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Singles & Dating - 20 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

So I love my bf but he ALWAYS has girls all over them. ( he doesnt lead them on..dont worry) and he gets upset that i get jealous. so how can i not be so jealous all the time? I mean i trust him and everything i just hate freakin girls all up on his nuts all the time! and i DONT want to push him away..and i know he loves me. i KNOW he does, and i know im the only girl he wants to be wiht. but i cant help it. AHHH

I need help.


2006-12-20 16:13:38 · 8 answers · asked by FairChild 3

well we had to handle some business (me and my ex bf) and well we broke up in a good way but i had not seen him in like 2 months and well we lived together and things were great until any other realtionship we got tired of each other and fought too much so HE broke up with me and I had no choice but to move on. Today we saw eachother and i was trying to be strong and act normal, but he broke down saying he missed me and he hugged me alot, he had teary eyes and just said how rough it has been lately.That broke me inside and i just gave in too. one thing led to another and we had sex. i know we will never get back together if it was up to me we would be. but obviously he doesnt feel anything because he just said that it he had made a choice and that he had to be strong and stick to it. I didnt try to and act out how i really felt but I cried when i drove him back. now i feel crummy like i am back to the beggining of the break-up. How can I get over this one now? I am completely confused

2006-12-20 16:13:31 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Are there any singles, dating, social groups that get virgins together that are waiting for marriage? I am a male virgin and it seems like i think i will connect best with a female virgin thats also waiting for marriage. Im tired of holding it in but this is how i feel.

2006-12-20 16:13:06 · 13 answers · asked by virgin 4

talk dirty on the phone, but i'm really embarrassed and don't know how do do it! Help1 what do guys want you to say?

2006-12-20 16:11:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

nxt means next, e.o means eachother, and i KNOW it sounds stupid for teens to fall in love over the internet, but i need help with this one.

2006-12-20 16:09:24 · 13 answers · asked by MD 2

should i give her earings

2006-12-20 16:09:22 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just wondering if I should build up my muscles a bit

2006-12-20 16:09:04 · 16 answers · asked by Greg S 3

and that youll just go home if she comes- but he still invites her, wat is that saying about your friendship? he knows i dont like this girl we have many issues, old roommates, that explains it all!

2006-12-20 16:08:46 · 2 answers · asked by getoffmyback 2

My daughter's Kinda shy and doesn't have many friends, I am concerned about the influence a 25 year old girl who is dating guys can have on a 17 year old girl, who hasn't had a boyfriend yet. Please share your comments..

2006-12-20 16:07:54 · 6 answers · asked by Rsand 1

I want to spend new years eve with him. He has been gone for a week and wont be back till christmas and then he wants to leave again to see some people that he just saw last week. Im hurt, how can i tell him that i want to spend that holiday with him without him calling me selfish or bossy. I dont think im being unfair but im scared he will get defensive and we will get in an arguement :(

2006-12-20 16:07:37 · 13 answers · asked by georgiabelle87 4

Can you tell me if my friends sister wants to go out with me?
Are these signs that she wants to go out with me:

1. she always comes to talk to me even if I'm not walking in her direction at all.
2. she always yells, "Hi, Josh!" whenever she sees me in the halls(that's my name).
3. She never talks down to me, ever.
4. she asks me to help her with stuff when she doesn't even seem to need help with them at all. (Example: she asked me to help her find her brother, but when we found him, she just walked away without saying anything to him.)
5. when I do something stupid with her two brothers and she yells at us and stuff, she NEVER looks at ME.
6. she has become friends with all of my friends.
7. she looked away sadly when I gave one of her female friends a friend-to-friend hug.
8. she got mad at her brothers for something she thought THEY did, but actually I was the one who did it (i called her while we were both watching a talent show for school). I told her I did it, and she just walked away.
9. She put her cell # in my cell phone herself.

10. She came into my house a (long time ago) and started going through my laundry while I wasn't there.
11. She always invites herself into my games of hacky-sac, which she isn't very good at. She will just keep playing until I quit.
12. She held my wrist(NEAR my hand, but not quite) to sneak me into an R-rated movie while saying, "He's with me!"

2006-12-20 16:07:30 · 1 answers · asked by EK Music 2

when she was a kid her parents had too tie a lamb chop around her neck so the dog would play with her...who,s got any rough ex partner stories..........

2006-12-20 16:06:48 · 8 answers · asked by dave the rave 1

what is most favourable position for a married woman?And what is most enjoyable position for an unmarried girl?

2006-12-20 16:05:20 · 9 answers · asked by Almaas Ahmed 1

Just wanted to know what guys find attractive in girls.
From a cute blond

2006-12-20 16:04:38 · 14 answers · asked by unkonwn person 1

Im serious & not complaining, but, he wants to buy me anything I lay eyes on (whatever the cost) & I'm wondering why he would feel the need to do that? we're together 2+ yrs

2006-12-20 16:01:36 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am just looking for the kind of body language that means a guy may like you while u are just casually talking with him. how can i know if he does or not by body language? how do u suggest telling if he likes me without actually asking him? what signs? when ur just frineds i mean.

2006-12-20 16:00:57 · 31 answers · asked by Katie the Confused 1

Okay, so me and this guy went out for like 10 months, then he broke up with me. But then he asked me out again and we went out for another 2 months. I just didn't feel like he liked me becuase out phone conversations were really akward and he never hugged me or anything, so I broke up with him. After that he was reallly really depressed and stuff, and lately, he has been sending me emails telling me how hard it is to get over me and how much he really truly luvs me and stuff. He says how much he enjoys just seeing my smiling face in the hall and stuff, and I don't know if I should go out with him or not? He really, really likes, me, and I don't know what to say to him or if we should go out again or what? THank you soooooooooooooooo much!!!

2006-12-20 16:00:24 · 12 answers · asked by The Sun Still Sleeps... 3

I was at my girlfriends house and we were watching a movie and snuggling. We have been really good friends for a long time and just got together 3 weeks ago. So when I went to kiss her goodnight when I had to leave (our first kiss together) and I go in for the kiss and she comes the other 20 percent of the way and we kiss. And by the way this was her first kiss ever(iv been kissed before) anyway yeah so she was soo nervous because she didn’t really know what to do so she tried and backed off and I pulled her closer and kissed her neck and we tried again and it was a little better but she still pulled away and kind of (whimpered/laughed) I guess because of embarrassment. So i just gave her a soft kiss on the lips and gave her a tight hug and told her goodbye. Was this awkward because she was so nervous because it was her first kiss? And if so how should I comfort her and ease her nerves, and how can I let her know that I don’t care if our kiss is bad,and that im in it for her?

2006-12-20 15:59:21 · 1 answers · asked by gotansas 3

6'0", 275 lbs (not all muscle), short hair and glasses. But was funny, nice, easy to talk to and would do anything for you and treat you like a queen?

2006-12-20 15:59:06 · 15 answers · asked by Brian 5

After all, they are strangers. What to ask? I don't want to seem nerdy. I also want to intrigue them so that they ask me questions too, and it's not one sided. All suggestions welcome

2006-12-20 15:58:47 · 22 answers · asked by aceventuradude 1

2006-12-20 15:58:43 · 18 answers · asked by afrprince77 2

1. what are your dating phobias
2. when it come to your partner and attraction what do you like
3. Turn offs
4. turn ons
5. nickname
6 preferences

1. blind dates
2. butt, eyes and lips
3. bad breath, yellow teeth and too many drinks on my tab
4. apple bottom and full lips
5. giovanni
6. black women thick

2006-12-20 15:58:36 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

i get to attached to easily like after the second date and im tired of it ive run of some guys that i really like. and i like my friend alot. and he told me that i was getting to close to fast and that ive only know him for two days and that im acting like weve been dating for years, im just really tired of it they all like me in the begining. buti want them to like me all the time. how can i stop this?

2006-12-20 15:58:08 · 5 answers · asked by valreemariecreed 1

what would you say to someone in a library to see if they could be a potential friend and what are good lines to say to people at random places to see if they want to hang out sometime?

2006-12-20 15:57:00 · 3 answers · asked by Dreamer 1

My close guy friend let me get on his AIM screen name to talk to a guy who said he loved me and wanted to spend more time with me. So I went under his screen name and talked to him about me and the guy that 'liked' me just said 'I like her kinda. I just want to get some though' I was totally shocked. I mean does he actually really like me and just said that to sound like a 'player' or does he actually feel that way and is just trying to use me? Thanks to everyone who answers :/

2006-12-20 15:56:51 · 3 answers · asked by Victoria 1

I always tell her how I feel about her. Lately as we are getting close to moving in together, I express love and open discussions on wanting to feel more love from her. I am dating a woman who seems very conservative. She doesn't easily show many feelings, affection, or romance. She says she is not good with that, I will have to be the romantic. I go out of my way to make the plans, try to always be available or make time for her, but she has a daughter and limits our time to 1 or 2 meetings a week. We have been going for 2 years. Every so often she pulls back, won't return my calls for a couple days, we talk and patch things up. I am getting tired of this but am stuck in love with her. Am I better to hold things in or express myself so we better understand each other and what we need/want in a relationship? Too much?

2006-12-20 15:56:25 · 9 answers · asked by Rickso 1

What turns men on and what do they enjoy talking about to a girlfriend, not a one night stand?!
Please help me understand 17 year old guys!

2006-12-20 15:56:16 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

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