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Other - Family & Relationships - 26 June 2006

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

2006-06-26 04:07:55 · 17 answers · asked by mark m 1

2006-06-26 04:00:07 · 20 answers · asked by botheredfathered 1

In Phycics and/or tarot reading or is it just Bull S#it. I've heard some pesimistic people have been told things that couldn't be explained.ie.. things about them selves to a very fine detail.(Jon Edward) and people like that.

2006-06-26 03:55:58 · 27 answers · asked by westoz 2

I am a mother of 4. I work full time and go to college full time. My mother baby sits for me when the kids get out of school and full time during the summer months. After a hard days work I head to my mom's house to pick up my children. Let me tell you about my mom's house. It is dirty when I drop the kids off and even dirtier when i pick the kids up. My mom expects me to clean her house from top to bottom when I pick up the kids. I would not mind but when you look at the mess it is literally 3 weeks worth!

My 15 year old little sister also lives with my mom. My mom "never" makes her clean, not even her own room. When I lived with her I had to do "everything". I tell my mom that the kids are old enough to clean behind themselves, they are 11,9,8 and 6. She still wants me to do "everything". I told her the when granny took care of me and my brother she never let us cut up in her house like that and granny cleaned "everyday". Who's right

2006-06-26 03:54:49 · 7 answers · asked by Oracle 3

I found this guy, he made me so happy and we didnt do anything but laugh together((matt)), then i saw my x bf((brad)) and i got really sad. he asked for me back and without thinking about it i broke it off with the guy i was with((matt)) and got back together with my x((brad)). Sure i am happy with my x((brad)) but i cant stop thinking about ((matt)) i feel like i may have made the wrong decision. Is it just because its how a break up feels or because i made the wrong decision??...Should i be with brad or should i be with matt? please help me!

2006-06-26 03:45:27 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-26 03:41:59 · 14 answers · asked by LILLIAN L 2

My boand i had been together for a year, but like four days ago i go t mad at him for not answering the phone, i tried to call him more than 20 times, but nothing... We had braken up before, adn i am the one that tries to make our relationship come back to life, but then he says no... he let some days pass and then goes and begg me to go back with him... so now i was tired of been the one that begs first so i havent call him, but i dont know what to do, i love him to death, and i had done a lot of things for him, very risky things... now i feel like if i should test him, but im not sure, what should i doooo?????????? i dont want him to leave me, and i know that may be he would if i dont call, should i call, should i let him brake up with me and see if he really loves and would come back?? I really thrust him, and love him, i dont want to lose him, What should i do?

2006-06-26 03:36:06 · 10 answers · asked by my_sweet_love <3 3

How come people on here answer questions about age differences between 18 and 16 year olds an ALWAYS says its statutory rape? In many states the age of consent is 16,17. In my state Massachusetts the age of consent is 16. So if an 18 year old guy sleeps with a 16 year old girl nothing will happen to the guy in every instance, not even if the parents persue it. I just hate how people on here just answer with what they "believe" to be true without actually knowing the facts.

2006-06-26 03:27:36 · 8 answers · asked by A Dizzle 4

2006-06-26 03:21:48 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-26 03:20:45 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-06-26 03:19:59 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

they just dont like my boyfriend but they like my brothers girlfriend

2006-06-26 03:18:28 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

mine are mother, wife, survivor

2006-06-26 03:15:06 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

How in the world can a mother of three leave a child behind while she take the other two to Disney World? Her daughter is here visiting and her brothers are in Florida having all kinds of fun. Now the daughter is running around with her lip all poked out. Why couldn't she tell her dad that she can come visit after the family trip? The bad thing is she never includes her daughter on these family trips. She eithers send her to the paternal grandmother or send her up here to her dad. I just don't understand some women.

2006-06-26 03:03:53 · 11 answers · asked by DELETED 2

When someone has broken your heart, did you feel "hate" like angry at them? If so, did this feeling of anger stay with you even after you had gotten over them or were you able to forgive and move past it once you were over them?

2006-06-26 02:52:19 · 3 answers · asked by lynzi_n_bridges 2

Last year and half i met a man and i fall in love with him. In that period i was already in a relation, which didn t work, but i told him that im alone. He liked me very much and he insisted to meet eachother but most of the time i was busy part of my bf part of my job and refuse him several times. Then he gave up. After 2 months i called him and he told me that he met someone and he likes her as much as me, but he still wanted to meet me.So we ve met and i make love with him then i keep the relation in this way hoping that he will stay with me .At one time our relation started to get better but suddenly while talkin on messenger he told me that he has to meet her. I was upset and we didnt speak for three weeks.Then he called me lots of time and i din t answer. Last saturday we talk and he told me he is not with her anymore, but since saturday he didnt give me any sign , i mean we didnt speak since then. I would like someone to tell me what is hidding under his behaviour?

2006-06-26 02:33:54 · 19 answers · asked by sad girl 1

Can a man knows when the woman comes?! Cause you know womans can fake. . . Do they feel like we womans feels when they come inside us? Some mans say ''yes, I know'', but I think they dont really know. . :)

2006-06-26 02:31:06 · 10 answers · asked by Sally 1

My mother-in-law has hated me from the start, and i've tried to deal with it but my husbands grandmother recently died and she told him I wasn't welcome to come to the funeral which is a huge slap in the face. My sister-in-law has been my best friend for 10 years (which is how I met my husband) and suddenly she just doesn't want to be my friend anymore. I don't know what's happened but it's driving me crazy. I feel she should at least talk to me about it. She used to act as a buffer between me and her mother but now my mother-in-law says whatever she wants and my sister-in-law won't defend me. I'm sick of the insults and the backstabbing but I love my husband. How can I go on without this straining our marriage?

2006-06-26 02:18:46 · 25 answers · asked by Dani 1

If people think strangers as their loved ones , will peace start growing in this tremendous earth.... think of it...

2006-06-26 02:05:40 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Help needed people. Im a gay woman. My best friend is a guy. We have been best friends for 27 years. He has a long term partner & they have one child. Four years ago.. his gf told me she felt a connection with me. We have tried to ignore it since (very hard cos shes gorgeous in every possible way) Recently.. things have been getting hot again. The glances.. the little touches.. the electricity is unreal. Its very hard to resist but I feel loyalty to my best friend too. Its a crazy situation. Any advice greatly appreciated. Thanks !

2006-06-26 01:53:58 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

my husband emotionally abuses me everyday. we have 3 children
my husband wants to know when i'm on the phone;where i'm going; what i'm doing everyday. i can only go out w/my best friend once a month for approximately 2-hours. he doesn't allow me to go online (I do it at work); he doesn't allow me to go out w/co-workers; he doesn's allow me any money (cuz he says he makes more $$ than me; even though i work too); i had to ask him to get my hair cut and he limited me to only get 4-inches cut off. i don't ever have any $$ on me..i have to ask if we can "afford it" he says no; and later he gets himself something ... I need help in my decision ..please help!?!?!

2006-06-26 01:53:46 · 32 answers · asked by daisie 2

2006-06-26 01:50:59 · 25 answers · asked by stylish_babe 2

when you have been married for a few years and you start feeling lonely and restless.

2006-06-26 01:50:35 · 12 answers · asked by Feathers-n-Lace 3

but i want to stay alone and i am afraid of all friends and relatives.

2006-06-26 01:44:43 · 7 answers · asked by poelay74 1

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