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Friends - January 2007

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a kid didn't believe me when i said that i actually am a nice person. he asked me to prove it, so i said i'd get him something (because i didn't know what else to say). but, due to my procrastination, i haven't gotten him anything and i have no idea what to get him. though, i've been talking to him, and i think i've proven my personality. i feel like i've made an obligation and would feel bad if i don't fulfill it, but i don't know what to do.

2007-01-07 12:32:24 · 18 answers · asked by alexie. 4

2007-01-07 12:29:18 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-07 12:21:35 · 16 answers · asked by Guy 1

I met this "nice" guy. But I cant seem to trust him because of guys cheating or being players or jerks in the my past. How can I trust this guy??

2007-01-07 12:17:07 · 3 answers · asked by Haley 2

I'm a very "keep to myself" type of person, and a few months ago I shared what I was thinking about as a career with one of my friends, this was something that I rarely do, with anyone, even her and also something I hadn't discussed with anyone; we talked for about an hour. A few days ago she acted as though it never happened and she asked me what I was thinking of pursuing after high school, and kept saying "you don't have any idea", "you don't think about it, Melanie". I was HIGHLY offended by this, evidently she doesn't care and doesn't remember. She always wants me to share things with her, and she doesn't even remember what we talk about? I don't think I can overlook this? Does anyone have any suggestions on how I should handle this disappointment in our friendship???

2007-01-07 12:03:45 · 3 answers · asked by Jolly! 1

I finally told my bf that i liked his best friend and he got mad and asked if he should be worried and I told him that i didnt know and i told him that after they left from my house that his best friend liked me and i had to tell him all the secrets that i was keeping from him but he told me that he could not tell me some secrets that was about me. And he said that he was sorry that he coudnt tell me but i told him that he wasn't and i hope that we could work it out.

2007-01-07 11:55:18 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boyfriend has a female friend who he hangs out with about once a week. She used to have feelings for him, but he talked to her about it and she stopped. I know that my boyfriend does not have romantic feelings for this girl nor did he ever. I also know that she does not like him anymore (she has moved on and likes someone else, now).

However, every time I know that he's hanging out with this other girl, I get this horrible, "He's cheating on me"-feeling in my stomach. I know for a fact that he isn't, but I still get this miserable, jealous, insecure feeling when ever I think about them just hanging out, together.

Can anyone give me tips on this? How can I go about to change this jealous feeling? I've felt this way for almost a year, now.

2007-01-07 11:51:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have 2 best friends. We are a group of 3 all the time, and really close to each other, but there is this other girl too. She is trying to steal one of my best friends, and all 3 of us are mad about it because she is really annoying and not nice at all, and really obsessive. How do we get rid of her?

2007-01-07 11:43:30 · 15 answers · asked by marie73 3

2007-01-07 11:32:26 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have a friend she alwys says negative stuff about me shealways calls me stuff like dum-dum & idiot and its really starting to get to me so how do i make her stop?

2007-01-07 11:20:09 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

How does one go about doing it?

2007-01-07 11:12:17 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous


one of my best friends who i've known for half my life lets me experience life like none other. i want to thank her and get her something but nothing comes to mind. i want it to be really good and meaningful. thanking her is not enough. what could i do?

2007-01-07 11:11:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

cuz i thought he was then i just found out hes not. so what do i do shud i continue being his friend and not care?

2007-01-07 11:05:47 · 5 answers · asked by jessicacd91 2

A week ago i told a friend of mine that it would be better that we didn't talk so i can get over my crush on him since he's in a long distance relationship with another girl, as a matter of fact, she's in the Phillipines and he's here in the US. Before this happened, we joked around about hooking up, but then i felt bad and hurt about us joking about it. I told him that i really wanted to do it since i like him, but he has a gf and that it wouldn't be wise if we did it. Anyway, i got angry with him and texted him calling him a "dog" and that i didn't want to have anything to do with him, then later i apologized via text. Then three days ago, I wrote him a letter telling him how i felt hurt about us joking around, and the fact we just treat each other as professionals and he didn't even say hi or acknowledge that he got the letter. He didn't even say anything at all and still hasn't. Yesterday, I came up to desk to say hi but he's ignoring me. What do you think he's thinking?

2007-01-07 11:05:41 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am 14, and recently smoked my first joint and got drunk. I hated it, and never plan to do it again, but i feel guilty. My parents are very understanding but i am unsure if i should tell them. What do you think?

2007-01-07 11:04:09 · 49 answers · asked by gorilintyutin 1

in high school alot of the guys think my best friend is really pretty and i mean i am happy for her but im kinda jelous i guess because i always feel ugly around her and not very confident. She is not only pretty but she also is really outgoing and nice so she makes friends easily. She always tells me when another guy likes her and i dont know how to respond. What can i do to feel better and still be good friends?

2007-01-07 11:02:38 · 14 answers · asked by alexis 2

First off, we've been friends since the sixth grade. When I ran off from home and I went to his house... he let me stay... which was kinda awkward. I came real late, he opened the door to the guest room and put me in. I don't think he was use to company since he was in his boxers... it was hot. Anyway! He has been really kind to me. He has a girlfriend, and I feel bad that I never asked him out earlier... what should I do?

2007-01-07 11:02:11 · 7 answers · asked by Booboo doll 1

He says I left him heartbroken but he says we can still be friends...I dont get it?...i need help understanding this.

2007-01-07 10:58:27 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-07 10:53:44 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

my friend thought i told her secret but i didnt and now im a little mad a t her how can i forgive her

2007-01-07 10:51:00 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Whenever my friend that is male gets mad at me he says I am being a bit** or that I am being a nag. Why? when he gets mad at his male friends he calls them other names. I hate it that when a girl has an opinon or asks for something more then once they get called bit**s and nags. What I mean is why call us names that don't really fit out personality. I am not a female dog I am a nice person. Guys I am not trying to start fights or be snotty I am just asking if it's a general name to call girls or what? (and yes I would rather be called any other name then them two)

2007-01-07 10:50:12 · 3 answers · asked by jenny2tone 5

i'm a female, and though we've been friends for about 6 months i still don't know what he would like. what should i do?

2007-01-07 10:41:32 · 11 answers · asked by brown579 s 2

2007-01-07 10:35:32 · 31 answers · asked by James 6

he is a guy.

2007-01-07 10:29:23 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

one day i came from work and found a shirt that wasn`t mine in my closet

2007-01-07 10:11:38 · 11 answers · asked by Khamari C 1

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