A week ago i told a friend of mine that it would be better that we didn't talk so i can get over my crush on him since he's in a long distance relationship with another girl, as a matter of fact, she's in the Phillipines and he's here in the US. Before this happened, we joked around about hooking up, but then i felt bad and hurt about us joking about it. I told him that i really wanted to do it since i like him, but he has a gf and that it wouldn't be wise if we did it. Anyway, i got angry with him and texted him calling him a "dog" and that i didn't want to have anything to do with him, then later i apologized via text. Then three days ago, I wrote him a letter telling him how i felt hurt about us joking around, and the fact we just treat each other as professionals and he didn't even say hi or acknowledge that he got the letter. He didn't even say anything at all and still hasn't. Yesterday, I came up to desk to say hi but he's ignoring me. What do you think he's thinking?
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