Im 16 years old and he's 17. We have been dating for two years. I broke up with him for 7 monthes. He never stopped loving me and I never stopped loving him. We got back together. Everything has been going great latley. But last night we had an argument about how he smokes weed sometimes. I dont like him doing it, and I'm always on him about it. He tells me that he doesnt want to talk about it anymore. It kinda hurts. When I got off the phone with him, I cried so hard. I have never cried like that over him. I love him, but I feel like I cant do anything right anymore, I want to love him, but I cant. I'm done caring about him. when I'm not talking to him I feel everything is ok, and I'm going to tell him how I feel, but I cant. And when I'm not talking to him I feel stupid, and i feel like I'm wasting my own time. Please help me!?
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