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Singles & Dating - 9 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I met this girl on the internet she is in Michigan I am in England, can it work out?

2006-12-09 11:30:18 · 12 answers · asked by kaled2010ad 1

Okay, so I really like this kid named Jerry, and it has been ever since 4th grade when I gave him this Valentine for valentine's day, and it was really cute. ALso, i used to send him little love notes all the time in elementary school. Then in 7th grade i asked him out, he said yes, we went out for like a month, then I broke up with him before summer vacation cuz i wasn't ready for a relationship.Now im in 9th grade and i still like him, but I haven't talked to him since 7th grade which is really weird. anyways, he asked my friend to the dance in 8trh grade and she denied the invitation. Jerry really liked her, Annie, and she's my best friend. She didn't like him that much in 8th grade because she knew that i still liked him. but now, she thinks that im over him and she likes him. they flirt all the time and i really like him but we haven't talked to eachother since 7th grade!! SO, what do i do, whenever i see him, he looks at me and i look at him but then quickly look away! plz hlp me

2006-12-09 11:27:50 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

The girl with the biggest pair of knockers? A party girl? I really need to know what they're thinking.

I'm neither of those things. I don't do drugs, have never partied, and I've got extremely small bewbs (less than an A cup). Is that all that guys my age initially care about??

I'm 17, and have never been asked out, or even liked by a guy.

Stats: 5'5, 110 lbs, brown hair, I don't find myself all that attractive, and, as I've already said, I'm lacking in the boobie department.

2006-12-09 11:27:42 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

writes more in your Christmas card than he does in anyone elses and puts 'love from', what does it mean?

2006-12-09 11:27:19 · 14 answers · asked by coz_6 1

My boyfriend and I have been together for about 8 months. We are both in our mid twenties. His hectic schedule keeps him away for most of the week and when he comes home on the weekends he is usually tired and doesn't have time for me. Because he lives at home he feels the need to go above and beyond to compensate for him still living at home. The only reason that he is stil there is because he is rarely home so he isn't in a rush to buy his own place but he can afford it if he wanted. He even does too much for his family that doesn't live with him. After he does that and runs all the errands that he has to do for himself the weekend is over and it's back to work. We argue about this every weekend because I miss him so much and I'm also starting to resent his family. Am I really being selfish? Should I leave him or just try to be more understanding? I have to admit that I do get his undivided attention while he's on the road during the week. Help!!

2006-12-09 11:26:24 · 4 answers · asked by 3262m 2

ok there is this guy in my bio class.....and he is new and all the girls like him but he always smiling at me but i dont know how to get to know him better....please help...if we hooked up he would be my first boyfriend im 15 ill be 16 next month

2006-12-09 11:25:56 · 16 answers · asked by Tired_of _the_games 1

im in high school and we only talk in school but i dont want to ruin that so how do i findout if she likes me before i ask her out and if she says no will we still be friends?

2006-12-09 11:25:35 · 2 answers · asked by ? 1

I'm 19 years old so I can't really go the bar, and clubs are sketchey especially since 1) most women don't go there to met guys 2) I don't wana go alone and most of my friends won't go cause we'e too young to drink. I've tried talking to a few girls on campus but it didn't exactly work right and there's no real place to do it. Any siggestions?

2006-12-09 11:24:08 · 5 answers · asked by Michael M 3

Here's the story, My friends and I in school are having a secret santa. So when i picked a name out of the hat i got, lets call her person #1. So a few days later, my friend, person#2, tells me that he wants to do me a favor. He says that person#1 got another on eof my friends, person#3 for the secret santa. He said that person#1 would give me person#3 to give a gift to. For a couple of years now everyone in my school has thought that i have had a crush on person #3. Now recently, everyone has started thinking that there is another person who also has a crush on person#3. When i asked my friend why he was offering me this he said that it was because i am quiet about my feelings.

For some reason i can't say no to the offer my friend made. At the same time i can't say yes. I really don't think that person#3 really likes the other person that has a crush on her more than she likes me. (or at least that's what i think). Upperclassmen i my school have bets going on that she will pick me

2006-12-09 11:23:58 · 4 answers · asked by Helper man 1

i have a crush on a guy friend, so i cant very well go up and flirt and be all nice to him, or he'll think it's weird.

so i try to act as natural as possible, but every time i do something, i think "wait a minute, was that too desperate? should i have done that?" and it's really annoying, because i can't really immerse myself in our conversations.

how to get rid of these thoughts!?

2006-12-09 11:23:54 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My girlfriend as been in a wheelchair for nearly 2 weeks, shes been paralyzed from the waist down.
The shock hit her bad, at first she said we should only be friends from now on because she didn't feel she had much to offer me, so I reassured her and we were fine up until last night where the same old stuff came back with her saying I deserve more, and that she feels unattractive and she donesn't feel like the same person. She said the peron I fell in love with was the person who could dance and walk and be wild. Then I reassured her that it wasn't that. She keeps saying her self esteem isn't the problem when it obviously is and that she says it's her personality change, and she needs time to 'regain her personality' ?. She said that she needs time to adjust to being the new her before she can feel good enough.
She doesn't feel like a 'real woman',says shes afraid she wont b good enough when it comes 2 sex. Feels 'small'
How long before she accepts herself, and feels cormfortable?

2006-12-09 11:23:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

haha....Over the last 9 months, my three best friends got married and moved out of NYC leaving yours truly on his own. What's the best way to meet women as a single mid 30s guy in NYC? My wing men are gone!

2006-12-09 11:22:51 · 2 answers · asked by sothere! 3

Me and this guy had been dating for about six months when my mother came in and manipulated the relationship until I broke up with him. He was the sweetest and he treated me with the utmost of respect 24/7. So we were in love so it really hurt him when I broke it off. I want to get back together inspite of my moms but He was like me and him could never be more than friends. I love him, he's my first love and I only care about him being happy. I know he wants to go to UCF next year but he lives in a single parent home. So I sent him a list of scholarship information, you know just to help him out. I just wanted him to know that I still care for him alot. Am I acting like a desperate chick??

2006-12-09 11:22:37 · 19 answers · asked by Muffin Cakes 2

2006-12-09 11:21:37 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

there's this guy, that my friend went out w/ but he broke up w/ her because he was "stressed". we talk everyday and i feel a connection but im not sure.i had been friends w/ him before he went out w/ her and we still communicate. he calls me by nicknames and always smiles at me, i like him and if he asked me out, i would say yes, but... im just not sure, would it even be right for me to go out w/ my friend's ex? i mean, she's not my best friend and i would ask her first, but what would i do if she said no? because she is like best friends with all of my friends? im so confuzzled... help pleez

2006-12-09 11:18:58 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

So I like this girl who's thinking about joining a sorority. I'm not in a fraternity. Will that mean I miss out on a lot of things she does socially? If you are in greeklife does it tend to cause you to not be as good friends with your good friends from before pledging and cause you to stick with your friends in your frat/sorority? Thanks!

2006-12-09 11:18:53 · 4 answers · asked by Ravensman04 3

Letterman, Leno, Conan, Jimmy Kimmel, or Craig Feurgeson.

I personally like Craig Feurgeson

2006-12-09 11:16:46 · 20 answers · asked by Wocka wocka 6

ever since started smoking(w), and being with this stupid friend, I talk to him and right away gets an attitude, he say he will stop sometime, but his attitude and way of talking to me changed he wasn't this rude. how can i help him? i love him. Almost everything I say bothers him.oh, and is not just with me is with his family too

2006-12-09 11:16:34 · 6 answers · asked by sweet angel 2

i am in high school and i started dating this guy one year ago. we dated for 4 months, and i didnt want to have sex right away, and he totally respected my decision. but i fell in love with him, and i started to think that he was the one i should give it up to, started to feel ready. the more i hung out with him, the more i knew. well, one day it just...happened. i knew he wasnt a virgin, but he promised me that i was different than any other girl. so i felt good about it. but about a week later, he stopped calling me!! he broke up with me through a friend, and i was absolutley devastated. this was 6 months ago......AND.....HE RECENTLY DID THE SAME EXACT THING TO ANOTHER GIRL I KNOW!!! but i havent been able to get over him or date any other guys! this guy is such an asshole and such a player and i know that, buti havent even been interested in any one else. PLEASE HELP ME!! how do i get over my first love and the guy i lost my virginity to?!?!?!

2006-12-09 11:15:47 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

If some one was interested in you, and she lived close and you didn't have to spend any money on her, would u start a sexual relationship even if she is not that pretty?

2006-12-09 11:13:46 · 17 answers · asked by meanpromqueen 2

there is so much stuff going on in my life right now... I think I like this guy who has practically got every girl I know wrapped around his finger, but then again I absolutely HATE him, there is this other guy who has cheated on alot of my friends but I'm still attracted to him.There's another guy who I am attached to but it would be akward because he's friends with the guy I turned down(he asked me out for him too), the guy I turned down still has a thing for me and I feel really bad! what do I do. There are too many guys in my life I can't keep up and I'm trying to figure out if this is love or lust or a crush or a pity date. HELP ME!

2006-12-09 11:13:38 · 15 answers · asked by If nothing lasts forever 2

ok this is mostly a questiond for women 18-26 but i'm open to hear any opinions people have on this. i'm fine when it comes to meeting women in places like clubs and bars and stuff, but i feel wierd approaching a women somewhere like a store or mall or smoehting. whats the best way to approach a girl in a place like that. see in clubs i know women are theire to dance, drink, socialize, have fun, meet guys etc. so i'm just doind what there there for. but if their shopping i feel liek they don't wanna be bothered by "some guy" hitting on them. any suggestions on what to do or say?

2006-12-09 11:12:33 · 16 answers · asked by DA-LL /Male/ 3

I was brought up in a strict Christian home, but after losing my faith at the beginning of this year, don't feel that I am a Christian anymore. With this barrier to having a boyfriend gone, I find myself wondering, why am I denying myself having a boyfriend?

I am 23, and a virgin. Is it a good idea to wait for marriage or not? Perhaps there are not any virgin boys out there anyway? What are your thoughts?

2006-12-09 11:12:25 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm bisexual and I want to find someone who would want to date me I've tried personals but no one seems to be interested. I want as girlfriend so what do I do?

2006-12-09 11:09:59 · 14 answers · asked by Alice223 2

Hey. I have had bad experiences with girls(been heartbroken b4 anything started) and since the last one i have not felt anything for one girl and thats nearly a year ago(im 16 now). I still find girls attractive like i used to but theres not one worth "the chase". I have been thinking that its maybe due to me not getting on with a lot of girls in my year at school coz i dont like their personality. I go out with my m8s to club at weekends looking for girls but with not much success as i am very picky. However, there are some girls in the years below at my school who i have noticed trough myspace, is that a sad option to meet people though?what would my chances be?what do you suggest? thanks

2006-12-09 11:04:43 · 16 answers · asked by ? 2

if you dont know them?or if you do know them? even if its a joke?does it piss the girl off?

2006-12-09 11:04:12 · 9 answers · asked by joe 2

I have just became sexually active. Ever since I have bean having sex my period has started to come three days early. Could this be a sign of pregnancy?????????

2006-12-09 11:03:48 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

when she found out I cheated on her last week she kicked me as hard as can in theballs and she dumped me... I still am a bit sore but anyways what do you think if I ask her if she wants to have sex with no commitment.... think that might work?

2006-12-09 11:03:37 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

my bf said that he will call me tomarow well it"s tomarow do I call him or just wait . what would you do

2006-12-09 11:03:33 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

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