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Friends - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Family & Relationships Friends

I met him, and he sat next to me in the bus, and we spoke all the way to the university. We were in class, and he decided to sit next to me, I am guessing it could also be cause he has a laptop too and needed the same power, or maybe not...
well after that - he and a few friends - went in the car home, and I spent 1hr with him - and him friend just chattin afterwards...
We went for coffee - and that took 2 hrs, he sat next to me, he even took a few snaps with me, and later on, said he was tired cause no sleep so put him pillow against my leg and was just lyin down... he could have just been tired....

then, cause i had my car... i went and dropped them home

well - what's your view??
am i just imagining that he may or may not like me? is it just a friend kind of thing.... ????
hello - whats goin on??

2007-03-20 23:45:45 · 6 answers · asked by Franky 1

one of my guy friends like one of my girl friends since hte two of them hav bee good frens for long she feels awkward. he is really depressed and keeps asking me what to do i've tried PRACTICALY EVERTHING and he still feels bad. im the messenger but im really worried about him.
the qustion is: HOW DO YOU REBUILD UP A FRIENDSHIP? and lose awkwardness?

(and this is also the case with another of my guy friends he likes my best friend and he talksto me too.....ugh)

if u have had experience that would be great! thanks so much to all who give decet answers :)

2007-03-20 23:30:15 · 3 answers · asked by pitchaya. 3

my question is what u need to make for good friend?like a good nature,funny.what is ur opinion just tell me n make it friendship with me i give u the my mobile number also when u joint me.

2007-03-20 23:15:41 · 7 answers · asked by Mukesh D 1

The problem is : I have no friends in my class at all but i do have my friends in other classes. Whenever during pairwork or group work,I'm always the odd one out and others already have their cliques yet I'm the only one on my own and i can feel that they're quite hostile to me and often throw things at me behind my back. Given this situation last time,I would have just cried but somehow i didnt feel an ounce of sadness at all for them ostracizing me,is it correct for me to be oblivious to them? becaue i have tried to be friends with them but they just rejected me,so now i try to excel in my studies and repick myself up and meet up with my good friends in other classes during other times - am i doing the right thing?

2007-03-20 23:10:58 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-20 23:08:47 · 3 answers · asked by amber2035 1

I have to admit i get jealous very easily, or i think its better to say selfish.
I don't like sharing good stuffs i have and know with my friends, for example, good websites etc.
all these while ive known quite a good manga website, mangavolume.com, and last time i shared it with one of my friend and i felt so... unhappy. i didnt like the idea that they also know the website, becos i just cant help having this thought that my friends will get more good stuff out from that website or something like that, and whats more i want to keep all the good things to myself, thats the main thing.
And just a few days ago my friend told me that she found a good website to read manga, and it just so happens that its MANGAVOLUME.COM damnit. and now im feeling all pissed off and angry. ok so what now?

Ive always been like that, and i dont like it. I dont want to be sad and be so jealous and make myself miserable. so any ways to get rid of this forever?

2007-03-20 22:37:51 · 4 answers · asked by blehheh 3

Don't you just wish you were born 10 yrs later...it sucks that we didn't have the internet...having to do the old fashioned way of going down to the library to do reseach on homework etc...
also have ya noticed how people in their early twenties still keep in touch with one another from school? They don't just have several mates but seem to keep in touch with half the year! Of course having being brought up on cellphones, able to text message and now having places like Bebo and Myspace..keeps them all tight.
Okay we have classmates or friendsreunited (I'm British), which is alright but if you haven't kept in contact with people for the last 10/15 yrs it's hard to get people interested.
I bet if I was born in the mid 80's than the mid 70's I would still be in contact with many old school pals...and betcha I would have done better at school..lol
Oh well!

2007-03-20 22:31:26 · 7 answers · asked by nickieca 3

One you will know and befriend forever?

2007-03-20 22:29:41 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ok, here's the dilemma:

I have an important 2,000 word essay to hand in on Friday for the final year of my degree. I haven't started it yet. I really want to stay in and do it..... *but* it's my friend's party tonight and I promised I'd go; plus my best friend keeps nagging me about coming out...

I'm currently at home, 4 hours away from Uni, so if I do travel back to uni today for this party I won't have any time to do my work. I can't leave the party early either as it doesn't start until 10pm, so it would be a late one!

So do I:
1. Stay at home, do my work, but let my friends down and possibly annoy my best friend who really wants me to come out
2. Go back to Uni, please my friends, but not get any work done and have to try to get it all done on Thursday.
3. Some kind of compromise!

I personally don't want to go, but don't want to let my friends down :-(

You decide please!!
:-) xx Em

2007-03-20 22:07:11 · 14 answers · asked by Sparklepop 6

my bf hated my best guyfriend and my guyfriend hated my bf.. i have know my friend for sucha long time .. i dont want to lost a best friend.. but i love my bf.. so yeah is hella drama here...

2007-03-20 21:54:55 · 15 answers · asked by Syn . 1

my ID is " britney_roll@yahoo.com "

2007-03-20 21:52:16 · 5 answers · asked by lover 1

coz i had a best buddy (a guy).. we were happy to be just that..
recently got he coupled up with someone..


you guessed it.. things havent been the same since..

do you think we mite be best friends again..

coz i really, really miss him.. (but then i have no romantic feelings for him)

sometimes i think i should just leave him alone.. now dat he has got a life..

and stop being so pathetic..

but then again...

ahh.. forget it..


2007-03-20 21:29:09 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

she's a 23 year old at varsity

2007-03-20 21:19:15 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-20 21:12:31 · 6 answers · asked by Ann 3

can some nice girl mbe my friend?
i really need a friend my friend (mariam) betrayed me!

2007-03-20 21:06:46 · 12 answers · asked by tania 1

I sometimes feel so lonely. i'm not interested in being with a boy for the sake of combating lonliness. i have family and friends but they live within an hr away so hard to travel around work. i've began to come home and feel sad and lonely for coming home to a quiet place. i am happy and love my job etc but of an evening its too quiet. i don't wish to go out partying etc but what else can i do to combat lonliness other than sit online talking to strangers or moping around by myself

2007-03-20 21:04:27 · 14 answers · asked by mis_fancypants 1

Let me be more specific. I'm married but I live in Dubai alone as my husband works in another country. I'd like to make friends with people whom I can meet up over the weekend and go out with. I'd prefer unmarried people (men/women) cause married men come with a lot of baggage and thats enough for them to keep them busy....any takers?

2007-03-20 20:50:05 · 5 answers · asked by pournima 1

2007-03-20 20:37:14 · 14 answers · asked by ramesh s 1

One of my best friends penelope Just moved to my school.and since shes here everyone is treating me differently.And everybody doesnt like her.Except some girls.Well I heard someone say that my crush likes her but i dont know what to think.right now im in spring break and i just went to her house for a sleepover and it was nothing but boring.all she did was get mad at me for little things.Since my real best friends stephanie doesnt like her We cant hang out together but i want to hang out with stephanie and not penelope and my other friends.But penelope wont let me.What should i do im afraid of loosing friends

2007-03-20 20:19:32 · 9 answers · asked by Priscilla 1

One of my best friends penelope Just moved to my school.and since shes here everyone is treating me differently.And everybody doesnt like her.Except some girls.Well I heard someone say that my crush likes her but i dont know what to think.right now im in spring break and i just went to her house for a sleepover and it was nothing but boring.all she did was get mad at me for little things.Since my real best friends stephanie doesnt like her We cant hang out together but i want to hang out with stephanie and not penelope and my other friends.But penelope wont let me.What should i do im afraid of loosing friends

2007-03-20 20:18:44 · 1 answers · asked by Priscilla 1

Theres this girl at my college who i hang out with alot,, lately she made some new friends who i dont like too much....
anyway,,lately i get a really bad vibe from her.. i went out with another friend who she doesnt know and ran into her in a bar.. We all hung out ,went out to eat and her other friend came to join us.. I saw her glancing at her friend giving smirks,, like smiling at each other inside joke thing.. I got a bad vibe right away.. Then she asks my friend how do we know other, how did we meet..
Then i spoke to her on the phone-she called me and i was asking if shes getting back with her ex,, who i knew,, she tells me "oh i dont want to talk about that with u" like its too personal...
I havent called her since and she hasnt called me, its been 5 months.. i got the vibe that she cant stand me am i wrong>

2007-03-20 20:15:25 · 2 answers · asked by Jetglam 1

2007-03-20 20:13:48 · 11 answers · asked by NETO 1

My supervisor just informed me that he can bring either me or my friend to the movie preview that is sponsored by the company. Since my friend is not free, i am able to go. But... the problem is should i go? My friend also advice me to be careful as our supervisor is a guy... I think it's absurd, but still... i'm so confused...
Help please... thanks.

2007-03-20 20:04:56 · 8 answers · asked by Daffodil 3

I met this girl when i was of 8 yrs. her name is neha. At that time she loves me, and our love grows as we. BUT now one of my friend misguied her about me with taking help of his sister who is one of the close friend of neha. In fact i never tell her that i love her nor she tells me something but i knew that she is misguided and she not loves me now , I STILL LOVE HER. AND i not want to lost her. What i should do???

2007-03-20 20:02:26 · 16 answers · asked by akashofneha 1

She's driving my family and I nuts. Can't kick her out. She drinks a lot and acts stupid and says hurtful things to people when under the influence. She stinks, doesn't shower but once or twice a week and worst of all she can't sing or dance, it's horrifying. I know I'm being cruel but I need a way so I'm not so damn irritated all the time. Also, she sneaks and eats our food, and she's constantly accusing us of taking her food and taking stuff out of her room when her room is locked. Also when I'm having a conversation with someone she put's in her two cents. She tries to make everything about her. She's constantly complaining about her poor life story and expects sympathy. It's driving us crazy, and any suggestions to help me deal with an annoying room mate would be helpful.

2007-03-20 19:57:19 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

well i have this friend.
i seem to always seem to be hating her. and she'd be getting on my nerves alot. theres never a time that this doesnt happen. and if she were becoming friends with someone it'l make me depressed for some reason and then i'd feel i have to compete or someting/

i have a feeling this is jealousy but i'm thinking should i not be friends with her anymore because this is making mee sad.

i dont know how to act

2007-03-20 19:54:25 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'd met all sort of people. My best friend told me that I don't trust people easily. That's is why I don't have a lot of friends. I am who I am. Really hate backbitting...(talking bad stuff about someone behind their back)

2007-03-20 19:36:32 · 7 answers · asked by Leaf 1

i have been friends with this girl for over 5 years, latley she has slept at mine and been watching girl porn whilst i have been on the pc she says tht men come up when i no they dont and also wen we mes about she touches me in places which i do not like and then carrys on as nothing happend she likes boys to and yesterday confronted me saying tht i think she is a lez, but i no shes not fully lez im jus worried if shes bi, it mite just be because of hormones as it seems to be that way we've people my age atm.

2007-03-20 19:33:18 · 16 answers · asked by kerryyyy 2

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