There is this really cute boy at my school. He's my age, he's cute, funny, outgoing and nice. He kept flirting with me, so I got a huge crush on him! Eventually, I had my friend ask him if he'd hang out with me, and he said yes. Having the low self esteem that I do, I had my other friend ask him the same question, only she asked him out for me. He said probably not. Now he thinks I'm a stalker. So, I told all my friends that he's a concieted jerk and I don't like him anymore. I have 2 questions:
1) Will word get to him so he won't think I'm a stalker, and
2)Will he ever like me?
(I have brunette curly hair, I'm 5'3, 116 pounds{Yeah, I need to loose some}, I'm nice, funny, kind, I love to play around, and I'm outgoing.)
Here are some pictures:{Please don't tell me I'm too young to put pictures on the internet!lol}
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