn't really any harm in doing so, but the other side of me tells me that I shouldn't because shes way younger then me. For example, if I took her to the movies or w/e people would probably ask, " Is that your brother?" or w/e. I just don't know what do to. And it would be helpful to get an outside opinion on this.

2007-03-23 12:17:10 · 9 answers · asked by bif_the_duck 1

Im 23 been out if college for two now and am wonder why doe one with this problem. My life is boring it seem like all i do is work and sleep. How does one meet new people without going to the bar or church????

2007-03-23 12:16:22 · 2 answers · asked by n8 1

A boy and a girl had sex for the first time. The girl and boy claims they never had or did oral sex to anyone before.The girl decides to give the boy oral sex without him asking and does not hesitate. The girl asked the boy to do oral sex to her but he says no. Does that mean she's done a time before?

2007-03-23 12:15:52 · 18 answers · asked by Baby S 2

I just had my spring break, and i wanted to know what are some fun places you've all been too.
Any good funny stories you have?

2007-03-23 12:15:30 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

plz help! i dont want this relationship to be over! i want to be his girlfriend but he is taking it too fast what should i do?? thank u sooo much!! thnx

2007-03-23 12:14:54 · 10 answers · asked by | .Michelleee. | 1

2007-03-23 12:13:50 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Am I being too jealous? I know he loves me and will never leave me for anyone else. He is one of those people that others like to confide in, but it really bothers me. It's not just one ex either.

Not one of my ex's are trying to be "just friends" with me - not one.

2007-03-23 12:13:33 · 5 answers · asked by Truth Hurts 5

2007-03-23 12:12:45 · 12 answers · asked by manushi 1

Before we went out, he was nice and everything. But after the first week, he turned into a jerk. He keeps on complaining about my personal appearance when there is absolutely nothing wrong. His favorite thing to complain about is my hair. A single strand gets away from a pony tail and he bitches about it all day long. I was ill today and my hair was out and he kept on saying that I looked like Whitney Houston and the dress I was wearing looked like a maid's dress... even though everyone else thought that I looked cute today.

I won't see him until Monday... should I just send him an email (he doesn't have a computer so he will have to get the email on Monday) or break up on phone (I tend to forget what I have to say on phone though)? Give me something to say. I want revenge,

2007-03-23 12:12:21 · 16 answers · asked by Sugar 1

Why when people on here ask a question, some idiots reply with comments such as 'don't know', ' never heard of it' etc?
Whats the point.
Also level 7's - Really get a life, your all ill.

2007-03-23 12:11:51 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

My bf of 9 months has a demanding job as a project manager for a contsruction company. He is on the field for 8 to 10 hours being pulled in all directions. He does try to call me during the day to say "hi," but somtimes it's after 2:00 and i haven't heard from him. He's a completely different person after work though. He calls me a lot, but during the day, he's a completely different person. Should I be hurt that he sometimes doesn't call until late in the day?

2007-03-23 12:11:26 · 12 answers · asked by wotevu 1

Ok, quite a while ago, maybe like 6 months or less,I met him on bebo through his sister, who goes to my school. He's my age. Though we've never met in person, I've seen pictures(I know, doesn't always mean much), and we've talked just about every day since we met. Now we've pretty much come down to him saying he loves me and I'll say it back, becauze that's really how I feel. I LOVE his personality, and how he always says the perfect things. I feel like I really know him. The thing is, the times I've tried meeting, it never works out, mainly because he ends up not being able to come. I can understand this, but it's happened on more than one ocassion. Also, some friends of mine think he's fake and its someone pretending to be him, or they think he doesn't look like the pictures show. How can I know for sure? oh, we haven't talked on the phone either, but we have each others numbers, I've tried calling before, and he said he tried but I guess it didn't work...I guess any advice, please!!

2007-03-23 12:11:09 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 16 keep in mind

2007-03-23 12:11:05 · 6 answers · asked by Lindsey 2

Do ladies like doctors and office workers more military man.

2007-03-23 12:10:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been checking this guy out at my local pizzeria. And I think he's really good looking, but I dont have the courage to go up to him and talk to him. What are some ways to break the ice with this guy? But the problem is, my family is mostly around. I am in my mid 20's and he looks like he is around 30 and so I feel very shy when I see him. I have only seen him twice but I want to get to know him better. Please help me!

2007-03-23 12:10:55 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-23 12:09:54 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

and if you didnt see it coming,and you werent looking for love

2007-03-23 12:09:52 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know this boy that was with this girl for like two years. They keep breaking up but they always got back together. The last time they broke up the boy meet this girl and found her very attractive, they started talking then they became very close. They spoke to each other for a while. At the time the girl had a boyfriend so she couldn't be with the boy. A couple months passed and she went with the boy she spoke to for a while. His ex girl friend found out and was upset so she used to try calling and telling him she's sorry for everything she has done and she said she wanted him back. The boy was no longer interested in her and she didn't like that. She suddenly started calling him every night crying saying that she's going to kill herself. The boy always tried to talk to her because if she actually killed herself he would feel bad. The girl told him she only wanted attention. A few days passed and the girl still use to try calling. Then the boy was no longer interested in her.

2007-03-23 12:09:41 · 10 answers · asked by Baby S 2

Im a model and in gymnastics and i have been training to go to the olmpics for years but i have to leave the love of my life and i really don't want to........ What should i do contiue my dream and leave my love or stay with my love and quit gymnastics????

2007-03-23 12:08:41 · 6 answers · asked by kimmy 2

First, understand this is a girl I'm in love with commenting to a friend of hers on myspace who's boyfriend broke up with her. This came off a blog:
"well, i think everything you said in that was a 100% true! there is no perfect relationship. but you have to remember that your not the only one in the relationship the girl always puts 110% into their relationships and most boys dont. its not fare to us that we get hurt and they act as if everything is just great! we have to learn to only put in as much as we get. he should have called to talk about, if he really cared. so i think you should not worry about it, cause he needs to be the one to make the next move, if there is one."
All I did to the girl in the above comment was love her. That's why I didn't try that hard to go out with her since she didn't like me back. That's why I was afraid when she said she was falling in love with someone else, I told a friend, and just for her to find out and get mad at me and not talk to me for

2007-03-23 12:08:38 · 5 answers · asked by Icebox -0: Never Again 5

This story is not made up.I know is long,but if you read it all you will definatelly get shocked as I did the first time my sis told me.

**~**Fairytale In A Reality**~**

Well...this is not my story is my sister and brother-in-law's story.
My sis was 13yrs. old,and this was going to be her first and last year at the middle school she was going to sence she was in the 8th grade.Then,she met a fun,friendly,and energetic girl,who was going to change her life forever(Marissa).One day my sis asks the girl(whom was like her bestfriend)for her e-mail,then the girl gave it to her.When my sis was adding her to her messenger list,she invited my sister to a conference where she introduced my mother to her friends,Erick and Gina.Then Erick added her to his messenger list,Gina did the same,and Erick saw her avatar and said do you really look like that...?She answered,yes.Then Erick replied Oh,nvm,I'll find out.My sis thought he was a cool guy.And always told him that she was invisible at school because no one bearly knew who she was.Then she said she always put like a costume on so boys wouldn't noticed her,in other words she said she was ugly.He sed Yh,I bet I will find you under that costume.That Monday she went to P.E when she saw one of her other new friends Gina.Then,Gina tells Marissa that Erick was asking for this girl named Angel(my sis).Then Marissa looks at my sis and starts laughfing,then explains to Gina that it was my sis(Gina didn't remember my sis lastname)Then she also started laugfing.A week had happened sence then and Erick and her had become,basiclly close friends.One friday at school she was going to be late for a class and was running in the hall,then she came over a guy...then they both sed excuse me at the same time,then funny thing is that kept walking the same way she moved left,he moved left,she moved right,he would moved right,then finally he sed Ok,you go this way,I'll go that way.When she finally got away she felt as if she knew him(Yh,It was Erick....In this time they have never saw each other in picture or personally)Not long after Erick and my sister share their picture to each other...Then they just laughfed cuzz they recognize each other from that day.Then my sis explained to Erick how she never had have hadden a boyfriend in her whole entire lifetime.Then he sed no to worry because he hadn't hadden a girl in sometime.Then it was time for a valentines dance...Erick was in runaway to be Sweet-Heart King and so was Marissa for Sweet-Heart Queen.Erick HAD to go with Marissa(No they didn't like each other)My sis had told Marissa that she wasn't going,Until this boy named Jared asked her to the dance.It was finally the night of the dance Erick and Marissa were already there when her and Jared arrived(not really a good thing Jared was Erick's BEST friend)Then finally Erick saw my sis for the first time,personally(knowing that it was her,lol)My sis said that there was something in his honey-colored eyes that she couldn't tell what it was.Then Erick and Marissa has won for Valentine King and Queen...Marissa was so nice that she didn't wanted to keep the crown she gave it to my sis.Yh,soon...the little white lies began...People started noticing my sister had a crush on someone,but who?Well,of course,Erick.But no one knew that,they asked her but she sed no.Same to Erick.Then one day Erick had gotten an anonymous e-mail saying that he was gay.(It wasn't my sister)But Erick thought it was her,and then when they came back to school he just ignored her.Until one day my sis asks him what was wrong.Then in front of some of his friends, and some of my sis friends.He told her what was going on. Everyone was looking at my sis like she was a bad person then my sis got kinda furious,and Marissa and Gina had to take her by the arms so she couldn't get near him.And then my sister shouted your wrong,I would never do anything to hurt you!Then she explained to me that she felt like time had paused.Then,finally,she had heard a voice saying explain youself.Erick.Then,my sis almost crying said you're the boy I like,Ok?Gosh you can let me go now...Gina and Marissa where like wow.My sis took away,and Jared followed her.Jared saw my sister devasted and crying,he told her to be strong because she was a great girl and that god was going to repay her somehow(He had a minor crush on my sister,but Marissa totally liked him)
Marissa tapped Erick(looking cofused and disappointed) on his shoulder and told him Congratz!You missed a great girl,looking confused, herself.Days had passed and my sis didn't wanted to talk to Erick at all.Erick insisted but Gina told him not to,That it would make things worst.Then one day(my sis can't believe how this happened)there was a pep-rally at their school,and the principal had announce something about a powerpoint,the powerpoint had began and it played my sis fav song and she read "This powerpoint is dedicated to a great girl,A true friend....Angel"Then there were pictures of her having fun with all of her friends,at the beach,all you could imagine.The last slide has the poem:
I'm sorry for all the pain you've endured.
You liked me so much but I just ignored.
I was too blind to see
Just what you had to offer me.
I'm sorry for not caring for you.
Heaven knows I never meant to hurt you.
I'm sorry for making you sad.
I never realized I made you feel bad.
When I think of your smile,
It makes me feel glad that I knew you as well as I did.
I'm sorry for not showing you the love you deserved.
Deep down I liked you, but I kept it covered.
I was too blind to see it
But now it's too late.
We never even had a first date.
Maybe in the future, you'll give it another try.
I just want you to know,
I never meant to make you cry.
But until this day comes, I'll be waiting for you.
She was motion less.Truth is that Erick did like her back,but he didn't admit.When everyoned exited the gym she was the only one left.Still not believing what just happened,Erick was right beside her with a white rose he sed "Here,I still remember what you sed that first day I met you...You like white roses."There they had their first kiss.They didn't went out until they go to highschool...4 years.They got married when they were 17 with the signatures of my mother,father,and Erick's parents.Now they have been married for 9 years and have 2 daughters named in honor of Marissa,and Gina,and are about to have a baby boy named in honor of Jared.
What happened to Marissa and Jared?They got married when they turned 19.They have a baby boy named in honor of Erick.
What happened to Gina? She explained that during school time she was a spy for Erick to look-out for my sis so nothing could happen to her because he wanted her to be safe.Gina kept this secret for 5 long years.She got married with Carlos(Her crush since the 10th grade)When they turned 22.They have a baby girl who was named in honor of my sister...Angel.
* That part about the names...Yh,I thought it was weird,but it was kinda cute...they all named their kids after their friends,and the ''unbelievable story'' *


Hope you like it,I loved it kinda sounds like a fairytale...but it is not,lol.Oh! and I also got the honor to be the flower girl at my sister's wedding since I was 4.

2007-03-23 12:07:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


As u may have read some of my questions i have had some boy friend problems..but now a new problem has arose. I think today he may have drinken beer, taken drugs, or did pot or somtin becuz he was acting soo weird and like out of it and saying weird things...doing weird things. And i dont want to be with someone who is like that! plus he was like hugging girls and flirting with them but he never did that with me..and i am stuck. so tell me what to do. we have been goin out for4 months and we havent really gotten anywhere except friends...kind of so ya tell me stuff

2007-03-23 12:07:54 · 4 answers · asked by Mrs.Blondie 2

When playing 'footsie' with a guy at a restaurant..and I put my foot on the cushion between his legs under the table..he jumps.

I can see if I were to hit his area with my high heels, but I don't, I just tap his thighs with the toe of my shoe.

Why do guys jump?

2007-03-23 12:07:34 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I Love This boy we have been dating foe 6 months now and i am totally in love we are willing to get married when we are older what do you think?

2007-03-23 12:06:35 · 3 answers · asked by ?LisaMarie? 1

See I like this guy and i've never had the guts to go and talk to him or anything and he's really shy too which doesn't help. He knows I like him but and everyone tells him that. A couple of times I got my friends to talk to him 4 me. But just the other day I stuffed up big time! I wrote my number down on a bit of paper and got my friends to give it to him. And now everyone's telling me that I have to talk to him. I already know this but how? Should I ring him up and apologise for my stupidity and tell him how sorry I am for being such a dh?

2007-03-23 12:06:19 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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