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Singles & Dating - 28 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

2006-12-28 05:42:28 · 13 answers · asked by Curious 2

I can't decide weather or not to continue seeing this guy.
We are not really in a “relationship,” it's more like we just hook up once a week or so when our schedules work out... The sex is actually pretty fun and good, but I AM a woman, which means with sex comes emotional attachment (unfortunately). Right now, I am trying my very, very best to leave my emotions out of it and just have this as a sex-only thing. But, I just know that he would probably never be interested in a relationship with me, and I am beginning to LIKE him, like him. Should I just end it now and leave the steady good sex behind, or continue seeing him for our “dates” and possibly get my heart crushed in the end??

2006-12-28 05:41:02 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Its been 5months, why can't I just forget it. I love him but I dont want to. He broke up with me. I thought we would get married, and share a life together. I'm 26, I'm old. I feel like I won't get another chance. I don't understand what happen. I feel so down about it.

2006-12-28 05:40:21 · 3 answers · asked by Crazy Heart 1

ok here it goes, me and my boyfriend have been having terrible fights, everytime we see eachother it happens! BUT thats not the problem, the problem is we dont have sex anymore or when we do try to have sex he just stops, he tells me its because of all the nasty words that has been said between us, and its not that he does not want to he does he says its because were not getting on, and b4 anyone says about his getting it somewhere else i dont think its about tht! i feel so down and feel like he does not fancy me anymore, has anyone been in this situation? and how did you deal with it? thanks :)

2006-12-28 05:39:32 · 21 answers · asked by ice_castles 2

There is this man (whose name I would not mention) and he is not a good influence in my life. I know he is wrong for me, and I know he is using me, but I can't stop calling and seeking him out. How can I stop thinking or getting depressed about this man? Think of a good answer, because it has been three days since I last called him and I am DYING TO PICK UP THE PHONE.

2006-12-28 05:39:21 · 17 answers · asked by carisondamove 2

wanna know

2006-12-28 05:39:06 · 17 answers · asked by juicy 2

I don't know if im going crazy, but i feel i have a crush on one of the staff members from where I work, and he's in his mid 40's, maybe a bit lower but it's still a little old for me and im only 18 years of age! but he's handsome though, not just an ordinary person who looks like they're getting old. Please, i need advice! thank you.

2006-12-28 05:38:28 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

everything was going fine.. until my friend started sending him text message and since that first time texting him they talk to each other almost everday.. she is married and tells me that she is not interested in him. but they are still talking to each other and even knows more info about him then me.. should i ask him whats going on or just leave them two alone? im confused.

2006-12-28 05:38:07 · 15 answers · asked by karmin 1

he always comes to my house and sleeps over till morning.I just feel hurt that I dont know where he lives am i being petty

2006-12-28 05:37:22 · 5 answers · asked by answers 1

how can i tel her how i feel ??? do i need to ??
what if she's already with someone ??? and she dont wanna hear what i got to say ??? i feel scared to call her ???
n make a conversation with her ???
i dont think she's wants me no more ??
but i really want her ???
if i do call her what should i say ??
and how should i talk ??

2006-12-28 05:37:18 · 1 answers · asked by THUG LIFE 2

2006-12-28 05:34:56 · 16 answers · asked by yunglite 1

I wondering if people get a kind of trauma each time they fail in their relationship ...? especially if they got hurt twice in two subsequent relationships ?

2006-12-28 05:33:34 · 10 answers · asked by Roy A 1

do u think that a gemini (lady) and a sagittarius (male) are compatible? why?

2006-12-28 05:33:15 · 3 answers · asked by pandabear 2

Let's say I'm interessted in u, invited u to a party 10 days ago and u showed up...what are u gonna think if i send u a sms and congratulate the new year?

too pushy? nice of me? whatever.. like every other freind that has smsed u? be honest

2006-12-28 05:32:42 · 7 answers · asked by Sweety 3

does any 1 know savannah stewman's fone #? i really need 2 know.

2006-12-28 05:32:00 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok i have always wondered on yahoo what are the people im taking answers from like. so could you answer a few questions
please dont give personal info.

1. How old are you?
2. What country are you from?
3. male or female?
i am just curious to see what everyone else is from and age,

I am 16, Male and i am from Canada Ontario

2006-12-28 05:31:02 · 32 answers · asked by dwickleworth 4

I have been in a relationship with my 15 month old's father for 3 years. It has been hectic to say the least. We continue to argue and fight but he continues to tell me he couldn't imagine himself with anyone else. For me actions speak louder then words and he doesn't act like that. We recently got into it pretty bad and it resulted in me having an eye injury. Though I know I provoked it by pushing him, he still wants to work it out and I don't know. He has another child and she doesn't speak to me. When I do things for her her mother tells her I am trying to buy her love so she won't use what I buy. No merry chirstmas, good morning or anything. My children don't treat him like that. We all live together and I don't like to come home. When the going gets rough he is there but just not consistently. Why does he want to work it out?

2006-12-28 05:30:59 · 5 answers · asked by Marcella D 2

I was dating my girlfriend for 1.5 years. We had a very strong connection and she constantly referred to me as the only one who has ever understood her and her only friend. The whole time I completely adored her. Her parents did not know about us at all... because they were extremely strict so our relationship was a secret. She was not ready for sex so I just waited, I did not pressure her at all. We did oral/ handjobs but she always seemed like she was being self conscious and a few weeks ago she just stopped. She didn't touch me at all, she said "she wasn't ready" for that either! How can that be? I could not help but feel like there was something wrong with me and I couldn't handle that feeling any more so I let her go. I treated this girl like a princess and I miss her and she was my closest friend. Did I do the right thing?

2006-12-28 05:30:27 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend says the sweetest things to me and he says he means them. I know he wouldn't lie to me but for some reason I don't believe what he says sometimes. I guess I'm just hoping that this isn't some cruel joke. I don't want this to be a joke, but I don't understand why I'm having trouble believing what he says? Maybe I'm just scared that for the first time someone is actually saying this to me that I don't want it to be a lie. I don't know!!

2006-12-28 05:30:24 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

how would you feel if you met a great guy but he seems to have brick walls .........in the box out the box ............................... if he took the time to know you .he would enjoy what you where but ........life far to complicated to find out

2006-12-28 05:30:10 · 9 answers · asked by angies_angel_eyes2 3

I have a crush on a guy friend of mine, whom I see at work everyday. I have suggested to him that we stop talking altogether so I can get over him. He knows I have a crush on him. What do you think of this?

2006-12-28 05:29:13 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please don't say that astrology has nothing to do with it. Maybe so but everyone has different qualities that they like and dislike. I'm simply asking what can I do to get a certain Gemini's attention

2006-12-28 05:27:19 · 10 answers · asked by lsunny13 2

some1 who i care for just walked out my life. I don't how to cry, yell nor how to deal with this feeling. I dont know how tell him that i do care.

2006-12-28 05:25:59 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

when were together we never fight but when we get home and get on the phone all we do is fight ? how can i stop fighting with him? please someone help?

2006-12-28 05:25:48 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

im 39 love to play pool and i do tattoos im good looking , but i need a female friend to go out with,

2006-12-28 05:24:13 · 5 answers · asked by vancehoweth 1

I recently told my boyfriend of 4 months that I was in love with him. I had been wanting to tell him for a while, and finally got up the nerve. While I dont regret my decision to tell him, he told me he could not say it back. He has never been in a real relationship before, and has never said it "I love you" to anyone. Whatever his reason though, I cant stand the thought of seeing him or talking to him now, and am considering breaking up with him. Is it normal for one person in a relationship to say this before the other? What can I do to make myself feel better about this, or is cutting of the relationship a good way to go?

2006-12-28 05:23:45 · 12 answers · asked by lillu 1

2006-12-28 05:23:27 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

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