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Singles & Dating - 24 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Anybody can answer?
This girl i like very much is planning 2 go 2 Africa with a few of her friends 2 go and do some volunteer work and they need a guy 2 go along with them. The thing is i'm thinking of going but not only 2 volunteer;i'm hoping that it would bring us closer as friends cause this friendship didnt start on the right foot.I don't have a problem with going to Africa. Is it still a good idea?

This girl i like very much is planning 2 go 2 Africa with a few of her friends 2 go and do some volunteer work and they need a guy 2 go along with them. The thing is i'm thinking of going but not only 2 volunteer;i'm hoping that it would bring us closer as friends cause this friendship didnt start on the right foot.I don't have a problem with going to Africa and she is coming back after a few months. Is it still a good idea?

2007-01-24 08:17:53 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok some guy told me that if a guy calls you cute it means he likes you and wants you as a girlfriend. But if he calls you hot he just wants to do you. Is that seriously true?

2007-01-24 08:16:42 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

It might be spelt wrong but lets work out how many of u know what i mean .

2007-01-24 08:16:40 · 14 answers · asked by badass-mofu 5

2007-01-24 08:16:32 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I broke up with my live in boyfriend/fiance a week ago. He has already found a group of guys to move in with and lots of other fun activities. I, on the other hand, am moving back in with my folks to save money. I really am at a loss at what to do with myself. I work full time so am busy during the day. I don't know what kind of activities women around 25 do in the evenings. I was thinking of going back to school (hooray tuition reimbursement) but also want some other ways to meet people my age. Any ideas?

2007-01-24 08:15:32 · 13 answers · asked by Go Bears! 6

Who lies more girls or guys ....... me and my freinds were chatting before and we thing woman are worse players than guys and they cheat more whats your opinion on this .

2007-01-24 08:15:06 · 25 answers · asked by badass-mofu 5

Sometimes people say that I am too skinny, and some people will even say I look anorexic. I am just naturally skinny and I hardly even exercise. Some of my friends have even said that I look perfect, but then they will make fun of my size. Does this mean that they are just jealous and insecure with themselves?

2007-01-24 08:14:04 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I need answers my boyfriend of almost 2yrs. just told me he he has a baby on the way by another female.I love him very much but I don't know what to do about this. So can someone please give me some advice because I feel so bad right now.

2007-01-24 08:13:32 · 5 answers · asked by donaldsbabygurl05 1

basically i dont kno why its so hard for me go out and be social, it always takes me alot of convincing and alcohol to go out, and im not insecure by any means nor do i have a problem with anything else if u kno what i mean, but thats the problem, i dont have a reason to be that way and i realize that after i just had an late night extravaganza but then again i would just rather chill and not go out... what the hell is my problem?

2007-01-24 08:12:38 · 2 answers · asked by Mike C. 1

Been with my boy for close to 4yrs. (both in our late 20's) Was hard at first but we've worked it out & now are pretty happy. On paper we're great. We're both professionals & have similar goals. He adores me & I trust him very much. He's very domestic; cooks, cleans, laundry, etc. The problem - he's boring! Nothing seems to excite him. He doesn't like to be social with others (but he does hang out with my friends & they all love him) and he never initiates trips or going out. I'm the one always pushing him to do stuff. Over the past year or so he's improved a lot and goes out more. But in addition to that he's not very talkative or open which is hard since I'm an open book and crave intellectual conversation. Even though he loves me to bits and I'm sure would do anything for me with enough prodding, I'm not sure he's right for me.
On the other hand I don't want to break it off with him & end up with a guy who's fun & exciting but can't be trusted or won't love me the same way. Thanx

2007-01-24 08:11:18 · 1 answers · asked by RedDevyl 3

There are many ways but which is the easiest? I could maybe listen to her conversations with her friends but thats alot harder than it sounds. What is the easiest way to get her name without asking?

2007-01-24 08:11:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, so i am 14 in 8th grade, i like a guy in 7th grade. 3 months ago i told this guy I like him, i asked him if he liked me, and he did not give me an answer. And scence i told him he has been a driffent person, he is always showing off around me, and always talking and staring at me. Then the other day i went up to him and asked him if he wanted to hang out sometimes, and he said he would think about and then we gave each other a hug, and for the last couple of days he is driffent, he still stars at me alot, and talks to me, but not as much as he use to. All of my friends say that he likes me, but he will not give me an answer. Today i was going to ask him if he had made up his mind about hanging out, but we had to go to our next class. There is just something about this boy i love. Idk what it is!! And anytime he talks to me he talks normal, when he talks to anyone else he sounds very sarcastic. So what do u guys think, should i try avoiding him, or just waut until he tells me?????

2007-01-24 08:09:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

my best friend is my huge chrush i like him so much and i dont know what to do? i mean he has a gf but me and him have been best friends what should i do?

2007-01-24 08:09:12 · 16 answers · asked by Bri 1

My close friend who is 31, wanted to get engaged so badly to her bf of 3yrs. She got to the point that if it didn't happen by a certain date, she was going to leave him. Well, she started snooping around their apt & found the receipt to the ring. So when he told her to keep that following Sat open, she knew that was the night. And sure enough it was. I was so happy for her, I ran to her place ASAP, to congratulate them both.
Me on the other hand, I'm 32 &I have been dating my bf for 1 yr. Since Nov, he's made it seem like we'd get engaged real soon, but then after the holidays, he told me money got real tight (& it did). I was a little hurt & vented to her. Her response was "why are u in such a rush". I was so mad cause I can't believe she of all people would say that. She is getting married Oct '08, but she has half the wedding planned out already. On New Years Eve her bf said "we're getting married isn't that great" &she replied "No, it's not for another yr.

2007-01-24 08:08:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-24 08:07:20 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

He recently broke up with his girlfriend (3 weeks ago) and he knows i like him...he says he likes me but he is afraid of asking me out because he thinks i will say no to him or stop liking him, and i'm not sure if he is right or wrong because i might get a little embarassed if i go out with him.

2007-01-24 08:06:33 · 6 answers · asked by clairebear567 2

I get mixed signals from a girl and I just wanna know the definite signs if she likes me.

2007-01-24 08:06:28 · 5 answers · asked by §aD sMiLe §iLeNt TeArS™ 1

what do you look for in a girl??
like their attitude, looks, what cloths they wear...tell me everything lol



2007-01-24 08:06:20 · 2 answers · asked by samyjoe515 2

Okay people, I really like this guy and we used to be really good friends and talked all the time in LA clas but now we dont have any classes together...anyhow I think he might like me but I'm not completely sure. Well recently, when we pass in the halls he looks at me and he'll say something in a voice so quiet that you can't understand what he's saying and he's all of a sudden very shy around me. He'll brush against me with his shoulders and he even ran into me too (accident I dont know) Well I need to know what you think. 10 points for best answer.

2007-01-24 08:06:02 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

today me an my girl made out (tonge kissed) before school in the library but i was doing all tha tounging is that a sighn thats she not ready to do tha tounge thing? plus how would you know if she liked the kiss? am i pushing to hard see me an her talk on the phone an i ask her am i pushing this relationship to fast ,but she say's no but when we tounge kiss i can see something's wrong in her eyes like i really am pushing it . i mite have to say am i pushing the tounge kissing to much but still what to do? do you females like when your boyfriend talks about the relationship that were in does that give you females of the male breaking up with the female? how can i show her i love her without showing it for example:tounge kiss oh when we kiss it seems that her mouth is allways close when i try to put my tounge in her mouth she kisses like her lips are stiff an won't open what can i do to loosin her up when about to tounge kiss?

2007-01-24 08:04:55 · 9 answers · asked by dear tha unknown pt2 2

Ok..this girl i LIke...i told someone something about her..she didnt really want me to tell anyone...i asked her for a second chance...i think shes gonna give it to me, i think she already did..but im on really thin ice..so i need some really good advice now...thanx..

2007-01-24 08:04:23 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

people say i am a great poet, when ever my friends (guys or s) want to get a romantic poem for thier bf or gf then they go to me, but i like someone and i dont know what to do, i simply have gotten my friends together with guys and s with my poems, but they have no advice for me, help please?

2007-01-24 08:04:03 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

So I have a ex. We text about everyday. I tell him i still care & 2 call me he never does. I asked him if he still cared for me he said yes. When i try to call him he never answers and then later texts me. What is going on in his head. Does he like me or what & if so why doesnt he call or ask me on a date? Help

2007-01-24 08:03:52 · 4 answers · asked by for_runner0 2

been dating this guy over a month.. he great to talk to, we spent the holidays together, he bought me a nice coat, he asks me what i want to do, he takes me places e.g concerts, he calls me everyday just to let me know what he's up to, he's trying to help me establish my dream of becoming a writer... he suggests ideas and is very honest in his criticism, he's reliable etc.. my friends sigh when i tal about him as though the're jealous or something.. wshen i told them i may be going to florida to help him choose a vacation home... they said, you can't go! hello, i'm 26 yrs old! do u think he's falling in love with me? i've never had a guy like him before.. i mean someone that's interested in what i have to say! how do i keep jelous people out of this? ps: i haven't slept with him yet!

2007-01-24 08:02:48 · 12 answers · asked by get outta here howdy 1

2007-01-24 08:02:31 · 9 answers · asked by alwaynemckenzie 1

I don't think so. Its an antiquated notion from my standpoint. But let me know what you think, if a exclusive relationship between a man and a woman is still a realistic option.

I wrote a blog dedicated to this topic to expand on my thoughts. If you are curious check out my profile for the link.

2007-01-24 08:01:55 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm so upset and I cant stop crying, I dont know what to do about my boyfriend, , he makes me feel that everything I do is wrong and it's my falt , everytime he has a bad day , he yells at me, then a mintute later he says he's sorry, he always blames me,then he says he loves me ,we never get to talk, I feel he always puts me down and never cares about me, he always buys me things to make it up, and when I dont forgive him , he yells at me and I'm always doing things wrong, what should I do, I love him and I dont want to leave him, I do so much for him , and sometimes I dont think he knows it,what should I do, I dont want to leave him, but I dont know how to let him know what he's doing to me.

2007-01-24 08:01:33 · 26 answers · asked by kitty 6

I've been with my bf for almost a year now, but lately things between me and him sexually arent as they used to be. If he touches me in certain areas, I get really annoyed and he knows it...I don't want to have sex, im never in the mood for it, the only thing I like to do with him is cuddle. Its almsot as if im not sexually attracted to him anymore :/

Im a 23/f , im not a smoker, im not on any anti-depressants or any other kind of pills, im not that big of a drinker, I would say I am under alot of stress though lately. I don't get enough sleep even if i sleep for more then 12 hours.

So what im asking is, is there ways to improve this state of mind im in. If he tries to hit on me or hint towards "going to bed" I just go "tsssk", etc. I dont want to do nothing with him sexually, and its starting to get to both of us I think.. I love him dearly, hes my everything, but sex drive has gone way down. I don't know what happened, but I need help here on some ideas to spark things up.

2007-01-24 08:01:07 · 7 answers · asked by sugar_angel_1983 1

He's so sweet and funny. He's really nice and tries totalk to me but I'm always to shy to do anything but smile and nod.He always talks to me first but I want to be able to talk to HIM. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-01-24 08:00:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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