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Singles & Dating - 8 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

So I broke up with my girlfriend of several months... It was my doing. It was like she was trying to center my life around her and along with that she would not allow me to basically have any contact with other girls. I dont want a relationship like that. I took it at first but i got fed up eventually and ended it just recently. Now shes very upset, obviously, and hasn't been sleeping much and stuff. Sje doesnt understand what she did. I feel really bad but i really didn't like how things were going. Althought I do still have feelings for her, the way she was just didn't work for me.
Honestly, did i make the right decision? What else should/shouldn't I do?

2006-12-08 15:07:17 · 13 answers · asked by Bob 2

i have a crush on my guy friend.
i say guy friend, but we're only usually just hi-bye friends, we don't hang out afterschool or anything.
i'm a tomboy, so i'm pretty relaxed and easy-going around guys, so i dont suddenly wanna start flirting with him either (which is the answers i got the last time i posted a question like this), I just want to further my friendship with him.
Get to know him better, become better friends with him.
How would you do that?

2006-12-08 15:06:19 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok there is this guy i lik n i think he likes me n other people think so to but he hasnt made a move! is he nervous or what?

2006-12-08 15:04:19 · 7 answers · asked by l2d#7 2

2006-12-08 15:03:55 · 13 answers · asked by roscobabe123 1

sooo, we went out. It was all a big mistake and it was a rebound relationship. The problem is that i'm a senior in high-school, and on the night i broke up with her she was apparently planning to tell me that she 'loved me.' Its been three months and she still isn't giving up hope. The problem is that i want to ask another girl out, but i think that my ex has been warning all the girls away. Also...my friends and i were planning to go to london as a senior trip..and she wormed her way onto it (no one had the heart to tell her no.) Anyways...i'm pretty obvious about the fact that i don't like her and i've had a couple hookups since then (which she gets mad about) how do i get her to leave me alone?

2006-12-08 15:03:13 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

...when you think about the opposite sex?

2006-12-08 15:02:18 · 17 answers · asked by hannan 3

ne way i kno this dude cesar and well we r friends well he has been i guess kinda flirting with me like tickeling me, coming up behind me and giving me hugs and stuff, sometimes scaring me (just for fun i dont get mad or ne thing im a good sport) and well today i went over to say hi and well his friends were talking bout how im scared of clowns and well one of his friends says "ur hero is clowns!!" and well i deny it then he likes well then ur hero is cesar!!" and im like "well he can be my hero" and well he points to cesar and says "ur hero is her isnt it?" (points to me) he shakes his head no and then he says "mine is spiderman!" then his friend is like "and wat is she jane?" and then cesar rushes off with this look like omg my secret is out. the next day he invites me to a choir thingy and its outside and its 20F and well my friends r like "so wen is ur date with cesar?" and im like wat date and then they're like "r u blind woman? he likes u?" is this true does he like me?can uhelp?

2006-12-08 15:01:37 · 14 answers · asked by *Living a {{ღяøM@N!Cღ}} Tragity* 5

okay so my b-day is on christmas so my boyfrien is getting me a b-day/christmas present that is jewlery.... well i dont know what 2get him!!! were only 12 years old and i have acouple of ideas but none of them seem to be as great!!! please any one help me!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-12-08 15:01:19 · 6 answers · asked by princess_pea12345 1

Now she spends much more time with her friends and leaves me out of it. I'm left here to be on Yahoo Answers on Fri & Sat night instead of with her. What should I do? I've tried talking it over but she says she can't tell me her problems. Should I continue to hang in there and be Mr. Nice Guy all understanding?

2006-12-08 14:59:44 · 26 answers · asked by pank1024 1

Have you ever been in a long relationship and love the person so much? But then way down the road we do nothing but argue over the stupidest things. I just broke up with him b/c i hate, hate, hate, this relationship..but still lovin' him...HELP me..puh leeze

2006-12-08 14:58:19 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-08 14:57:40 · 8 answers · asked by LuckyLeo 1

a couple days ago my best friend told me in a tough conversation with me that:

- she throws up food to keep herself slim
- taking pills for depression
- seeing a psychiatrist to help her
- and jumps from partner to partner

i played it cool, and let her know nothing changes between us and i wouldn't act different, but underneath... i was thrown off.

she kept it from me for a while because its very personal for her, she was afraid and also cos i believe i would lose 'interest' in her.

currently we have a 'friends with benefits' setup between us.

my question is.....what the hell am i meant to do?
i have NO idea....i really have no clue how to act now.

what would your advice be straight up?

2006-12-08 14:56:58 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

i am talking to this girl that i like, but whenever we talk she calls me names and is not serious with me, she takes me as a joke and has told me that she likes me, she gets mad at me and does not talk to me when i don't feel like telling her something, i don't tell her things a lot because the last time i told her why i broke up with my ex she laughed her head off (because my ex cheated on me) and she laughs at me when i tell her something bad that happened to me, but then on the other hand she tries to be nice to me when i am mad at her. she is confusing me. what does that mean ladies is she just flirting with me or she just see me as a friend, or takes me as a joke.... i have told her how i felt bout the things she say s she does not listen and does not respects me she thinks she is better den me and am 3 years older then her

2006-12-08 14:56:53 · 13 answers · asked by KB24 1

how do u get a guy back that u still have feelings 4 but dont know if he has feelings 4 you anymore...but then theres another guy aside that you have in mind but dont know about him either because there friends...yet i still love my ex and want him back

2006-12-08 14:56:18 · 6 answers · asked by ashley c 2

We have been in and out of each other's lives for 10 years.This last time he truly hurt me, but due to our history I will always love him.I loaned him money and afterwards he disappeared.We talked on the phone and through MySpace and he promised to return it, but never did.The conversations got worse over time and all we would do was fight and say things that would deeply hurt one another. In our last talk he promised to repay that coming weekend but I was hurt and tired of trying to collect.We have a 10 year history, and I just want him to know that I have forgiven him, that I believe in his talents and in him, and I wish him happiness and success.He doesn't have the same phone number anymore, we don't have mutual friends, and he asked that I not contact him through MySpace.Would it be okay to contact him just to let him know that there are no hard feelings and I wish him all the best or would that be disrespecting him? I just want him to find happiness.What do I do?I need closure!

2006-12-08 14:55:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok i'am 19 and my weight is 85 pounds. How to gain weight? This is not a joke and not a sikness. i just never ate a lot never wanted. How to gain weight plzz i need this.

2006-12-08 14:54:53 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I would like to watch my wife douche herself.
That means actually give her a douche..
Is this kinky or I sick minded.

2006-12-08 14:54:28 · 12 answers · asked by clown_82401 2

I have a self made rule that no women meet my kids unless the relationship becomes serious (at least six months). I spend every other week end with them and won't date when I have them (this is non negotiable). I work all over the country and spend a lot of time in hotels and planes, so I can not call a woman every day.

I have met several women who are offended by these standards. Would this offend you or is this reasonable to you?

2006-12-08 14:54:05 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

should i break up wth my boyfriend by e-mail

2006-12-08 14:52:14 · 34 answers · asked by Anime Freak!!!!! 3

i really like this guy and i think he does too. because he kept looking at me in the hallways.should i ask him or my friend ask him for me or wait for him to ask me? we are also the same language too!!

2006-12-08 14:52:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

ok so theres this girl that i went to elementary school with. I am currently in 11th grade and i hadnt said a word to her since 6th grade. We've had a class together for the last 8 or 9 weeks and she just all of a sudden started talking to me. First off it was kinda slow and she would only talk to me like every 3 or 4 days and just kinda say hi and go to her seat. Now over the last couple of weeks she talks to me every day for almost the whole period. now she laughs and we tell jokes and we talk about all kinds of stuff. what does this mean and why did she just start talking to me all of a sudden?

2006-12-08 14:51:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-08 14:51:08 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

what can I do????
I am very sad!!!

2006-12-08 14:50:52 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-08 14:50:34 · 6 answers · asked by ellie m 1

but you knew she had VD would you sleep with her, wearing protection, ie Pamela Anderson, Selma Hayak, etc.??

2006-12-08 14:48:55 · 17 answers · asked by foxyraley 2

I really like this guy that i think likes me by how he treats me. but then some days its like completely different and we barely talk. yet he goes out of his way to "help me" with chem hw sometimes.
i want to figure him out. it's driving me nuts. what are the signs?

2006-12-08 14:46:52 · 2 answers · asked by Da 2

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