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Singles & Dating - 8 December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

pick one, just one, tyler,charlie,or peter!!!! pick one just one!

ty 4 ur cooperation

2006-12-08 14:19:11 · 19 answers · asked by GROOVY LILY 3

2006-12-08 14:18:31 · 16 answers · asked by LN has3 zjc 4

im not sure if i will tell him how i feel. i love him. but when it comes to making love, im not so satisfied whit his size. were both filipino but im hoping there is a way to make it bigger and better.

2006-12-08 14:18:23 · 17 answers · asked by nikki_chatter 1

2006-12-08 14:14:41 · 2 answers · asked by OMG I thought I saw A Kitty Kat 2

2006-12-08 14:14:22 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Everytime I get into a relationship I am too scared to lead the relationship anywhere because I am afraid it will end up leading to sex. I am 23 yrs old ....never had sex before ....and truthfully am scared to death of it to the point I can't even have a relationship without thinking it is leading straight toward that and I can't imagine doing that with the person so I break it off early. Is this normaL? How do I get over this?

2006-12-08 14:13:14 · 9 answers · asked by Lyndsay E 1


I am soo bad at flirting...any tricks?

2006-12-08 14:11:23 · 16 answers · asked by andrea44 1

2006-12-08 14:09:35 · 21 answers · asked by sexiicarmel2009 1

the past three friday nights my boyfriend has told me he had to stay at home, but then goes to town and doesn't tell me. but we ALWAYS do something Saturday&Saturday night this is the third time. this time he said he called. which could be true because i was in a no service area and couldn't receive calls. i know everyone needs some time without their "significant other", but why lie about it?

what do i do about this?
do i fuss & fight? or just ignore it?

2006-12-08 14:09:03 · 11 answers · asked by i_love_brandon<3 1

I've been dating my boyfriend for almost 2 years and we've done some of the regular dates such as movies, dances, and bowling but we haven't gone on a date or done anything other then go over each others houses in awhile.... especially with winter coming up i'm not exactly sure what there is to do. Do you have any creative things to do or date ideas, or places to go even ?

2006-12-08 14:07:23 · 7 answers · asked by ash6lei2a 2

Would it be weird to invite someone on a date for Christmas Eve or Christmas Day if it was your first time asking them out? If not, how you go about asking?

2006-12-08 14:07:21 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

She got all pissed when I told her to get her Tats done. I came home from the topless joint after several drinks and suggested this. She could sell her car and buy a cheaper one and git it done.

She gave me an argument, so after a few more Jack and Cokes, I slapped her around because of her mouth and small tats.

Should I just dump her after Christmas after I get my presents?

2006-12-08 14:06:46 · 47 answers · asked by Rico the Rican 1

What would you do i you found out your boyfriend was actually CHANGED into a guy and is really a girl?

2006-12-08 14:06:26 · 4 answers · asked by hmw95 3

charlie, peter, or tyler?

2006-12-08 14:06:11 · 2 answers · asked by GROOVY LILY 3

I don't understand.That my boyfriend wants it,but then a coulpe days later I'm ready I say I'm ready to take that chace and he says no.
I also caught him kissing my friend in a bathroom!

2006-12-08 14:05:52 · 8 answers · asked by ~Strawberry Delight~ 2

*69 just shows the number that called u last, how do u find a number 3 or 4 calls before

2006-12-08 14:05:19 · 11 answers · asked by gopistons 4

my ex and i have been not together for over 4 years and i am dreaming of him every nite like he is still there and he is coming back to me what the hell does this mean

2006-12-08 14:04:33 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

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2006-12-08 14:04:02 · 6 answers · asked by www.government-coverup.com 1

Do you know of a website of stats about the % of couples that have sex during the woman's period. My bf doesn't want to do it and I think HE is the one who is not normal.. he thinks it's me.. who is more "average" or "normal"?


2006-12-08 14:03:13 · 27 answers · asked by stacy_8888 1

if you were talking to a guy and you really like him cause of his personalities, but have not seen him yet then one day when you guys go on a date you find out that he has bad acne what would you do or say be HONEST.

2006-12-08 14:02:57 · 10 answers · asked by KB24 1

there is this guy that i have been friends with for awhile...lately i've been talking to him online for about two hours a night...i talk to him about everything and i feel like i can tell him anything...My best friend decided to play detective to see if he liked me or not...he said that he wasn't sure and he needed some time to think about it....then the very next day he said that he made up his mind and that he really does like me and he cares about me a lot....i don't want to loose his friendship, but i want more from him...so should i go for it or not??

2006-12-08 14:02:41 · 3 answers · asked by sammyk2008 2

I really want a girlfriend. im 15 years old and i just started high school.

2006-12-08 14:00:47 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a 5'1 95lb varsity gymnasy, lax player, surfer, and snowboarder. Is that fat for how much I exercise?? My ex used to always say this was fat, how could you do this many sports and be fat, etc. Was he right??

2006-12-08 14:00:45 · 10 answers · asked by Sakura 1

I know he looks at porn though, I'm okay with that. But he browses for women, looks at their pictures and sometimes even jacks off. I found out today when we looked at his browser history to find something else. He lied to me though. He said he doesn't look at other women on myspace and finally he said he did and that he masturbates to them. I asked him if he sends them messages or anything and he says no and that he loves me. This bothers me but am I right to be bothered or am overreacting? Could his acts be a sign of something missing or wrong in our relationship? I don't know. This is a weird situation for me. Any help will do.

2006-12-08 14:00:02 · 12 answers · asked by Till Death 1

My friend told the guy tht I like him and I do . He keeps looking at me at lunch . What do I do

2006-12-08 13:59:46 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-12-08 13:59:40 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


Ok. Hear is my situation. I'm 11th grader who is sexualy active. I had slept with 10 guys already. but like this to i is not a bad thing. i like all of these guys and like i truly believe it could have been a good relationship with all of them if it wasnt for there girlfriends. Like it was strictly on a friend-to friend bases when we first met. but like you know that feeling you get when you think a guys smile is irrisistible? well it turned me in so they flattered me and i couldnt help but have sex with them. like sex is the best way to me to express hwo you feel towards other people. like i don't think im a slut because i truly like these guys and like girls in my grade are making hating on me. i told all of them that i like them and i wanted to cunsumate the special thing we all had. do you think im a slut becuase like i dont think i am. like i think a slut just has sex for pleasure and not becuz they like them. so i am differnet then that. what do you guyz and ladiez think?

2006-12-08 13:58:05 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

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