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Other - Family & Relationships - 15 March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

car accident with him in the car and ended up in the hospital and the hospital called his wife and your husband. What would you do when the police came in your room and said your husband and boyfriends wife want to hurt you and your boyfriend.

2007-03-15 06:56:13 · 9 answers · asked by sweetladytease 3

It's been a calendar month since I lost my best friend, lover and soul mate in a tragic motor vehicle accident, a car pulled out of a juncton and hit his bike, he was killed instantly. His lasts words that morning were 'love you, have a great day, see you tonight', smiling his wonderful dimpled smile. We had seventeen magical months of sheer bliss and I thanked my stars everyday that he was mine. He was perfect in every way and he had the abilty to touch the lives of everyone he met in positive ways, he cared deeply for others and gave so much of himself. So many people are grieving his loss and I am at a loss as to how I am supposed to carry on without him. I have had all the old sayings, time heals, life goes on and he would not want you to be sad, but none of it helps. Today I picked up a pair of his shoes and cried, today I finaly realised that he was gone for good and was never coming back, was it a step forward ?Because it feels like ten back.

2007-03-15 06:54:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

another women sexual more then his girl how do i tell her with not knowing how to contact her to tell her

2007-03-15 06:49:50 · 1 answers · asked by michele g 1

i have received a letter from a solicitor that my partner has asked for parental resposibilities? we have been together 7 years hes moved to devon i was going to go in July, why has he done this? he did tell me he was going to do it and i said i didnt mind, he does see our daughter and i have actually took her to devon for a week to see him, i have never said he couldnt see our daughter ever, so i cant understand why he has done this, he wont answer his phone because i had challenged him about it and he lost his temper??? he wanted us to move back in with him in july when we went to devon, i am totally confused!!! does he not trust me or something, can anyone shed any light on this for me?

2007-03-15 06:49:24 · 6 answers · asked by ann_jacques 2

What house rules do you enforce for kids who still live at home, go to college and work? Do I still have to cook for them? Wash their clothes?

2007-03-15 06:42:27 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm in kind of a hiatus. The company I work for is downsizing at the end of the year, I'm the only one that has been asked to stay so far. However, I am moving away in August and don't care to go with this company. I would like to quit now, mainly because I've lost all motivation to work and am tired of what I do. If I can find something that I can make at a minimum $20 an hour doing, I'll be able to float by for the next 4 months. Any advice that someone can give I would greatly appreciate it. I'm tired of dealing with this situation and am ready to just move on. Thanks.

2007-03-15 06:39:10 · 6 answers · asked by iNk 2

Why do they keep on pestering us gentleman to stop.

2007-03-15 06:36:34 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


Does anybody else get pissed of when somebody is trying to make a serous point and some dick head comes in way over the top

2007-03-15 06:34:34 · 1 answers · asked by ashymojo 3

2007-03-15 06:28:37 · 5 answers · asked by diane c 1

2007-03-15 06:27:44 · 3 answers · asked by diane c 1

My parents and his are always asking when is the big my father thinks he will never ask and I am wasting my time what do you guys think??

2007-03-15 06:24:39 · 15 answers · asked by Joy A 2

2007-03-15 06:20:34 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

i turned 16 less than a month ago, and i have been going out with this dude for almost 4months now. i am not the sexual kind at all, but he really is and has been wanting it for a while. in a way i feel like i am ready, but then again i am very hesitant. One reason is that i have no idea what i am doing and it scares me.

i am also one of those people that are toooo nice and dont like to disappoint people or make them mad and so i HONESTLY really dont think i would be able to tell him im not ready if we are in the middle of something. i dont know what to do.

so i was just curious about the age that others have lost their virginity??

2007-03-15 06:18:34 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

If myself and my partner decided together to have sex with other people on our own, that is if i slept with someone without her and she did the same but we both decided it was ok, would it in the long term work. i have heard that the fantasy and the fact are two different things and that many people have misjudged their feelings towards this kind of thing and ended up hating or resenting each other?

2007-03-15 06:17:19 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

When she walked past-she lowered her head as she passed me.SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO DONE THIS IN THE OFFICE!Other times she smiled and we made eye contact. A GOOD SIGN???

When her friends walked past-they sometimes looked at me+smiled+stoped talking.Then they suddenly started talking again as soon as they passed me!!!The same happened during lunch occasionly.GOOD SIGN???

BOTH THE ABOVE THINGS HAVE STOPPED HAPPENEING FOR " 2 WEEKS". She don't walk past my desk at all,unless she has a team meeting/lunch.Don't see her a t lunch either!

Have I blown my chance???Was she waiting for me to make a move?

We never spoke-work in different departments, I don't deal with her at all.

Has the ship sailed?

2007-03-15 06:11:46 · 15 answers · asked by sircrazydude90 2

I am a 20 year old male, who was preparing to father a child by my 36 year old mother. We both have respectful employment, living arrangements, and we both are aware of the risks. Also we are both concenting to this arrangement. I feel that we have a better chance to succeed than most couples do. Plus I know that we both love one another in an honest, sexual, and adult manner.

2007-03-15 06:09:15 · 26 answers · asked by Dell W 1

he hates to write emials and yet writes me a whole page each time... hes sweet, and called me beautiful...im really slow...i think he likes me but im not sure i need some advice

2007-03-15 06:08:43 · 3 answers · asked by amopsamster 2

he hates to write emials and yet writes me a whole page each time... hes sweet, and called me beautiful...im really slow...i think he likes me but im not sure i need some advice

2007-03-15 06:06:52 · 1 answers · asked by amopsamster 2

Did she think I was taking her as well?

2007-03-15 06:06:38 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been seeing my boyfriend for a year now and things are still as great as they were in the beginning. I moved away from all my friends to London (to be with him, but to also start a new job) but I'm really lonely. I don't want to depend on him all the time either. The thing is everyone at my work is old so when it's the end of the day he goes to the pub with all his work friends and i just have to go home, because i haven't made any friends here. I've got loads of friends spread out all over the place...but it seems that since we've been seeing each other I don't make friends as easily. I'm really lonely! please help

2007-03-15 06:05:12 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mother is of 39 yrs is comparing me to my older sis who has manic/bipolar disorder. Telling me that b/c I left 3 abusive husbands & need her help still (just recently got my 3rd divorce after leaving him 4 yrs ago). My mom wasn't even mad at ME when she started on me. She had just got off the phone with my bro who was giving her a hard time. Talking down to her. Yelling at her. I merely said, "He needs to remember who he's talking to, he can be such a male chovanist sometimes!" She went OFF on me! Telling me how I'm NO DIFF FROM MY OLDER SIS...and WHAT does that have to do with MY bro?! She didn't stop there, she verbally lashed out at ME! It was shocking to me! I had come down (2hrs ONE way) to help her w/my grandmas house! She attacked me verbally bashing me. My older sis was left by her hubby for her disorder. She lost it after that. Her daughter was raped while in her care. Her son was almost taken away. He was burned badly at her house. She is neglectful. I am NOTHING like her!

2007-03-15 05:56:50 · 2 answers · asked by HeavenlyAngel 3

Naughty Nurse? Sexy Cop?

2007-03-15 05:54:08 · 7 answers · asked by tyemetght814 2

my bf & I have been having problems all we do is fuss we were engaged but now we are not I really do Love him alot & I want 2 make thing better but he just says that he is confused & does not know what 2 do about our relationship right now any ideas or thoughts on what i should say or what u think he says that he really loves me & he has given up a lot 2 be with me I have 2 so what can I do?

2007-03-15 05:48:57 · 7 answers · asked by CUTIE85 2

I hurt him really bad...because I was stupid and took him for granted while we were together. I realize that now but it's probably too late. He told me last night that he didn't love me anymore...but I think he's just saying that cause he's trying move on and push his feelings aside. Because then 5 minutes later he goes "I still have feelings for you!"
But he says he could never date me again because he wouldn't be able to trust me. But I would never hurt him again if I was given another chance. I love this guy. I finally am in love with someone. Do you think he'll ever give me another chance?

2007-03-15 05:48:45 · 9 answers · asked by xfallendaysx 2

Ok here is the thing, I'm feeling really horrible for this and to even be asking about it but it is really bothering me and want to fix it....

I just got engaged 1 month ago and am in love with this guy he is the best thing ever and we have been through alot and are still going strong, we have been together for 4 years now.

Now since we've gotten engaged I have been dreaming of an ex of mine (7 years ago), (haven't been dreaming of him every night or anything but a few times) but I don't understand why. I never had this problem before, why now?

I feel like I'm betraying my finacee and I don't want to feel that way.

Please Help, should I feel bad like I do?

2007-03-15 05:47:26 · 7 answers · asked by Island Girl 2

hi, i know this sounds silly and i should know this but....we've known eachother 12 years, married 7, have 2 kids, he works full time I'm a stay at home mom (for now) and I feel disconnected. He doesn't help around the house, doesn't clean toilets , doesn't do homework with the kids, doesn't play with them on weekends (more like babysits only), ALWAYS wakes up late, NEVER brings me breakfast (happens once a year). I know as a fact he loves his children to death and loves me as a good mom but I wish he would help more and even if he didn't help at all, i would probably be less resentful if he was always happy (like when i first met him) but he comes home after the kids are sleeping and it doesn't bother him that he doesn't see them. I feel lonely ALL of the time and he doesn't notice or doesn't care. Out of the blue he'll say very expressively how much he loves me and can't wait to go on vacation with the family and sometimes i feel like I'm just expecting too much. Thanks 4 listni

2007-03-15 05:41:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-15 05:40:47 · 9 answers · asked by kayaress 3

My cousin has a laptop, and mom found that sex sites had been visited on it. My cousin said that he didn't do it, and blamed me for it, he's in his 30's and own up for his own stuff! I need a lie to get out of this (since my mom won't understand or believe me!) so that I can go to a party tommorow.

2007-03-15 05:39:40 · 7 answers · asked by Chy 1

I'm doing a story where the character needs to really enrage a man. What things could someone say to you that would cause you to loose it? Not just annoy someone, we're talking blood boiling, arms swinging, uncontrolable rage.

Best answer will go to whoever thinks up a few original yet true reasons, things that I myself would have not thought of - like telling a guy he is under-endowed.


2007-03-15 05:25:21 · 8 answers · asked by floridajunkiegal 2

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