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Singles & Dating - 17 February 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

A male friend wants to date a female bartender he met. Most of his other male friends are trying to dissaude him from it. They are
both in their late 40's. Having never dated a bartender, I don't know
why his other friends are objecting so strongly. Any opinions about
this would be greatly appreciated. Hurry, he's getting close to making his "move".

2007-02-17 06:18:35 · 3 answers · asked by mugget 2

okay, so whenever people ask, i tell! its like a cant stop myself...and lately its been getting worse because they've been asking about me && my boyfriend, and its probably because they know ill tell them anything...how do i stop? and please dont tell me, well just dont because thats not helping and you'd be wasting your time...thanx for your advice...<3

2007-02-17 06:17:49 · 5 answers · asked by Lady Sunshine 2

knows about the other? They're okay with the fact I'm with them both and to date there hasn't been any real conflict. Do you think this can really last?

2007-02-17 06:15:15 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

Alright so I (a senior guy) am going to ask a friend of mine to prom in the next few days. I could just ask her regularly, but that would be boring. So my idea is to get a balloon and a really really long string and get a friend to tie it around her car while we're having dinner. Attached to the long balloon string would be several cards. Together they would spell something like "Dear Lauren...Would you please...give me the pleasure...of taking you...to prom?" Inside the balloon would be a piece of paper with my signature on it. Now, after dinner I would split before she sees the balloon. Then, I would watch from a distance until she gets to the end. At which point I would drive back around and say "Hey I forgot something," and hand her a bouquet of flowers.

Is this too over the top? I know she would say yes, I'm her first choice to go to prom. Also, has anyone heard of this before? I want it to be original.

Thanks in

2007-02-17 06:13:32 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-17 06:13:06 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am not talking about honesty but openess. I wouldn't tell a girl I was dating all my dirty secrets.... but what should I tell her? I don't want to turn a girl off by letting to much of myself out in the beginning..... but shouldn't I be myself? I joke around a lot with my friends and coworkers and they like it... but how do I know how much to joke around with a girl I am just beginning to date? I havn't had the best past and I will let her know this, I have also come a long way from the guy I used to be... but some of the stuff I have done-it seems like it would turn any girl off if I told her.

2007-02-17 06:12:13 · 10 answers · asked by lend322 4

girls if you answer then tell me if you do have lots of male partners and if not why if your good looking you can have most any man . so how come you would not do that.

2007-02-17 06:11:04 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-17 06:10:54 · 14 answers · asked by Mandi 2

What are things that you especially like girls to do when you're kissing them (not dirty things, just small simple stuff).

Also, state age, just trying to get an idea where you're coming from.

2007-02-17 06:09:41 · 14 answers · asked by Christy J 1

so this guy and i really liked eachother and we talked every night on the phone/texting for 5 weeks... and we went on two dates those first two weeks. and things i thought were going Great. but apparently he had started liking some other girl after our last date (which is i guess the real reason we never went on any more) but he still continued to lead me on those last 3 weeks, even though he liked her. then his best friend told me in a text about the other girl.. and i was shattered and heart broken. i still don't get what i did wrong or why it happened? he Had liked me so much i thought. his reason was that i was one of the most amazing girls he'd ever met and that he didn't like the feeling of going out with someone he thought was too good for him.. WHAT i am not even close..!! and he said "i always thought other guys were looking at you.. and i don't like being jealous" and No guys were looking at me. i've never even had an official bf before. was he just saying that stuff or what?

2007-02-17 06:08:56 · 5 answers · asked by coolio 4

why do all women think guys want to get into their pants? I hate when women assume that if their good guy "friend" is really nice to them, and thinks she is an awesome or cool girl, then I'm supposed to be a pervert and wanting to f**k her. Maybe us guys want a great friendship, and possibly even a relationship together- for me that doesn't mean just sex! For guys like me, feel free to voice your opinion, and for you women like this, assuming makes an *** out of you and me. Not all guys are the same. And No, I'm definitely not gay, and please keep responses related to this question.

2007-02-17 06:08:46 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

she wants to hang out with me and my friends and shes trying to set me up with people she knows are these possible signs !

2007-02-17 06:08:08 · 10 answers · asked by BB 2

i asked my crush out on friday and he said yes (yay!) and now im not really sure what to do. i am going on vaca tomorrow early in the morning and he doesnt have my cell number. i tried calling him once but he wasnt home...should i call one more time right before i leave and just say, just wanted to call to say bye, and my cell number is......so you can call me if you want?


2007-02-17 06:07:41 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Theres this guy that sits behind me in my Reading class. He always looks at me and I always turn around to look at him. I think he likes me But I don't know. i want to ask him out, but i'm afraid he wil say no and his friends and stuff will make fun of me. How do I ask him out and know he likes me back???

2007-02-17 06:07:00 · 9 answers · asked by soccer7 1

I bought the Sims 2 and made a family of one man. The man fell in love with a sim that I did not create. I'm not sure if this is what it is but he adpoted a daughter and his aspiration is family. Her aspiration is romance and she lives with two other male sims; one with her last name and one with a different name. I made them engaged on Tuesday (sim day) and tried to get them to marry on Saturday (sim time). I had the propose option on Tuesday but on Saturday it disappeared. What happened? Why did it happen? How can I fix it?


2007-02-17 06:02:58 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the past she has been very flirty with me, always pay me attention, laughs at my stupid humor, touches me or makes contact with me alot, has suggested that we hook up a few times when she was drunk, let's me grab her butt, gets very shy when we are alone together. Now today she brings up the fact that she has not been able to do number 2 for 4 days. We joked about it for like 15 minutes, laughed quite a bit and discussed other issues and had a great conversation but I'm concerned about this because I dont feel girls would talk about something like this with someone they have a crush on. What do you all think ?

2007-02-17 06:02:04 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

get and trade pick up lines here i chose the best one

2007-02-17 06:01:17 · 9 answers · asked by wassup 4

Well, I never seen her for nearly 2 years for now, the last time I saw her, her hair was in shoulder length, and she is Malay, honestly, she love to smile, but she don't smile much in photos and she never show her teeth either. Someday if I wanna fix a date to meet her, I will love to take photos and using camcorder to video her, do you think she will smile? cause I don't even know how to make girls smile, and her teeth is pearly white & straight, like she wore braces before, but she didn't.

2007-02-17 06:00:15 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I told him. It didnt mean anything! He's super mad at him.

2007-02-17 05:59:17 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm too shy to have intercourse with my boyfriend, can all you people on yahoo questions and answers make fun of me that i i'm too shy to do it, so it will make me not be shy anymore? please, its the only way......i listen to you guys! go on! make fun of me!

2007-02-17 05:59:03 · 6 answers · asked by US 1

I dont believe in long distance relationship!!
he says his a person and that he has feelings...Im a person too.and becasue its long distance ....I do have feelings yes I do..
and his ghotto know something that what if this happens???

and than what?long distance wont work why cant he accept the fact that where he lives are plenty of other girls......

2007-02-17 05:57:29 · 21 answers · asked by Gõlden angel 4

ok there is this guy that used to like me, i want to know if he still likes me, before he used to talk to me alot and flirt with me but i asked him not to because i had a bf, now i dont, and i want to know whether he still likes me or not, we are still good friends,

but he is always teasing me bothering me all the time, he dosent call me names or swear at me, he is not rude, but just a little mean and keeps bothering, he he dosent talk alot like he used to do before,

but he keeps teasing me and sometime from far i catch himlookin at me if a guy is bothering me and looks a little mad, does he still like me or not??

2007-02-17 05:57:15 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

all my life i was told that love is sweet and love is hell too!! thats why all my life i didn't say (i love you) to any girl i've dated and thats
may be the reason why i cant have a long relationship!!!
THIS IS MY REAL problem :
i met this girl , she is nice ,sweet and pretty . we're togather for 2
weeks but some how i feel like she is the one for me coz she make feel like i wanna love and she makes me love to live my life!!
i wanna tell here that i love here and i wanna make here feel like
the way she makes me feel !!
i dont know how to tell here that and i really dont know what to do?
help me cause i dont wanna do something stupid !!!

2007-02-17 05:56:16 · 14 answers · asked by ErrorPage 1

I love this girl, who moved to Fl we kept the relationship for a year and then she just dumped me. Told me she was engaged, to a guy she only know three months. I love her and I want to make her see that. No one could ever love her more, I would do any thing just to have her back. She is my life. Right now I am just looking for a good song something that matches my situation. Any Ideas, on a song or just any ideas I how to get her back.

2007-02-17 05:55:38 · 3 answers · asked by shush_that 1

I like the friends I hang out with but not their second hand smoke. We discussed the matter and they dont mind if I wear a gas mask when I am with them. No need to say this is a little rough on the social scene. I have to approach gals carefully, one called a cop once. The guys whisper "Al Qaida maybe" and I have to yell back
"no health nut you gross polluter" One smoking grandma said "I feel for you, it must be worst than a Burkha." I like my friends but cant decide what to do. Should I take the mask off or stop going to the bar?

2007-02-17 05:54:45 · 10 answers · asked by Kaliyug Ka Plato 3

why oes my x convinced that she can control my my life even when we are not together? what is it that she needs to do in order to make her self feel good? yah yah i know you might say she isnt over me but that is not the case here! she is turning every one against me with half truths and lies!

2007-02-17 05:52:21 · 12 answers · asked by rwilson1684 1

My boyfriend's family are Puerto Rican and I'm white/ caucassion what ever you want to call it. Any way I met all his family last night 'cause it was a wedding and all of his family came up to us and asked us so when are you two guys getting married? He's eighteen and I'm sixteen and I'm not ready for that and I asked my boyfriend and he said he's not either. Do you think his family would go against him to? His dad was one of the people that asked that question. We've only been dating a month and I don't intend on getting married at sixteen. My parents said they were being serieous, but I don't want to look at it that way,but there was a girl there who was nineteen with two young children. Thanks....

2007-02-17 05:51:28 · 10 answers · asked by Blue eyed girl 2

While I am usually able to put this out of my mind, the fact that I have been completely alone for over two years, despite my best attempts to meet someone, has recently become increasingly acute and caused me to worry that I am loosing my opportunity to do so.

I currently volunteer at several charitable organization, participate in on-line dating (a scam), attend church, and hit the bar/club scene to no avail.

What concerns me is the fact that the high stress nature of my job has caused me to age rapidly, giving me the appearance of a 40 year old (graying hair, stress lines, etc.) when I am only 23.

I've found that many girls who are my age see me as an old man who shouldn't be talking to them while women who are in their 30's and 40's won't date me either.

I'm worried that if I don't meet someone soon, either as a good friend or something more, I'll loose my opportunity to do so, condemning me to a life of loneliness.

Are my fears justified???

2007-02-17 05:49:36 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

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