I like a boy in my 3rd period named Adam. He has a girlfriend and it's sooo hard! I've NEVER in my whole life liked a boy this much! He is perfect! The boy I've been waiting for. He is nothing like any boy I've ever met. He is taken but we are friends and it makes it harder!! I try to move on and except he has a gf but I can't like any other boy no matter how hard I try! I used to like boys just to like boys, but after meeting Adam I just like him, for him. I need help! How can I move on and except he doesn't like me?! serious!!!
17 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
P.S I am 11 and it makes it harder too having no experiance with boys besides little elementry crushes... HELP ME!
12:19:38 ·
update #1
I can't move on NO MATTER HOW HARD I TRY!!! I just can't!!!! no way! He is perfect I just don't know what to do..
12:25:34 ·
update #2
you just have to-he has a girlfriend that probably likes him for the same reasons you do-so just be happy to have his friendship otherwise it's just going to cause problems and not just for you.So just deal with it the best you can and if you can't handle being his friend then stay away from him as much as possible.There are more boys for a reason because we all cant share one.
2007-03-23 12:22:26
answer #1
answered by sweetsmiles69@jennieask-me 3
1.) since your only 11, you'll have more crush like this one-TRUST ME. You'll meet a guy that you really like and think that there is no other guy in the world. When you get to high school that will all change.
2.) You're young so enjoy NOT having your heart broken and all the bad things that come with love and crushes.
Love for you can be great, you could find your soul mate in the first guy you date, but the chance of that are slim- very slim.
There are OTHER guys out there, you may not agree now, but you will when you get your feeling hurt for the very first time.
But for right now just enjoy being a kid
2007-03-31 14:18:35
answer #2
answered by blue eyes 2
Ok at 1st my advice to u was to just GROW UP!
But now that I see that ur only 11, I think it's kinda cute! I used to like guys like that. *my secret: I still kinda have crushes like that! hahaha And i'm almost twice ur age!* Just continue being his friend. If he breaks up with her, chances r, you'll still b around and maybe he might start liking u. The reason y ur having a hard time liking other guys is because you've become a lil obsessed with this guy and u never even give other boys a chance. I know, I've been there. I convinced myself that he was the sexiest man alive and that he could do no wrong. But after a while, ur feelings start to get crushed b/c u realize that he's not on u the way ur on him. What u need to do is focus on just being a good friend. Guys appreciate that. So don't worry baby girl! We all go thru this....well, most of us girls do. It's natural! Just don't set urself up for heartache. Be urself and have fun! You're young!
Good luck!
P.S. By the time ur 12, ur gonna be liking someone else! You're gonna b like "Adam who?" LOL
2007-03-23 19:20:41
answer #3
answered by Classy PG 2
okay well it's not really hard to get over him because i bet if there was another boy you like just as much as Adam and they was like basically the same person and he didn't have a girlfriend you'll be the one not thinking of Adam but you'd be the one with the other guy...so think about it look around at all the other guys and if Adam is still the stand up guy then ask yourself this{IS he really in a good relationship with the other girl??}If he's turns out he isn't then you should get closer than his friend become closer and let him get to know you then maybe he'll like you for you and you'll have your chance with him
2007-03-31 12:02:18
answer #4
answered by krazi3_303 2
First off- you can move on. You can do whatever you want if you put your mind to it. Concentrate on other things that do not involve that guy. You will see your mind slowy fade away from him.
Second off- Like everyone else said, you are only 11. People will tell you this time and time agian, and you will want to blow it off, but you are way young to even worry about this. In middle school and high school you dont need to be fretting over boys. When you get out you are going to wish you focused less on yourself and "boys" and more on building strong realationships with your girl friends. Plus, you have sooo much growing up to do, in 2 years you will be a completly different person, and 2 years after that you will be a completly different person, and on and on. And even if the guy is perfect, it wouldnt matter, you shouldnt be able to date anyway... you would probably just get your self in trouble like most girls who get started "dating" early.
I promise if you just slow down your mind set you will enjoy school and friends and life much more...
2007-03-23 19:38:29
answer #5
answered by bsktbbulldog 1
Don't worry I remember when I was 9 and said " I've never felt this way about a boy before " and wrote it in a diary, now I am 13 and thought I was so wierd back then , If not wait until he breaks up with his GF ( no relationship last forever) and make your move
2007-03-23 19:25:41
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Haha, in 10 years you'll remember this and laugh at yourself.
In 5 years you won't like this kid anymore and you'll realize that he ahem...wasn't perfect and even if he was, you didn't waste your time waiting for him and found someone who was perfect AND available.
Move on, you are ELEVEN YEARS OLD for pete's sake. To you right now, that doesn't matter probably because eleven year olds can like people too. But seriously...you're 11. 4 years ago the same thing happened to me and I moved on. I said, "I will never ever ever stop liking so-and-so." And I did.
It probably won't make sense to you now but once you mature, you'll get it.
2007-03-23 19:24:26
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Ok, first of all ignore all the people who are gonna answer your to young for love.
Next, you can't do anything about it yet because he's with another girl. You cannot take him from her in what ? 6th or 7th grade ? It's like, against the code. haha, sounds stupid but you can't. IF they broke up, then tell him how you feel. The worst that can happen is he says no. It'll hurt but the hurt and pain will go away. Or he'll say yes and you'll have the boy of your dreams.
Blessed Be
2007-03-23 19:26:53
answer #8
answered by Jane ♥ 3
You're 11. There will be other perfect guys. Get a picture of this guy and put it in your scrapbook. In 5 years, you will wonder why you thought he was perfect. But keep the good memory of having this crush. It is fun! It can't go anywhere but it is fun!
2007-03-30 22:14:39
answer #9
answered by kathyw 7
Uh, you're a little young. I think you should slow things down a bit and concentrate on other things. 11 is way too young to be actually dating. And he may seem perfect, but trust me, you will find he is not.
2007-03-23 19:25:54
answer #10
answered by Anonymous