I give my girlfriend two gifts from the heart. The first: a pink bejeweled heart that I thought over long and hard before purchasing. The second: the silver necklace from my own neck (one that had special meaning to me) as a token of my feelings for her. While looking in a drawer I seldom use, I found these items. I knew that these items had been taken, at on time, to her house and subsequently returned and seemingly hidden. When, only curious, I asked my girlfriend/fiancée to explain why see brought these items back to my house and hidden, she replied that she couldn't explain right away and that she wanted me to wait 6 days for her explanation. During those 6 days I was asked to wait I had to attend a funeral for my grandmother. Being around my family, with their spouses and significant others to support them, I had never felt more alone because I had to wait 6 days to see the woman I am with or to receive an explanation.
9 answers
asked by
Michael N