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Singles & Dating - 28 February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Ok....he kisses terribly, and I mean TERRIBLE. Sloppy, wet, the tongue getting shoved down my throat....... I am not exagerating. But he is the nicest man - lots of good qualities, so I keep seeing him. Then we slept together......sweet mother of God, it was by far the worst, fastest sex I have ever had in my life. We are both 33 so it's not like we are kids or anything....is there anyway to fix this? How do you let someone know without hurting their feelings and has anyone had to deal with this before - either had to tell someone or been told. I like him and the only thing wrong is the sex/kissing which I know, there is more to life but give me a break!

2007-02-28 06:03:56 · 10 answers · asked by Clarissa 4

it was a really cold message, giving my no reasons. I need advice? what should i do? so far i just havent responded and he hasnt contacted me which suggests he doesn care

2007-02-28 06:03:50 · 29 answers · asked by helen b 3


2007-02-28 06:03:19 · 5 answers · asked by Ms.Larkin 1

2007-02-28 06:02:18 · 18 answers · asked by kitty_kart84 1

So I have 12 brothers...I am the youngest but we are all only about a year apart, maybe less...my mom wanted a girl really bad and they didn't stop till they got me. If it matters I am 21. Well anywho, is there ANYWAY possbile that I can get them to like the guy I am with. They know that I have an open relationship with him - I can be with other people and so can he in a sexual way. - Well anyway this is something both me and him decided so don't tell me its stupid and blah blah blah. Anyway this guy wants to marry me and when we get married we will NO longer have an open relationship...well...I think my brothers are going to hate him forever and I really do love him. He is amazing and everything I have ever wanted but none of my brothers understand...I don't get it...why are they so protected. My Mom died about 5 years ago and since then they have been sooo crazy about every little thing I do...is there anything I can do to make them understand???

2007-02-28 06:01:18 · 13 answers · asked by ~Jamaica~ 3

I work with him and he just dont get the fact that I am getting married and don't wanna get with him...he has been at me for about 6 months

2007-02-28 06:00:13 · 16 answers · asked by scamrhoop 2

I'm a jealous person and I know there are a lot of you out there too. I just can't seem to shake this jealousy thing sometimes. I'll get these thoughts in my head that my girl can do better and that one night she might try. She's going away this weekend to visit her friends who live out of town. I hate these girls. They're single and I think together they've had every man from here to inner Mongolia. I hate it when she goes out with them. I can't help but get these feelings that she'll do something when I'm not there. Anyone have any advice on getting over these feeligs?

2007-02-28 05:58:52 · 11 answers · asked by kungfumasterzod 2

Me and my crush worked together for almost 2 years and we became good friends. During the last few months we have hunged out a lot. She always instant message me first whenever i sign on, she calls or text me very often. We talk to one another everyday. She said that im very funny. She gets very upset if we dont hang out. On valentines day when we had plans and the weather was bad she was very pissed that i couldnt come see her. Recently I asked her to be my date at my date party that im having she said yes. Does she like me as a boyfriend type person or just a friend? How can i win her heart to make her be my girlfriend because I would like to be that guy she can come to rely on etc. What should I do? What do i need to do? Thank

2007-02-28 05:56:22 · 1 answers · asked by tbg1982 1

I'm 16 years old and in love with my boyfriend.
My mom knows it, and says we should "be careful" because we're in love.
What on earth does that mean?

2007-02-28 05:55:13 · 28 answers · asked by Telltale Muffin 3

my DOB is coming up and i do not how should do my hair. can your gave me some ideas to c how to od my hair. or what should i do .and it my weet sixteen.

2007-02-28 05:54:42 · 1 answers · asked by mz.bowwow 2

Why is it my undercover lover who has a sex partner not use a condom on me but will with her and anyone else he sleeps with..but is very concerned whether or not I sleep with anyone else outside of our relationship...after sex he never lay around and enjoy the moment until after he rushes to the restroom to wash up....why is this?

2007-02-28 05:53:06 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my crush worked together for almost 2 years and we became good friends. During the last few months we have hunged out a lot. She always instant message me first whenever i sign on, she calls or text me very often. We talk to one another everyday. She said that im very funny. She gets very upset if we dont hang out. On valentines day when we had plans and the weather was bad she was very pissed that i couldnt come see her. Recently I asked her to be my date at my date party that im having she said yes. Does she like me as a boyfriend type person or just a friend? How can i win her heart to make her be my girlfriend because I would like to be that guy she can come to rely on etc. What should I do? What do i need to do? Thanks

2007-02-28 05:53:04 · 1 answers · asked by spurs257 1

i want to know something plz..........so plz reply back to me by this e-mail address ok: actor_chef_guy78@yahoo.com my name is Josh thanks!

2007-02-28 05:51:19 · 9 answers · asked by actor_chef_guy78 1

i have fallen in love with a girl.i am a teenager. i dont know if she loves me or not. i have never talked with her, since i first met her 10 months ago. iam afraid to say 'i love you' just because she may complain to her parents. i have never talked with her, but she respects me for sure.
what will i do ?
help me plzz.

2007-02-28 05:51:17 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous


hi, I have known my b/f for a year/ but dated 6months now. At first I was skeptical about going out with him since he's 23 and I am 28. well he is sweet/kind/caring but i am finding out now that he doesnt believe in marriage/kids/diamonds =( well I dont know if I should continue seeing him, because I do want a home, marriage, kids and security. Even though he treats me very well. I sometimes dont know where this is going? I do care a lot about him, and we have been taking it very slow, when it comes to 'Love" we both havent said anything to each other yet. Also, we're about 5hrs apart from each other. I feel like my biological clock is ticking and I am at a point that I really want a family, but he is so young and has so much to explore, I cant expect him to give me what I want . If I continue dating him, by the time "IF he is ready for "whatever committment, I will be much older.I dont know what to do, I do feel heartache when I think about it calling it off and go separate ways

2007-02-28 05:51:15 · 10 answers · asked by Larki79 1

2007-02-28 05:50:53 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok i hate men........i love this pakistani guy ( bcuz he has a number of good qualities which r compatible with me) but he wants me to strip for him n i dont want to do it.... n when i refuse he gets mad at me n ignores me... things got so bad tht we stopped talking for couple of months n then he came back saying tht he misses me n dreams abt me.. he says he thinks of me as his wife n wants me to do it all for him... but he doesnt even reply to my sms.. i call him i wake him up in the morning for his office... it kinda does feel like we r married sometimes... but i cant take his requests abt stripping in front of the webcam... its jsut too icky for me...... n whenever i refuse him he gets mad at me...n now tht he doesnt even reply to my sms i am wondering wht the hell am i doing with him.... does he even love me or jsut using me.......

2007-02-28 05:50:00 · 8 answers · asked by ninjagal3000 3

My best friend is a girl! We've always loved each other as friends! However, over the summer I starting falling for her, yet I never told her, because I couldn't have coped with a rejection! She then went out with a very good friend of mine! After that, she started telling me (coz she "could see I was sad") that she in fact loved ME, yet she had no idea I loved her back! So she dumped my friend and now it's all messed up! She doesn't want to commit to a relationship with me, because she doesn't want to hurt my friend's feelings, and she doesn't want to hook up with my friend again, because it would hurt MY feelings! I've been waiting just over a month now for her decision...Is there any hope of a relationship with her, or should I just walk away and forget her?

2007-02-28 05:49:50 · 9 answers · asked by Miles H 1

I'm not allowed to have a boyfriend, like my parents told me I can't. I am 14, people tell me that real love does not exist at 14 but I have not loved anyone more than I love my boyfriend. I have known him for four years and I have liked him that whole time. All i want to do is talk to him and be with him. I don't lust for him. I love him more than I love my parents, I'm serious, I'm not just saying. He's the only person I want to be with. The problem is it is a long distance relationship (which is going pretty good actually) and my parents don't know about it. We have been together for two months. I'm really scared now that I got into a relationship and wasn't supposed to, and when my parents find out, I will not see the light of day for a year, NOT exaggerating. Should I have even got involved with this guy? I really do love him though...Any advice?

2007-02-28 05:49:15 · 16 answers · asked by horsesareforever 3

well I've been going out with my boyfriend for 9months straight now and yes we have had sex. but, he wonders if i can give him head, if i do would that make me a whore, ohh and im 16years old also

2007-02-28 05:48:31 · 20 answers · asked by blonde_chick 1

scould i tell my friend that i like him how schould i tell him i asked this question days ago i need more answers

2007-02-28 05:47:46 · 9 answers · asked by cool cat 1

i was told that my bf had killed his self from his roommate...but he didnt...and i already have a new bf...and my ex still loves me and i still love him...what do i do cuz i rly like the guy im with but i want to be with my ex but i dont want to hurt my new bf...ugh!! so confusing!!

2007-02-28 05:45:41 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

This guy and I have always had a thing for eachother but neither of us has ever been single at the same time, until recently. A year ago his brother and girlfriend of four years broke up for 6 months during that time I had a short fling with his brother. Now his brother and his ex are back together. He says he likes me but he can't date me because his brothers girlfriend is really upset about it. He really respects her and his brother and doesn't want to cause problems so he told me he needs time to think things through. Am I in the wrong? I don't know how I should play the situation, back of and completely end things conversation and all with this guy or if I should keep talking to him hoping things will fall into place? Do I really want to date someone who I might not be able to have a future with? Is it okay to "tip toe" behind the brothers girlfriends back? I am confused so many questions and NO perfect answers!
I feel like there is a natural connection if ther is such a thing

2007-02-28 05:45:26 · 3 answers · asked by lucky_sally4 1

my bf and i been dating for 10 months now, we still havent say you knoe the ''L'' word. he says he like me a lot, he cares about me, he's crazy about me, he wants to marry me, he misses me" but never the "I Love you." i say the same thingg to, but never i love you. its funny almost. all my friends are like, "how come you guys have never said it", i just said we dont care for it, we know we like each other very much, why bother say i love you.

Do you thing we shoud say it soon?, do you think it might ruin the relationship if we dont say it within a year or so?

2007-02-28 05:45:18 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was with my ex for 1 year..This saturday, my ex called me at 1 in da morning. And he told me that he had just came back from a date. Then all of a sudden he said "Damn we had something good, I wonder what happened?" I told him, "only you know, because you broke off the relationship" Afterwards he said he was going to get married and I told him ok then I wont call you anymore. And he said Im just playing, you take everything so serious. He said "If anything its alot easier for you to get me to marry you, I would marry you before I marry another girl"
He also calls me everyday, and I never call or text himBut I still love him..I just dont want him to know, because he would have the upper hand. And hes coming to see me on my b-day, he lives in California, and I stay in Fl....Could he be missing me? Whats he trying to say with all of this?

2007-02-28 05:42:18 · 8 answers · asked by gurl20073 2

A man who is slighly boring, is good in bed, faithful and predictable.....


The total opposite?

Which would you go for?

2007-02-28 05:40:48 · 8 answers · asked by Unhinged.... 5

In high school I was a nerd so after high school I made sure that I would never picked on again and so I joined boxing and bodybuilding. I went away for college and I am now the ladies man. When I went back home to visit for the summer some of those girls who teased me in high school asked me out and I turned around and rejected them, laughed, and showed off in their face. Is that great revenge?

2007-02-28 05:40:09 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Me and my guy friend usually talk on the phone every weekend which is fine by me anyways he is getting obsesed with playin on the phone. The first time we played was ok now its everytime we talk and I am bored out of my mind with it. Once was enough but every weekend c'mon now . I feel bad cause when he does call I either don't answer the phone or make up some excuse not to stay on there very long. what can i do to break the ice without making him feel bad?

2007-02-28 05:39:28 · 5 answers · asked by AA 2

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