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Other - Family & Relationships - 3 July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

hey! is it hard to forget first love or one can get away with those thoughts once the person is married???Or do the comparisons linger on????

2006-07-03 18:41:17 · 6 answers · asked by aarzooji a 3

Lately I've just feel feeling really lonely. I don't seem to connect with anyone or have any strong feelings for anyone anymore... Everytime I get close or try to get close with someone, I get hurt. So just wondering... what do other people do to help cope with this? Safer to not open up to anyone and not get hurt or be lonely?...

2006-07-03 18:30:24 · 15 answers · asked by rlauxter 3

I met this girl on yahoo chat, we IMed each other for a little over 3 hours and everything was cool, and it seemed like we hit it off. She asked me if I was willing to be her boyfriend (not in those words) but I told her to hold back, was that ok? Did I do wrong?

2006-07-03 18:29:04 · 7 answers · asked by JUAN 1

When do things go too far? What is the line where you wouldn't tell something to a stranger? Your number? Your address? What?

2006-07-03 18:26:23 · 15 answers · asked by kerleyfry24 1

2006-07-03 18:24:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

We haven't been together very long, but I definitely trust him enough. I just worry that he'll think it's too weird or kinky. He's pretty open minded, but I have the nice-girl aura, you know? I don't want to spoil any illusions he might have about me. I know a lot of guys supposedly find restraint erotic. How should I bring the subject up to him?

2006-07-03 18:20:54 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well, Im a nice guy, and I treat all the girls with respect and I try to be a gentlemen. I dont plan on having sex until im married so im not just another guy wanting a one night relationship. The good looks wagon didnt pass me by either so Im just not sure anymore. Every time I like a girl and tell her she gets mad, ignores me, or just doesnt like me. Theres this girl I like right now and we are just friends, I told her I liked her a while back and she just got really pissed, we are friends again and I still like her but I dont think I will tell her. What am I doing wrong? What do you girls look for in a guy? BTW im 18

2006-07-03 18:19:34 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

A Memory by: Clint

A Memory is like a shimer in a pond its their but eventually fades.A bad memory is like looking in the mirror in the morning and realizing you are a mess, but soon after you clean yourself up that memory is forgottin. A Memory lasts as long as a quick glance at yourself in a mirror you, quickly look but soon look again because you either forgot to fix something or you thought you saw something. A uncared memory is like the care for someone you dislike it is coldly dismissed like the expelling of carbon dioxide. Keep your Memories in the palm of your hand for when you see your end, Memories will be all you have.

2006-07-03 18:18:24 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

what would he or she be like

2006-07-03 18:13:01 · 6 answers · asked by anyone got nickname suggestions? 2

and to top it all off they most of the time will be with guys who cheat on them or are physicaly or mentaly abusive.

2006-07-03 18:02:45 · 10 answers · asked by bigrigdvr 3

2006-07-03 17:53:53 · 26 answers · asked by allison l 1

My fiancee cheated on me about 5 months ago, we were apart for awhile and now we are back together trying to work things out. Still, when I think about him with her, touching her, taking her out, kissing her, and doing things with her he does with me, it pisses me off and makes me sick. He even told me that if he were to date her it would be easier than being with me. It makes me mad and upset when I think about it, no matter how much I try not to. Will I ever get over it? Is there something I should do or be trying to do to help myself get over it? Or is it always going to be there?

2006-07-03 17:52:28 · 10 answers · asked by sexxxylady1987 1

My parents and I live in the same household. For some reasons, they like to repeat themselves all the time on things they've already asked me to do. I'm not referring to cases where I'm refusing. For example, they asked me to buy something for them within a week and I agreed. During that week, they will keep on "reminding" me to do it. How do you analyse this kind of psychological behavior? Every time I've been sticking to my promise and outcome is always satisfactory. I don't mind to help out in the family but the "repetition" really annoys me. Talked to them a million times and they say they won't do it again but continues.

2006-07-03 17:51:03 · 9 answers · asked by Ocean 2

If you go with a girl and she tells you that she loves you with all her heart, but she can't control her feelings toward other boys

2006-07-03 17:47:59 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

does anyone :

like to go hiking?

like to go swimming no matter what?

play out side by yourself?

lock yourself in your room when your mad?

go off when when your hurt in side?

if you do then your very much like me

2006-07-03 17:43:54 · 13 answers · asked by red 2

2006-07-03 17:36:35 · 2 answers · asked by birdsdafly 3

i never feel beautiful all the guys at my school look at all the popular not shy girls and some arnt nice or pretty

2006-07-03 17:35:35 · 7 answers · asked by taylor 1

some scientists have said that "love" is one persons body reacting to pheromones given off by another person, which creates a euphoric feeling.

2006-07-03 17:23:38 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-03 17:19:15 · 10 answers · asked by Expecting a Girl June 5th!!! 2

Ok well me and my boyfriend broke it off and then he came back apologizing because he never wanted to break up with me but when we did break-up i was a mess and i was heart broker...well anyways he came bak to me and he wanted to get back together and i took him back because i love him so much but i said he was gonna have to work for me to get anything from me but then i gave in and i let him in easily...is that wrong or wat i dunno wat do u think let me knoe im confuzed bout myself?

2006-07-03 17:15:37 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

if a couple is in a relationship and we have a baby together and one on the way and we have some problems getting along with each, what should we do to make our relationship work?

2006-07-03 17:13:54 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I personally don't but just watched a special on CNN and was wondering everyone elses views.

2006-07-03 17:07:25 · 7 answers · asked by pebbles68701 2

2006-07-03 17:07:21 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

guys only

2006-07-03 17:04:37 · 7 answers · asked by alexis h 1

Thing is, it's not a traditional meeting. We're very serious about our relationship and have been together for over a year. Now, under normal circumstances, I know I would wear a nice outfit and bring a bottle of wine or something of the sort and would be prepared for the rest of the stuff that goes along with meeting your significant other's parental units. But I'm only meeting his mother, and it's because we're going skydiving for my boyfriend's birthday.

I can't dress up to impress, 'cause I need to be comfortable enough to jump out of a plane! (Yes, she's diving as well!). So, I'm not sure what kind of shirt to wear. I'm clueless about what would be okay for skydiving anyway!

And it might be awkward to bring something, yeah? I should probably just save that for the first time I actually have dinner or go to their house to properly meet his mom AND dad. I think?

I don't know!

Anyway, share your story on the first time you met THE DREADED PARENTS!

2006-07-03 17:01:33 · 9 answers · asked by Curious In California 1

i'm only 15 and i have been with my bf for about 3 years, i love him so much, but he's always talking about how we're going to be together forever and get married...but is it really possible, i'm not sure if i really believe in forever only because life usually just doesn't happen the way you want it to. what do you think?

2006-07-03 17:00:48 · 4 answers · asked by carebear 1

2006-07-03 16:52:01 · 5 answers · asked by Fresh 1

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